I really need help...



  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    But I feel that if I eat more and not exercise like crazy, I will just gain fat. I don't exercise I whole lot because I don't have time orwill power. Usually just a 30 minute brisk walk now and then.

    What you are doing is encouraging your body to tear down your muscle. Losing weight this way will make you "skinny fat" where you are a "healthy" BMI range, but have a lot of extra fat and very little muscle. Some people may be shorter and heavier than you and look skinnier because they have more muscle.

    You need to eat more, especially protein, to ensure you can keep some muscle. As well, throw out your brisk walk and pick up lifting some weights instead. When you eat so little, your body looks at what it can get rid of first that uses up the most energy. Since you don't use your muscles, your body says those should be the number 1 thing to go.

    So, more weight training, more protein. Nobody got their bodies they way they are over night. Do it right, do it slow. This will get you life long results.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    But I feel that if I eat more and not exercise like crazy, I will just gain fat. I don't exercise I whole lot because I don't have time orwill power. Usually just a 30 minute brisk walk now and then.

    What you are doing is encouraging your body to tear down your muscle. Losing weight this way will make you "skinny fat" where you are a "healthy" BMI range, but have a lot of extra fat and very little muscle. Some people may be shorter and heavier than you and look skinnier because they have more muscle.

    You need to eat more, especially protein, to ensure you can keep some muscle. As well, throw out your brisk walk and pick up lifting some weights instead. When you eat so little, your body looks at what it can get rid of first that uses up the most energy. Since you don't use your muscles, your body says those should be the number 1 thing to go.

    So, more weight training, more protein. Nobody got their bodies they way they are over night. Do it right, do it slow. This will get you life long results.

    Do you possibly have a weight training routine that I could follow? Using only 8 lb. weights?
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Do you possibly have a weight training routine that I could follow? Using only 8 lb. weights?

    I don't. I suggest posting in the Fitness section asking for a beginners guide to weight lifting for women. And you'll need more than 8 pounds. You have to USE the muscles.

    Do not be afraid of muscle weight, cuz it looks WAYYY better on girls. Once, on these very forums, a girl posted she gained 10 pounds in muscle... she looked skinnier and her butt look like it got a lift!

    Many girls here lift weights. They will LOVE to help you get started. As well, don't worry about getting all bulky. Girls that get that way spend well over a decade to do so and usually require drugs to get that way.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    You are not eating enough calories that's why you don't have the energy or motivation to exercise. You leave 300-500 calories a day uneaten! You need to try to eat those back with healthy choices. Nuts a re a good one 2 handfuls of raw almonds for snacks and you're there! Over the weekend try to add a 100 calories every other day to your intake until you get to where youa re eating close to what MFP says you need. You'll hve more energy for sure.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm hearing a lot of BUT from you: "Great advise, BUT" "I probably need to go to a doctor, BUT" "I need to exercise, BUT" You obviously know what needs to be done, but are CHOOSING not to do it. Depression can cause mental and physical pain, and make you think you don't have choices, BUT YOU DO.

    What you have written clearly indicates that you need to seek professional help. This is not a sign of weakness, but that you are in over your head. If I crashed my car today, I would not try to fix it myself, I would go to a professional. If my brain is "broken" I'm going to get professional help too. Don't talk to your friends or family about it, they can not give you an objective opinion. You must seek help from a doctor - start with a medical doctor and get thee to a psychologist/psychiatrist soon after.

    There is a well of strength hiding in you. Uncover it. Be the HEALTHIEST (not the thinnest, not the most muscled, but the healthiest mind, body & soul) you can be. Peace to you!
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    Do you possibly have a weight training routine that I could follow? Using only 8 lb. weights?

    I don't. I suggest posting in the Fitness section asking for a beginners guide to weight lifting for women. And you'll need more than 8 pounds. You have to USE the muscles.

    Do not be afraid of muscle weight, cuz it looks WAYYY better on girls. Once, on these very forums, a girl posted she gained 10 pounds in muscle... she looked skinnier and her butt look like it got a lift!

