I'm having a hard time with "Never again"



  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    It's not about "never again", it's all about portion control. If you go a little high on calories one day because you ate something you shouldn't have, just go low the next day. It will all equal out at the end of the week. You can't eat a big plate of mac and cheese every week, but you sure can have a portion of it once and a while. Telling yourself never again will set you up for failure.
  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    It also helps to remember that there are healthier alternatives that still taste just as or almost as good. Make the mac and cheese like this: http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/creamy-light-macaroni-cheese-50400000115195/ and you will not regret it! It is so much better tasting than that boxed crap! It's also 1/3 of the calories. There are healthier and lower calorie options for every single food out there. You just have to find them! It is not a matter of giving things up, just finding healthier ways to eat them.
    I am an onion ring junkie. So I found the Skinny Baked Onion Ring recipe and make them 2-3 times a week!
  • denise4230
    denise4230 Posts: 82 Member
    Agree with all of the above. The minute I tell myself I can't have something is when I want it so bad, nothing else will do. Then you binge. But when I know I can have anything I want in moderation, I don't get cravings.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    yeah, never again would never work for me. your body will adjust to smaller portions and you will find that you are capable of having a 1/2 cup of macaroni and cheese! trust me!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I never say never! If I did I would want to binge too on chocolate and pizza and all that good stuff! For me it's all about portion control. I will count out four cookies (or what ever the serving size is) and put the rest back and find that I'm satisfied.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I eat everything I want in moderation. I told myself from day one that this has to be a lifestyle change not a diet or I would't stick to it.
    I splurge every single week and I have lost 84 lbs.

    but everyone has to decide what they are comfortable with. I'd rather you have mac and cheese once a week or once every couple weeks then binge and go WAY Over what you would have just had in the first place having mac and cheese.

    Good luck to you.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I'd never have mac and cheese again, only because it makes me feel ill - the cheesiness - I mean I like cheese, but just not the sauce thats made with
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Please read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/709987-how-wrong-i-was-600-days-of-mfp-lotsa-pics

    There's no reason to say "never again" to a food you enjoy unless you have an allergy or intolerance to a certain food.

    If I thought I could never have pizza again, I'd have quit more than 600 days ago. I have it, at least once a week, and it fits in my calories and macros when I do.
    Exactly this!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Never again? I don't know what that is. It's all about portion control for me as well. I'll enjoy a cookie when I have a craving-but only one cookie, no more, no less. If I want cake cause it's someone's birthday or cheesecake cause I'm out and about at the Cheesecake Factory, then I'll have it. If I want it and it fits into my day, I have it. If I didn't, this would be a diet and I wouldn't last, but it's not a diet to me-it really is a lifestyle change.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There is no reason to 'never' eat something again... One of my favourite quotes is 'there is no such thing as bad food, just people who eat badly'.

    You can still eat cake - one portion, when you have earned those calories working out.
    You want mac and cheese? Fine, have a salad at lunch to balance the macros.

    Don't make it harder than it already is by denying yourself things you like!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think the "never again" approach will always lead to binge eating. I have a treat just about every day.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Using the words "never" and "off limits" is labeling food as good and bad. You probably associate yourself with your food choices. (exp: I was bad today, I ate cake! Now this day is ruined... might as well eat as much as I want because tomorrow I need to be "good")

    I say throw away the "diet mentality". Its only going to make you want to rebel. Weight loss is simple, you burn more energy than you consume per day and you lose weight. It does not matter entirely on what the calories were from... Just wouldn't be great for your health if you had ice cream for every meal! You need a balance of macro nutrients... proteins...fats...carbs and fiber .

    Freeze sweets... like cookies. Only take out one and put the container back. If this is too difficult (like it is for me lol) Then do not keep it in the house. Have a slice of cake at that birthday party , have a candy bar from a convenient store, treat yourself .... but don't keep it in the house where it has unlimited portions available. Tell someone in real life, maybe someone who lives with you -- of your goals...stay accountable. That makes it harder to overeat,

    I struggle with binges, I just have to find ways to control myself but not deprive myself of everything .
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    There is no "never again" so long as you are on this side of the dirt. Plan out your binges. I set aside one day a week to eat whatever I want. I still track my foods, and log everything. Nothing is off limits. A large coke? Sure, not problem. Half a dozen doughnuts in one sitting? Bring it! Both at the same time? Sure, why not?

