Game: Urban Dictionary. com says my NAME means.....



  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Nancy - - A vibrant girl with a zest for living life to its fullest. Nancy has the smarts and the looks to make every man fall in love with her without any flirtation. Any guy would be lucky to date a Nancy. She is everything. Adventurous, outgoing, energetic, intelligent, funny, artsy, studious, free-spirited, lively, kind-hearted, generous, enthusiastic, friendly, and loving - all the while staying modest and humble. She becomes uncomfortable when receiving compliments and never boasts about her talents.

    Nancy is just naturally attractive and doesn't use makeup to make herself look beautiful. Her style is fresh, comfortable, and gorgeous. Not an athlete - but athletic. Not a voluptuous babe - but sexy in her own way. Unafraid to venture out and try anything, she'll have you doing things you wouldn't have thought of doing before and you'll love every second of it. She gives meaning to life and life to the meaningless. You'll find yourself becoming more and more addicted to her presence. You'll ache every minute she's not with you and she'll pretty much occupy all the space in your head every second of every day. Nancy's smile is gold and her laughter is magic.

    There is no one else quite like Nancy.

    I'll never forget that Nancy.

    She is a treasure.

    I am so f*cking in love with her.

    Bwahaaaaaaaaa:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member

    1) by far, the most beautiful woman ever to exist

    2) An Arabic name meaning lofty or sublime. This is a girl name.

    3) the coolest motha fu**a on this earth
    damnn alia's got swagg ;)

    4) One of the most beautiful women to exist. A person who usually can make your world go round and if you don't have an Alia in you life you might want to find one. Super extra ordinary, never would cheat on her boyfriend because she usually is honest. Also Loving, Funny, Amazing, & Without a doubt the most down to earth chick you will ever meet. Plus gives the best hugs and kisses in the whole world. If you have an Alia never let her go because if you do you will regret it for the rest of your life.

    5) The sister of Paul Atreides from the novel Dune.

    6) A girl's name meaning many things in several languages.

    Can be spelled many ways, and may itself be a variant.
    Alya, Aliah, Aliegha, Aliya, Aliyah, Alyia, Alea, Aleiah; almost any way works.
    The pronunciation varies from person to person.

    Hebrew: Noble, Ascend
    Arabic: Sky, Heaven, Loftiness, Sublime
    German: All
    Swahili: Exalted
    As you can see from the meanings, Alia (and any variation) is pretty kickass name to have.

    Alia Atreides is also a pretty kick *kitten* character from the Dune series.

    1. A thief

    2. A tease

    3. A large woman who loves to make hummus from a box

    What can I say? I like making hummus from a box :laugh: oh, and I suppose all the others are true lol
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    My name, Axel, just comes up with Kingdom Hearts refs. Which I have no problem with <3
    Flurry of Dancing Flames, baby, got it memorised?
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member

    a kid with lack of self control, but funny as ****, and thinks every joke has sexual innuendo. Hes good at all sports and has tons of friends and gets all the chicks. Hes smart and will end up at a good college. Gerard is french for "huge ****." A gerard usually gets a ton of girls.
  • Tavysh
    Tavysh Posts: 204 Member

    The first Man to ever get laid.

    a goofy,funny,crazii,outgoing,loving person!
    a guy with this name is amazing. he is adorable and very caring person. he will always be there for you. he might have the nicknamegoober. he can make you laugh no matter what,even if ur having the worst day ever. some people may call him weird or strange, but if he wasnt all of those things then he wouldn't be goober. he is a remarkable person,trustworthy, and an awesome friend.
  • locaoca
    locaoca Posts: 41 Member

    1. Known in urban legend as the ultimate wife, super mom and sex goddess!Very loyal and caring but ready to strike when prevoked. should be handled with extreme caution!

    You can't handle the Wanda!

    2. A beautiful, mysterious person. Artistic, creative and often a good-listener. A person to confide in, loyal and trustworthy.

    You are always there for me. Thanks for being such a Wanda.

    4. A woman who is very dedicated,caring, beautiful, can always make others smile and feel great nomatter whats going on.A very intellegent, independent woman.

