What behaviour/attitude led you down the fat path?



  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I was always skinny as a young person. I thought that this could never happen to me. Even as my clothes size became larger I always saw myself as skinny.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    well, for me, I really like food… a lot. I think I have some emotional eating issues, because even now, when I have a bad day, all I want to do is eat crap; although, I do eat much better during the day, so I have calories left over for those nights. I also know how to limit myself these days. Also, I never really took the time to learn about why things are bad (I knew they were "bad", but didn't care to understand it), so I ate lots of carbs and fried things, but would throw in healthy food on top of it, so my calories were out of control! (like, I would have a burger and fries, but think, "oh I need something more healthy" so I would have a salad, too). It started out with, "oh, I havent had any fried things this week, so its, ok to have today", then it was "I havent had any fried things today", and at my highest weight, it was "I had fries earlier, but I dont really care…"
  • mrtoaster
    mrtoaster Posts: 90 Member