    The important thing I keep in mind is that my binges have to be quality items. I'm not going to waste my day eating mediocre foods that are bland but full of calories. I want the good stuff! Gimme the imported fancy beer, none of this Coors light bull****. I want the the New York Steak, the expensive fancy cheesecake and the high quality Italian restaurant pasta.

    If I'm going to binge, it needs to be good! Downing a box of Snackwells cookies just seems so unsatisfying. I'd rather get the fancy Pepperidge Farm or Girl Scout Cookies and have a big ol' party enjoying my yummy, yummy binge.

    Ditto with things like mac n cheese. I'll plan it out with only the best quality cheeses and pasta and make a casserole that would make a cardiologist cry.

    Trust me, occasional ultimate indulgences will give you the will power to get through the long term. Give yourself permission to enjoy every bite.
  • Irish_eyes75
    I stay away from food I can't limit or have in moderation - or at least I don't trust myself to. Pizza, french fries, ice cream, beer, mashed potatoes <--- major binge trigger. There's more but you get the idea.

    BUT!! I'm not saying I'll never have those foods again, but during this phase of weight loss I'm staying away from them until I trust myself to eat a correct portion because I don't want to screw up my progress, get pissed at myself and possibly throw in the towel. Sounds crazy, but it's so much easier for me to just give them up for now.
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    2 things.

    1: try pre-portioned things. Go to a restaurant on your cheat day and get ONE SERVING of something tasty. Points if you split it with someone. That way, it isn't accessible for you to eat the whole pan, tub, bowl, etc. And you have to actually get up, get dressed, and go pay someone to give it to you. Kind of a penance for eating unhealthy foods.

    2: your username and pic is greatness.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I had Mac and cheese today and still under my calories. You can eat what you like when you are calorie counting, you just have to get the quantities right. If the food item is high in calories, just do what I do and ask yourself if it is worth it. Lol most of the time for me, that answer is no, but if i have to have it, then I will. I just make sure I cut calories elsewhere and exercise so I get some calories to play with. Good Luck x
  • Sthrncupcake
    Sthrncupcake Posts: 79 Member
    I don't adopt the "never again" approach..I would fail within a day if I did... Rather...I eat well. If i have a craving for something...even if its a candy bar...I think about it for a while, actually asking my self in my mind...Do I really want this...if the answer is yes after a bit...then I have it! Has worked well for me!
  • derpina88
    derpina88 Posts: 36 Member
    I appreciate all of you that responded. There were truly some words of wizdom in some of these replys. I feel very lucky to have this community tol share with.

    I wish portion control was easy for me. If "Just eat a little" worked for me then I would not be on ths site!

    Someone said "there is more to life than food" Holy ****. That hit me like a blow to the gut. How have I never realized that before?
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Don't say never again- say I'll have it later-who says when later is-tomorrow-next week, in a month, at Christmas..... We cannot tell ourselves we can't have it again-it doesn't work, we think then we are depriving ourselves-which in turn starts the cycle of binge eating. Give yourself a "cheat" once a week even if it's the whole day of eating/cheating-or one meal-treat, then the next day get back on the path. You'll feel better because you had the yumminess but also recognize you can have it again-just at a later time. Keep the faith about the good choices you are making and continue making them.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I'm sure most have said this, but don't say never! lol If there are certain things that you can't live without, learn how to incorporate them in moderation. yes you probably shouldn't be eating them on a daily basis, nor in the quantity that you may be used to, but if you eat healthy and our on track the majority of the time, the few times inbetween shouldn't effect you much. When your body is functioning properly from the majority of the good stuff, it handles the bad stuff better than it would have if you were still eating those things all the time.

    Another thing i do when I am trying to stop myself from eating things I shouldn't, I tell myself, you had your whole life eating this way, I can have these things once I am in maintenance, not saying I can binge on that stuff then, but eating it in moderation then won't be so bad.

    Good luck and remember, this is a lifestyle change, if you deprived yourself COMPLETELY of all the things you enjoy you are more likely to fail. Have 1/2 a cup compared to say 2 cups of the old way is a huge improvement! lol