Ladies. . . .shaving issues



  • JenniferARoss
    JenniferARoss Posts: 80 Member
    I thought is was just my body being weird! Definitely have noticed my underarms have changed, and are harder to shave. Was in the shower the other day and thinking "WTF, I understand you can't direct where you lose weight from, but my underarms? Really body, can you lose weight from my stomach, or upper arms instead"... :smile:
  • behendrix
    I was having that problem as well... I now use veet.. leave it on for 3 minutes and jump in the shower and rinse... It works great for me.
  • c1015
    c1015 Posts: 15 Member
    laser hair removal. life. changing.

    ON POINT! Laser hair removal is the best! Any and everywhere!
  • underw64
    underw64 Posts: 26 Member
    for both underarms and knees... sounds dorky, but do every direction of the compass - N, S, E, and W. Chances are you'll get 99.9% of the hairs every time :) it's the only way it's worked for me!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Thanks for sharing the laughs, bloody photo and awesome suggestions! I'm gonna try the hand between the shoulder blades trick for sure. I'd LOVE laser hair removal, but with a gaggle of kids, I just don't have money for that route. . .YET! I've used conditioner in the past as well as cheap men's razors. Perhaps I should investigate some of the higher end options. Dipliatory creams like Nair cause a violent skin reaction on me. I look like I have some weird tropical disease. It was nice the few times I used it before developing a severe senstivity!

    And, hands down, I will have to work intensely at scrubbing the image of "knee bangs" out of my head. THAT was heeeee-larious!!!

    Have a great weekend!!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    Not only do I miss spots, but I constantly nick my now-bony ankles...
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    LOL.....glad I am not the only one. I need help shaving under my arms. I have so much loose skin. Leg are not so bad. Bikini are don't get me started!
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    laser hair removal. life. changing.

    okay... more on this, please? Expensive? Time Consuming? Side Effects?

    I have been thinking on this a lot... very interested in knowing some details.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Oh my goooooodness... AAAAAAA-Men!!

    Ugh! I was just thinking last night about this - as I shaved. My armpits are the worst because I have all the loose skin now that I've lost. The trick of arm behind the head, between shoulder blades? It's helpful and what I do - or using the shower wall and turning my entire body for a good stretch - but when the skin is loose and hanging? Well - it's at least a good 20 times of around the compass (as someone else mentioned - shaving in every direction). The rest of my body? I still have to work around the loose, hanging skin -- but none is so bad as under my arms...

    I wish for the laser hair removal - and probably under arms would be the first place! ;)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I thought is was just my body being weird! Definitely have noticed my underarms have changed, and are harder to shave. Was in the shower the other day and thinking "WTF, I understand you can't direct where you lose weight from, but my underarms? Really body, can you lose weight from my stomach, or upper arms instead"... :smile:

    THANK YOU FOR THIS...... I say this to my own body all the time... I mean, really! How much more am I gonna lose from my waist up and still have huge hips, thighs, calves, etc.?!? It's OK, legs, you can let some of the fat go... I promise, I'll keep you warm some other way... Please, feel free to just let it go!! ;)

    Loved your post! Made me laugh and know that I'm not the only one asking my body those questions! ha, ha, ha.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    LOL.....glad I am not the only one. I need help shaving under my arms. I have so much loose skin. Leg are not so bad. Bikini are don't get me started!

    LMAO... Ummm... yep, agreed... don't get me started there either! Glad I saw someone actually have enough guts to post that. ;)