Guilted by clean eaters?

I'm not a very clean eater. I try to buy fresh fruit and veggies and try to make my own meals. I'm honest with myself though and accept that I really don't have much time. Between my internship and my work I work 12 hours a day 4 days a week. I get home in time to kiss my son while he's sleeping, scarf down the food my husband cooked, and do a quick 30 minute workout before I have to crawl into bed and do the same thing the next day. In the mornings I try to shove healthy food into my lunch bag, but it just doesn't always happen. In the end, I don't eat the best of foods, but I keep it under my calorie goal most days.

My reason for posting this though is that I read all these posts on the community that (I feel) ridicule those of use who don't eat clean. They guilt us into thinking we're putting garbage in our mouths if we don't eat like they do. I find I read these clean posts and walk away feeling like the fattest slob on the earth because I chose to eat a Jimmy Dean D-lite for breakfast rather than a freshly fixed meal.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I the only one?


  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm not a very clean eater. I try to buy fresh fruit and veggies and try to make my own meals. I'm honest with myself though and accept that I really don't have much time. Between my internship and my work I work 12 hours a day 4 days a week. I get home in time to kiss my son while he's sleeping, scarf down the food my husband cooked, and do a quick 30 minute workout before I have to crawl into bed and do the same thing the next day. In the mornings I try to shove healthy food into my lunch bag, but it just doesn't always happen. In the end, I don't eat the best of foods, but I keep it under my calorie goal most days.

    My reason for posting this though is that I read all these posts on the community that (I feel) ridicule those of use who don't eat clean. They guilt us into thinking we're putting garbage in our mouths if we don't eat like they do. I find I read these clean posts and walk away feeling like the fattest slob on the earth because I chose to eat a Jimmy Dean D-lite for breakfast rather than a freshly fixed meal.

    Does anyone else feel this way, or am I the only one?

    I used to not have a clean eating diet and I wouldn't share my diary because I didn't want to be judged. I lost over 50 pounds doing it the way I wanted. Now I do eat clean and share my diary and take suggestions. I am sorry that you have been made to feel that way. :(
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I ignore it, I think the thing is people who find what works for them (clean eating, fasting, weight watchers, the twinkie diet!) can be almost evangelical about it without even realising, they wants everyone to feel as good as they do, they don't mean to lecture but if you're already aware you could be making better choices you can feel like they're having a dig.

    Obviously there are some who go too far but I think most want to help.

    Read what you find useful, ignore what you don't.

    I'm aware I could make some better choices but I'm happy to have some processed 'junk' in my diet, it works for me.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    My diet is open, and honestly, I don't eat terribly clean myself. I like going out... a lot. And so long as I stick to my macros and calories, I am fine. I do not see the need to eat 100% "clean" as others would see it, but still am healthy.

    Simply because it wasn't fresh picked off the vine in your own garden does not make it garbage.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm not a very clean eater either, but I figure I'm just not THERE in my journey yet. Right now, I'm focused on religiously logging & keeping up with steady exercise. Once I get those habits down, then I can set new goals for myself.

    I think clean eating is a lifestyle change that you need to do when you're ready. But of course, more fruits and veggies in your diet sooner than later can't hurt.

    Don't feel bad. Be proud of the lifestyle changes you've made and maintained since the start of your journey!
  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 238 Member
    No guilt here. Nobody can claim the "moral high ground". by claiming/inferring superiority of food choices. I just say "good for them"and eat what I choose. Down 40 with 28 to go. I am at peace with myself and the universe...well mostly :bigsmile:
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    I will tell you what I used to tell my clients when I was a fitness professional, "My body remains unchanged regardless of what you do."

    ^^ This statement wasn't designed to make anyone feel bad. I was merely driving the point home that I am not judging them. The choices I make affect ONLY ME. The flip side of this coin is that the choices my clients would make would affect ONLY THEM.

    So my dear, I am sorry that you are made to feel badly, but that's a negative voice that you have in your head. I know that you must have seen a lot of rude comments and heard them, no doubt. But don't let negative people rent space in your head.

    Now as to the processed foods. I've avoided them like the plague since long before I had my first child 20 years ago.

    Here is a link to pics of me before, during, and after "the health, wellness and fitness" light bulb went on. The images go from most recent to oldest.

    Bottom line is that YOU are the only person who has to live in your body. Tune out rude people and gravitate towards those who have achieved the goals that are most like yours, in the fashion that you deem most proper. If going down a few clothing sizes but ignoring best nutritional practices overall is ok with you, then do that. If attaining and maintaining a healthier lifestyle where you feel like a million bucks is the goal, then look towards those who can give you proper encouragement. (BTW - one of the nice perks of picking the latter is you will also drop a few dress sizes).

    I wish you all the best!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I think we all have to do the best with what we have! I try to eat as clean as *I* can because it's the only way for me to lose weight. Clean for me though still does include processed things - I could never live without anything processed! For the majority of days it's minimally processed because I hate to cook and love my carbs so I will eat things like canned beans/veggies, tortillas, bread, rice, etc. But alas, I know me, and I'm never going to be a health food nut, so sometimes it includes a box of mac & cheese or going out to eat! I'd love to give up the junk entirely but it's never going to happen. lol!!!

