Fall is coming!



  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    nothing better then the month of october....football......cool sunny days.....scenery and whitetail deer start gettin horny!!!!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    So I'm getting impatient for Summer to end here. I hate summer. I hate being hot all the time and paying so much for AC. I am definitely looking forward to Fall...Anybody else? These are the things I miss most...

    1.) Sweaters-comfy, cozy and CUTE
    2.) Jeans...all the time. No more shorts. Blah (mostly because I'm very pale and have a hard time tanning...always embarassing.)
    3.) Eggnog....(Whoa whoa...light version)-especially in coffee.
    3.) making Fall/Winter treats like pumpkin bread, pies, homemade soups and stews....
    4.) Watching Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea with my sisters...an autumn tradition on labor day...we used to watch it every year-my mom always made caramel apples that weekend...
    5.) The beautiful fall colors outside
    6.) Cool days-seeing my breath in the air while clutching my piping hot red-eye with steamed eggnog (I'm detecting a theme)

    ANybody else? I'm so psyched for days when I need at least a light jacket outside :(

    Just make sure your sweater is appropriate, not like your co-workers
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Winter is coming.

    (Strangely, however, not until March 31, 2013.)

    20 bonus points for anyone who gets the reference.

    ETA: I see that ipag and Captain_Apollo will likely get it.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I love Autumn and can't wait for it to arrive (leaves are already falling, it's AUGUST, wtf?! :noway: )

    1. The crunch of leaves underfoot when you get the first frosts
    2. The smell of smoke lingering in the air around Bonfire Night
    3. The kids go back to school :grumble:
    4. Autumn clothing that's kinder to redheads: browns, greens, deep reds, mustards, none of your wishy-washy pastels :yawn:
    5. Birdsong starts and finishes at a reasonable hour, not 3.30am & 10.30pm
    6. There's still the chance of an Indian Summer. Apparently in August there is no chance of a Summer in the UK this year, let's just crack on with Autumn and see if we can get one then :laugh:
    7. Blackberries, conkers, apples, the first home grown Brussels sprouts (always best after the first frost)
    8. Stews, warm and welcoming in the slow cooker when you get home from a long walk with the dogs
    9. Thick tights instead of shaving and fake tan (see 6)
    10. The first wood fire, crackling and spitting, while you watch a film on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy a nice bottle of red wine :drinker:
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    Fall and spring are my favorite, hate winter but it sure makes it a lot easier to run......Summer, great for everything but running; tho it will make you faster in the fall. And bring on the COLLEGE FOOTBALL and of course my birthday week is in October....yes at my age I need a whole week :-)
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I like Fall, but not a huge fan of winter, unless winter is temperate.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Winter is coming.

    (Strangely, however, not until March 31, 2013.)

    20 bonus points for anyone who gets the reference.

    ETA: I see that ipag and Captain_Apollo will likely get it.

    Well duh! But yeah, not soon enough!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    So I'm getting impatient for Summer to end here. I hate summer. I hate being hot all the time and paying so much for AC. I am definitely looking forward to Fall...Anybody else? These are the things I miss most...

    1.) Sweaters-comfy, cozy and CUTE
    2.) Jeans...all the time. No more shorts. Blah (mostly because I'm very pale and have a hard time tanning...always embarassing.)
    3.) Eggnog....(Whoa whoa...light version)-especially in coffee.
    3.) making Fall/Winter treats like pumpkin bread, pies, homemade soups and stews....
    4.) Watching Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea with my sisters...an autumn tradition on labor day...we used to watch it every year-my mom always made caramel apples that weekend...
    5.) The beautiful fall colors outside
    6.) Cool days-seeing my breath in the air while clutching my piping hot red-eye with steamed eggnog (I'm detecting a theme)

    ANybody else? I'm so psyched for days when I need at least a light jacket outside :(

    I agree with #1,2,4,5
    fall is my favorite time of year and it looks good on my pale skin with freckles. The summer sun just turns me pink.
    I love the feeling of energy I get as I get the cooler days with the sun still coming through.
    I reserve my treadmill and jillian micheals to winter rainy months. Where I try to shock everyone when I come out of the sweaters in the spring.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm prepared!


    HAHAHAHA! Love the Boromir Pic. Props just because I love LOTR too.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I love Autumn and can't wait for it to arrive (leaves are already falling, it's AUGUST, wtf?! :noway: )

    1. The crunch of leaves underfoot when you get the first frosts
    2. The smell of smoke lingering in the air around Bonfire Night
    3. The kids go back to school :grumble:
    4. Autumn clothing that's kinder to redheads: browns, greens, deep reds, mustards, none of your wishy-washy pastels :yawn:
    5. Birdsong starts and finishes at a reasonable hour, not 3.30am & 10.30pm
    6. There's still the chance of an Indian Summer. Apparently in August there is no chance of a Summer in the UK this year, let's just crack on with Autumn and see if we can get one then :laugh:
    7. Blackberries, conkers, apples, the first home grown Brussels sprouts (always best after the first frost)
    8. Stews, warm and welcoming in the slow cooker when you get home from a long walk with the dogs
    9. Thick tights instead of shaving and fake tan (see 6)
    10. The first wood fire, crackling and spitting, while you watch a film on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy a nice bottle of red wine :drinker:

    Fantastic List,
    Agree with all 10
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm so with you on getting rid of summer! Can't wait for chicken/veggie soup weather! We leave this weekend for an Alaska cruise and it is supposed to be cool and rainy - can't wait!