    Many girls here lift weights. They will LOVE to help you get started. As well, don't worry about getting all bulky. Girls that get that way spend well over a decade to do so and usually require drugs to get that way.

    Unfortuinitly, all I have access to are 8 pound weights.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member

    But I feel that if I eat more and not exercise like crazy, I will just gain fat. I don't exercise I whole lot because I don't have time or will power. Usually just a 30 minute brisk walk now and then.

    I think we all feel this way from time to time. We have had it pounded into our heads by everyone-- the media, the diet industry, our doctors, our family--that if we cut back on calories we will lose weight. This is not necessarily true. I had a few moments recently where I was getting nowhere with my plan, feeling tired and achy, but still had some anxiety about adding in more calories. The day after I increased my calorie consumption by 300 (healthy, whole foods) calories my weight dropped half a pound. My muscles are starting to gain definition, and my fitness performance has increased in real and measurable ways with decreased lap times and better strength.

    What you are experiencing is something of a short circuit of that minor anxiety that I experienced. You need to think about like any other illness or injury you may have. Would you go see your friend to help you set a broken arm? Would you ask your family for help with an infection or virus? You should also not rely on friends and family for mental health issues. BDD takes work to get over, and it sounds like you need someone who knows and understands the issues and treatment options.

    Here is a forum dedicated to BDD: http://bddcentral.com/forums/

    Please seek help from a professional. I guarantee you'll wonder what took you so long, and kick yourself for waiting.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I think you said you just wanted to tone (in another post maybe) so 8lbs is fine for that....


    You are not eating enough your body is hongry and you need to feed it beofre you even consider lifting one of those weight off the floor.

    You aid you had a nuttitionist friend....show them your diary and I bet they will tell you the same thing your body needs more fuel to get the results you want.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    I think you said you just wanted to tone (in another post maybe) so 8lbs is fine for that....

    Are you sure 8 lbs is enough to tone? I am hearing many people say it is not enough. I don't care if I get a lot of muscle or not (it would be nice, butt...) I just don't want to be as flabby.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I think you said you just wanted to tone (in another post maybe) so 8lbs is fine for that....

    Are you sure 8 lbs is enough to tone? I am hearing many people say it is not enough. I don't care if I get a lot of muscle or not (it would be nice, butt...) I just don't want to be as flabby.
    It's definitely enough to start with. You mean 8 pound dumbells, am I right?
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    I think you said you just wanted to tone (in another post maybe) so 8lbs is fine for that....

    Are you sure 8 lbs is enough to tone? I am hearing many people say it is not enough. I don't care if I get a lot of muscle or not (it would be nice, butt...) I just don't want to be as flabby.
    It's definitely enough to start with. You mean 8 pound dumbells, am I right?

    Yup. Should I go to 10 pounds after a month? I don't have any 10 pound ones, but I can improvise...
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I think you said you just wanted to tone (in another post maybe) so 8lbs is fine for that....

    Are you sure 8 lbs is enough to tone? I am hearing many people say it is not enough. I don't care if I get a lot of muscle or not (it would be nice, butt...) I just don't want to be as flabby.

    You're only seeing and reading what you want to hear...yes 8 pounds is fine for toning along with bodweight resistance exercises like push ups, dips, air squats, lunges, stuff like that....but please listen to me when I say YOU NEED TO EAT MORE!!!

    All the weight training in the world won't help you at the calorie deficit you are currently at.

    Just give it t try for a week or two eat more protein (cottage cheese, nuts, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs... whatever) to get to your MFP calorie goal each day you'll feel better.
  • mrsspike30
    mrsspike30 Posts: 5 Member
    Please contact the National Eating Disorders Association Information and Referral Helpline at 800.931.2237. Crying after you eat a piece of pizza and beating yourself up about a cookie are signs of disordered eating. Please get help, you are young and your wonderful body has great things ahead of it. Please call and find the closest treatment provider near you.

    If you are in college, you can contact the counseling center at your college, most of them are trained to deal with eating disorders as a very high percentage of women your age have an eating disorder, you are not alone. You can go to the website nationaleatingdisorders .org for more information.