Guilted by clean eaters?



  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm far from a clean eater but I do budget in as many vegetables and fruits as I can. I don't really care if somebody wants to judge me for this and I keep my diary open to my friends as well. If they judge, I'll just delete them.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I actually am making a change in my eating. I check the nutrients in the processed stuff I do eat. I try to avoid stuff that has ingredients I can't read and if it's something that normally should require refridgeration but doesn't, then I don't eat it. I'm eating at home a lot more and making different choices. I've started cutting out breads and cheeses, and most sugary snacks. I've moved to veggies and fruits over chocolate and candy, and have supplemented my other unhealthy cravings with tea. So I'm not eating processed crap all the time, I just don't like the guilt I feel over eating some of the crappy stuff.

    But, it's my own guilt in the end and I should own it and overcome it. I don't feel so bad now :) thanks to everyone for their opinion! You guys are very helpful!

    I don't enjoy cooking, and certainly don't feel like taking anymore time in the kitchen than necessary after work!! I try to make things as easy as possible.

    I'm not a fruit or veggie fan, but FLAVOR makes all the difference!! I buy the steam in the bag, ready to go veggies, like green beans or brocolli. I throw 'em in the microwave for a couple of minutes and they're done! Now, if you ask me....eating them right out of the bag is gross, and makes me gag. However, throw them in a skillet with a bit of butter and lots of pre-crushed garlic from a jar, and you've got an awesome side dish in minutes. Chop up some pre-cooked chicken strips and throw them in there with it, and you've literally got dinner in 10 min! Add an additional side and you're good.

    I also buy lots of ready made salads, on the go cottage cheese or yogurt cups and will add stuff. ie, add bran buds to yogurt. easy stuff like that.

    I usually have to buy lunch or late breakfast so I eat out almost every day, and I always save cals for a piece of chocolate at the end of the day. Do what works, and ENJOY what you're eating. Remember though....the healthier you eat, not only do you feel better, but my biggest motivator??? You get to eat MORE!!!!! :):):)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Does anyone else feel this way, or am I the only one?

    I think what you are feeling is quite common.

    For some unknown reason many people feel compelled to equate food with morality and / or superiority.

    Pay them no mind.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Just ignore them. Do whatever works for you. You have plenty of company when it comes to eating junk. We all do at times. I really can't believe anyone who says that they never mess up. Congrats on being at this site and getting in that exercise.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Nope, don't give a ****. I eat cookies and ice cream every day and my diary is public. I lose weight and feel awesome doing it. Come at me bro.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Also, don't make the mistake of interpreting someone saying they believe "clean" eating is probably healthier with them judging your choice of food. As humans, we tend to interpret someone expressing a different view as judging our view.

    It's a lot like the recent veg*n threads where it was discussed that people sometimes interpret "I'm a veg*n" with "My diet is superior to your diet in every way." Yeah, that *is* probably what a few of them mean, but most probably just mean it as a statement of their preference, not judgment of yours.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    When my food is dirty it gets punished.
  • Rayzback
    Rayzback Posts: 73
    It depends on your goals. If all you care about is looking better naked, eating clean is not needed. If you want better general health, it is more important.

    Eating “clean” -

    I liked the link... thanks.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    To each their own. I eat clean sometimes and not other times. I work a ton (lately about 11hrs a day almost 7 days a week with 3hrs round trip commute 5 of those days) so sometimes I just don't have time and throw something quick and easy together. I've started cooking in big batches and making freezer meals that make it a lot easier to eat healthy and clean.

    I wouldn't judge someone who doesn't want to eat clean or doesn't feel they have the time but I'd be happy to help them figure out ways they can make it work for them. Ultimately, how someone else eats doesn't affect me, so why should I care?
  • helen0616
    I find this is a little bit ironic because most of the "clean eaters" I have spoken with acknowledge that there really is not rule book for clean eating. A question as simple as "what foods are clean?" will garner dozens if not hundreds of conflicting opinions. The ultimate goal is to increase the healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and decrease the unhealthy ones like microwave burritos and fried butter. It is not the goal for us to feel guilty about ourselves in the process. This journey should be uplifting and if it isn't, you need to find the source of that pollution and get rid of it. You are empowering yourself, you are improving your health, you are prolonging you life. Nothing about that should create feelings of guilt.

