Need a laugh? Have one at my expense :)



  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501

    THAT NUMBER JUST TRIED CALLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aughhhh! haaaaaahahahahahaaa, this day just keeps getting better and better, dunnit??

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Answer it. What if it was fate and that's like prince effin' charming on the other end?

    Or a wealthy older gentlemen with no heirs! Or a creeper with a banana hammock. Or my uncle Verne. Or a random celebrity or singer for a rock band. Or the casting director for a new hollywood film. Or the guy who makes your latte at the local coffee shop. Or an extremely titillated 12 year old. The possibilities are endless - isn't the curiosity driving you nuts? I would be insanely curious!!!


    You should post the number on here now and we'll all text it and figure it out for you. Lmao.

    4 real! This morning i 8 an 0 range 4 breakfast today, and 4 egg whites... 0, and I plan on doing 3 sets of 333 lunges after I get my cardio in today!

    LOL Until I read the entire thread I was like omg 3 sets of 333 lunges....not only does that sound borderline OCD but also VERY painful......

    You do realize that she is giving out the #, right?? Just need to make sure everyone is on the same page. Let's text some photos he won't appreciate as much. I have a fat roll I could send him! lol!