    OOOooh! Lucky! We're going to Cancun in October :( back to hot weather. LoL-but it's tropical...and a resort, so I guess that's ok ;)

    I do miss the northwest in the fall...it's so funny though because Montana gets the cold weather and Maryland gets the fall colors. Where is the state that has both? I should move there.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    So I'm getting impatient for Summer to end here. I hate summer. I hate being hot all the time and paying so much for AC. I am definitely looking forward to Fall...Anybody else? These are the things I miss most...

    1.) Sweaters-comfy, cozy and CUTE
    2.) Jeans...all the time. No more shorts. Blah (mostly because I'm very pale and have a hard time tanning...always embarassing.)
    3.) Eggnog....(Whoa whoa...light version)-especially in coffee.
    3.) making Fall/Winter treats like pumpkin bread, pies, homemade soups and stews....
    4.) Watching Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea with my sisters...an autumn tradition on labor day...we used to watch it every year-my mom always made caramel apples that weekend...
    5.) The beautiful fall colors outside
    6.) Cool days-seeing my breath in the air while clutching my piping hot red-eye with steamed eggnog (I'm detecting a theme)

    ANybody else? I'm so psyched for days when I need at least a light jacket outside :(

    Just make sure your sweater is appropriate, not like your co-workers

    *laugh/snort* I am sure I will only wear turtlenecks......I mean...absolutely no neck showing. That's just so crass.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Winter is coming.

    (Strangely, however, not until March 31, 2013.)

    20 bonus points for anyone who gets the reference.

    ETA: I see that ipag and Captain_Apollo will likely get it.

    Actually, winter won't be coming probably until the last half of season four. Autumn is still in full swing in season 3.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I love Autumn and can't wait for it to arrive (leaves are already falling, it's AUGUST, wtf?! :noway: )

    1. The crunch of leaves underfoot when you get the first frosts
    2. The smell of smoke lingering in the air around Bonfire Night
    3. The kids go back to school :grumble:
    4. Autumn clothing that's kinder to redheads: browns, greens, deep reds, mustards, none of your wishy-washy pastels :yawn:
    5. Birdsong starts and finishes at a reasonable hour, not 3.30am & 10.30pm
    6. There's still the chance of an Indian Summer. Apparently in August there is no chance of a Summer in the UK this year, let's just crack on with Autumn and see if we can get one then :laugh:
    7. Blackberries, conkers, apples, the first home grown Brussels sprouts (always best after the first frost)
    8. Stews, warm and welcoming in the slow cooker when you get home from a long walk with the dogs
    9. Thick tights instead of shaving and fake tan (see 6)
    10. The first wood fire, crackling and spitting, while you watch a film on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy a nice bottle of red wine :drinker:

    number 9 got me.

    I am saving my spending money for a month or so in order to go shopping for new fall/winter clothes (especially boots)...thick and cute tights were at the top of the list LOL. I hate summer because if I wear a skirt, I either do not wear pantyhose and reveal my very shamefully pale legs, or I wear nylons and I'm miserably hot. bah.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    Fall is my favorite time of year, too! Football season!! Skinny jeans & boots, hoodies, sweaters, changing colors on leaves (though you don't see that much in Oklahoma), coffee & cocoa, using my crockpot more, eggnog, baking. I love fall!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Winter is coming.

    (Strangely, however, not until March 31, 2013.)

    20 bonus points for anyone who gets the reference.

    ETA: I see that ipag and Captain_Apollo will likely get it.

    Actually, winter won't be coming probably until the last half of season four. Autumn is still in full swing in season 3.

    I'm not so sure. Perhaps the White Walkers will bring a change in seasons much sooner than you think.

    (And no, I have not read any of the books, so I honestly don't know for certain (or even know how closely they follow the books).)
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Winter is coming.

    (Strangely, however, not until March 31, 2013.)

    20 bonus points for anyone who gets the reference.

    ETA: I see that ipag and Captain_Apollo will likely get it.

    Actually, winter won't be coming probably until the last half of season four. Autumn is still in full swing in season 3.

    Can you STOP ruining it for those of us who haven't read it yet? :mad: I mean SERIOUSRY!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Fall is my favorite time of year, too! Football season!! Skinny jeans & boots, hoodies, sweaters, changing colors on leaves (though you don't see that much in Oklahoma), coffee & cocoa, using my crockpot more, eggnog, baking. I love fall!

    Glad to see fellow eggnog lovers. I usually steam it with my machine and add it to espresso...or go to Starbucks and use it to top off a red eye (black eye on a bad day)

    I'm buying a pair of toothpick jeans on my little shopping trip next month..I have matchstick but I want a real pair of skinny jeans...providing they look good on me. And hoodies...and thick cozy socks...baking-definitely. Pumpkin muffins are my favorite thing but I usually don't start making them until later in September...somehow seems wrong to be enjoying fall food when it's still 89 degrees :(
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    Can I find somewhere that is fall ALL YEAR? it's always been my favorite time of year!