    Wanda is the closest thing to perfect

    11. A very weird thing, that is in no way describable

    That was the weirdest thing ever, it must have been a Wanda.

    13. A bad person, both inside and out. Never can accomlish anything but failing at life. Is best at getting people to hate her because theres nothing worth loving. Wanda's are put on this earth to show others what could happen if you were born a nothing. Wanda's are best off killing themselves because the people around them would be much happier. Wanda's are what you become when you lived your first life as a horrible person, died and come back as in your second life, which is your hell.

    Is that Wanda? Lets kill her so the world will be a better place :)

    Yep...all pretty much spot on. :laugh:
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    a very extreamly confusing guy. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time. veryy flirtatious. manwhore. willll lead you on. halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..
    not persistant.
    changes moods easily; moody.
    greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Oh, I like this!


    The name of a girl who is very pretty and is so lovable that boys fall in love with her instantly. An intelligent and sexy female with LUSCIOUS physical features. An extremely smart and sexy female with great hair and a great face. Nice, sweet and generous are words that go along with Lisa. She is funny and giving. Likes to have a good time. She is self confident and blessed with good genes. She just has it all; all other girls are extremely jealous of her. Loves chinese food and tattoos. Loves moths doing there own kamakaze suicide atempts into flames. Someone who has a great zest for life. Has an unprecedented sense of humor. She is the life and soul of a party, which makes her extremely sociable. Lisa has a very unpredictable lifestyle. Intelligent and very focused. Strong set of character, which makes her stands out from the rest. Never one who gives up. Extremely beautiful. Amazing lover.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member

    the sexiest woman on the planet. never see her without peeing your pants. cant help but pop one when you look at her. always laughing and has a smile that makes you poop your pants. but you gotta love her :D

    "DAMN!!!! look at that sexy monica over there. she is the sexiest woman on the planet. never see her without peeing your pants. cant help but pop one when you look at her. always laughing and has a smile that makes you poop your pants. but you gotta love her :D"
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    1. Wendy
    1) Intellectually attractive woman.
    2) Physically attractive woman.
    3) Emotonally attractive woman.
    4) Attractivve in all 3 major ways, yet not you are condemned to be 'just friends'
    Person a: Oh man, she's perfect!
    Person B: Oh yeah? So are you guys dating ow what?
    Person A: Nah man, she's a total Wendy....ya know?
    2. Wendy
    A very intelligent person, caregiver, beautiful.
    Wow, what a Wendy.
    3. Wendy
    A sweet girl with a lot of heart. A Wendy also is the life of a party and everyone likes her.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Brittany: A girl usually born in American in the 80's or 90's. Yep. Brittany's are very attractive, popular, Not this one! and have good hearts. Everyone wishes to be as cool as the Brittany's and are jealous when they can't compare. Probably :P Sometimes Brittany's are a little blonde, but it's simply because they love life and laughing, and enjoy seeing other people laugh as well.[Definitely this...I was born blonde...[/b] Brittanys are usually envied by less popular people. Brittanys can be insecure but they shouldn't be, people try to bring them down but Brittanys will always end up winning...they need to realize how wonderful they are. Meh. Guys are intimidated to ask them out just because Brittanys are so unique and awesome. Yeah, intimidated....THAT'S why I never got dates in high school...:laugh:
    Brittany = Popular, outgoing, loved by all, sometimes teased out of jealousy, loved by adults, kids love them too, smart, & funny.
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    1. Kristine

    A very beautiful girl that may not be the tallest woman on the planet. Very shy, but super crazy. One knows how to be kind and caring. Loves to be a part and make good of ones life. She falls, but always gets back up. Loves to have fun. and goes great with her guy. (names that start with c-t).specifically loves d's for some reason. Down to earth. beautiful yet has the brains too.
    "Hey did you check out the new girl? she seems so cute and friendly."