    Just dismiss it - to each his or her own.
  • GiniAldam74
    GiniAldam74 Posts: 5 Member
    It depends on your goals. If all you care about is looking better naked, eating clean is not needed. If you want better general health, it is more important.

    Eating “clean” -

    totally agree here, I am neither one or the other in regards to 'clean eating' but it depends what you you mean conv enience foods or still eating junk but less of it? but when it comes to dieting am strict and do have certain bug bears re some diaries and I did blog it. And despite what i wrote it may be a big thing to go from just example 3 donuts a day to 1 and lose weight but for general health it is not good in the long run, and I do understand that time is an issue for busy people but there are healthy option ready meals out there and dont think this is a problem. But at the end of the day we all like to vent our opinions and we all have them and dont think anyone genuinely wishes you to feel guilty think we all trying to help in our own way as to what has worked for us. Do what you feel is right for you despite what i or anyone think, pick and choose the info that is good for you.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I don't feel guilted by clean eaters unless they say something to me specifically, at which point I really just feel annoyed. Funny, whenever I go out with one friend she feels like has to drink water because I never order a sugary drink. It's simply because I don't like them. Sometimes it's all in your head...
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,045 Member
    I'm sorry that the clean eating of others makes you feel guilty. I have to admit to being guilty of making a friend feel bad because of my comments encouraging her to eat better. I realized that my comment made her skip logging, so I suggested she close her diary. That is what she did, and she has been doing better ever since.

    I think everyone becomes a missionary for what they think is best. Do what you can and what works for you. When you have more time, you may be able to improve your diet. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I think that anyone that want's to clean up their diet by eliminating as many processed foods as they can should do it sensibly. Personally I have found that by removing undesirables and replacing them with healthier options is the the most effective. To try and change everything overnight would make your body revolt. Inch by inch or baby steps is the key, IMHO.

    I have changed my diet and I haven't felt this good since I was a teenager, and that was a couple of years ago. :wink:

    There's no reason to feel quilty, you are in control of your life. Eat clean or do not, it's your decision, not someone else's.

    Best of luck.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    no one can MAKE me feel guilty over my food choices, or anything for that matter. they can talk all they want. in the end, if i DO let them get to me and i CHOOSE to feel guilty over my eating, then i see that as a signal that i KNOW i need to be doing something differently.

    if you are happy with your choices, no one can make you feel guilty!
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    You just need to do what works for you. I am NOT a clean eater at all & never will be or want to be honestly. I love chocolate & have it pretty much every day, I'm not willing to give it up. I have learned to make some adjustments to make things better & do better portions because that is what I will be able to live with long term.
  • iryshjones
    iryshjones Posts: 79 Member
    i don't know if this will help or not but i also work 12hr shifts - days and nights. The only way i get through it is to make all my meals and snacks on my day off - i put them in tupper ware containers and then pack my lunch the night before (or morning) i go to work.
    I am lucky in that way because i do not mind eating the same thing for 3 or 4 days :)
    Sounds like you are doing just fine, everyone has a different life and so you do what works for you!
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I like the phrase "everything in moderation". It's about what fits your lifestyle and at times, budget.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    I don't eat clean anymore more, but there is a difference between eating well, eating clean and constantly eating junk.

    I see people eating junk every day like KFC, Burger King, high salt pizza, ready meals and utter crap constantly then cutting corner the rest of the day to come in under. Thats just wrong and not healthy.

    I have eaten a McDonalds today and will have a bag of crisps and a drink later today is a bit of weird day since I have been out with the family all day and a kids party.

    I am not going to beat myself up over it because i have eaten really well the rest of the week and been the gym several times and know I can improve my diet if weight goes on. Even though there is processed stuff in my diet like cottage cheese and light coleslaw and cheese I am doing well.

    Nothing wrong with eating semi clean if you are sensible and if its working.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I like it dirty. Unless you have the time to grow vegetarian chickens in the back yard, you do what you can.