    I fully believe everyone needs to do what is best for them but I also think eating healthier is the goal and you're obviously working on that. We each only have so much time/money and we need to fit a losing weight in with the parameters we have. You're doing it, that's the important thing! You got this!!!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    ha, im munching a rice cake with peanut butter and swigging coffee with protein powder. is that clean? heck no, but its a helluva lot better than a big bowl of fruit loops or a handful of cookies. i find its a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of thing. eating well isnt good enough for the clean eaters...but they arent good enough for the paleo dieters, who get called crazy by those just eating well. if it works for you, go for it.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I can relate. There are a lot of people here who find something that worked really well for them and then want to share with everyone. Let's face it-most of us like to do this. When we find something good, we want everyone to know about it. It's easy to forget that not everything works for everyone. And then there's others that just think everyone in the world has to do it their way or be inferior.

    I'll be honest-I do my best not to listen to people who want to judge how I choose to eat. I've had folks in real life see me test my blood sugar and then attack me for eating something that they think a diabetic shouldn't eat. Like they know *anything*. And never mind to them that I'm NOT diabetic. I'm on the other end of the issue-hypoglycemic sometimes.

    People love to judge-but they have no business judging you. Don't let them get you down. If what you eat is working for you, then go with it. If you want, then get a tip now and then from others. But remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Let the clean eaters go live in their clean rooms with their clean food and their clean lives and do whatever clean stuff they want to do. (No, I'm not judging them.) But it's no reflection on YOU. People like you and me do the best we can with what we've got-which is about five minutes a day to even think about planning food, let alone do something about it before it's time to jump in. So ignore 'em.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    It depends on your goals. If all you care about is looking better naked, eating clean is not needed. If you want better general health, it is more important.

    Eating “clean” -
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I try to eat as healthy as possible, make sure I get a couple of servings of fresh fruits and veggies everyday, but I'm by no means a 'clean' eater. I have seen some of the holier than thou posts, I ignore them. We all have to do what is best for us!
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I was guilted into clean eating (again) after my BP was measured at 159/101 at 29...

    now off meds with a healthy blood pressure, and a cholesterol level of 123.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't feel guilty about what I eat. I am very proud of myself for my accomplishments. Eat what you enjoy and don't let the authoritarian-types make you feel guilty.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    "Clean eating" is a relative term. I've never had one, but Jimmy Dean D-lite qualifies as clean to me. Don't sweat it. Do your best.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    After lots of reading and watching Hungry for Change and Food Inc. etc.. I knew I had to do what I had always known.. which was to eat clean(er).
    It was hard to start.. and I had to make it a major priority.. and also cut out caring about variety, flavour and being really interested in food.
    Sodium, sugar, wheat affects me drastically. When I cut those things out, my energy shoots up, my skin looks amazing, I feel healthy.. and I also lose weight.

    You can lose weight eating anything..clearly. But for me, eating clean is the only way I know how to honour and respect my body for life and treat it how it deserves.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I think that this is an area where common sense should trump dogma.

    Are you eating "mostly" nutrient dense foods, and are you making some effort to limit processed foods when possible? Do this and I think you'll be in an excellent spot for both body composition and health even with the inclusion of some processed junk food.

    Are you just creating a deficit eating almost all processed foods? Do this and you'll still lose weight, you might even get the same body composition benefits if your macros are set up and hit correctly, but you could possibly have health problems, satiety issues, performance issues, etc.
  • Nyrehtak
    Nyrehtak Posts: 12
    I actually am making a change in my eating. I check the nutrients in the processed stuff I do eat. I try to avoid stuff that has ingredients I can't read and if it's something that normally should require refridgeration but doesn't, then I don't eat it. I'm eating at home a lot more and making different choices. I've started cutting out breads and cheeses, and most sugary snacks. I've moved to veggies and fruits over chocolate and candy, and have supplemented my other unhealthy cravings with tea. So I'm not eating processed crap all the time, I just don't like the guilt I feel over eating some of the crappy stuff.

    But, it's my own guilt in the end and I should own it and overcome it. I don't feel so bad now :) thanks to everyone for their opinion! You guys are very helpful!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I am a clean eater - not by choice though. I just have a lot of allergies and can't eat packaged food.

    I have this very important thing to say, and I say it without judgment;

    Every path is not perfect.

    Some choices are less good for you then others.

    Clean eaters aren't making you feel guilty. YOU are making you feel guilty. So stop it.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    ha, im munching a rice cake with peanut butter and swigging coffee with protein powder. is that clean? heck no, but its a helluva lot better than a big bowl of fruit loops or a handful of cookies. i find its a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of thing. eating well isnt good enough for the clean eaters...but they arent good enough for the paleo dieters, who get called crazy by those just eating well. if it works for you, go for it.

    coffee with protein powder!!! never thought of that! i LOVE my coffee, and what an excellent way to get my grams up for the day! ty!
  • GeekyGoddess
    I don't eat clean, or vegan, or any other way. I just eat. And when it comes to those threads with vegans and clean eaters waxing philisophical about how much better their WOE is campared to my yoplait light and lean cuisine diet, I just ignore it. They don't walk my path in my shoes, and I don't walk theirs. I just remember how freakin' awesome I am and hope that some day lean cuisine comes out with gourmet clean eating options so I can be all high and mighty too.