    "she perfectly kristine. :)"
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member

    A woman named Amanda is typically very beautiful with an incredible body and nice eyes. They are known to be very loveable. Amandas are envied by other women.
    1. Damnnn, Amanda's lookin' fine today, as usual.
    2. I wish I was Amanda, shes so pretty and nice!
    2. Amanda
    Amanda does NOT mean "A man DUH" it is a name which means
    "Love" in the definations of name books.
    Hi my name is Amanda yourself?
    3. amanda
    a woman who doesn't take **** from anyone, even her own parents. She does things her way when she wants where she wants how she wants with who she wants
    i love lucy's attitude. it's an amanda attitude.

    # 3 is absolutely correct. I do not take **** from anyone, especially my parents. lol
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    Gabriela : a really beautiful girl with amazing boobs that is really hard to get. if you get her you are a lucky man. often gets mistaken for a ***** but shes the nicest person you will ever meet. chillest girl on earth and if you get to know her you will love her..She has an amazing laugh, and is so gorgeous, words don't do her justice. She is someone you will always want to be your girlfriend, even though she is always taken...One amazing thing about her she will prefer to make you happy then her self . She goes out of the way for others. You must work your butt to get this girl , trust me the hard work will pay of once she's yours she is truly a keeper with a warm heat. And super nice boobs and knows how to work that body during sex. You will fall in deep deep super deep truly in love with her and make you have butterflies and know what loveis.

  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member


    1) He is a fun loving guy really funny and can make anyone laugh. He is very quiet at first and seems shy but when you get to know him you will fall in love. He has very good style and always looks handsome. He also always smells really good :)

    2) Coolest kid in the world, very popular, girls are all over him usually most of the time, loves pu$$y

    3) A cool guy with the ladies all over him. Smart, funny, and hot, with a great d!ck.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member

    always the hottest ****'n girl in school with both personality and T & A (tits and *kitten*)
    think this was true of me for a minute

    sweetest, nicest girl you will ever meet. cries when watching movies or when anyone gets hurt. Brilliant smile and bubbly personality. Is unaware of just how beautiful she really is. Really friendly, always cracking a joke. Wants to find true love, but finds herself getting hurt in relationships constantly because she's attracted to macho, *kitten* jerks. Gwens are very intelligent people, though at first misjudged for being girly girls. Once one gets to know a Gwen, they find that Gwens are strong willed and stubborn and not as easy going as once presumed. Easy to fall for.
    This is almost uncanny in its inaccuracy

    Verb - To repeatedly fall out of a chair or off of a table
    This is the clear winner for the most dead-on accurate one

    a funny,always energetic,spunky,outgoing girl. she always knows what to do and what to say she isnt afraid of saying her thoughts
    If, by "always," you mean, "NEVER"...

    A cool girl, kind and funny - shy, but when you really know her, she's totally chatty! Everyone wants to be friends with Gwen, an amazing smile and is not afraid to be weird in public no matter if it's in front of a stranger - just for a laugh! Always willing to stand up for her friends. Likes giving complements to please people - a really outstanding girl!
    This is fairly accurate
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    1. Jayne
    An oft-misspelled girls' name. Jaynes are usually wildly intelligent and crafty. Likely to take over the world using robot ninja powers and cunning.

    I am Jayne, ruler of the universe.

    2. Jayne
    Fiercely independent, adores exotic travel. Can be found admiring beautiful views, relaxing or enjoying a cup of tea.

    Loves, loves, loves her friends

    Jaynes have a penchant for vodka, music, warm seas and variety; they are usually hyper intelligent, secrectly wild and naughty - always willing to take a walk on the wild side.

    Often spotted on the arm of a hot rock star or watersport type.

    "I am Jayne, hear me ROAR"


    A girl who enjoys music, humor, and all things intellectual. A bit of a wallflower, but once you get to know her, she is actually a very socially adept person. She is known to listen to others and be very thoughtful. People typically notice her for her beautiful eyes.

    "Do you see that girl?"
    "Which girl?"
    "The one with the eyes."
    "Oh, you mean Jayne. Yeah, she's sweet."
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    christy a cool, smart, fair, kind, often sexy, boss
  • thereshewrites

    A girl that is very stubborn but at the same time can be the greatest friend on the planet. She loves pizza and is absolutley gorgeous. She is loved by everybody and is ****ing hilarious!

    Megan is my best friend.

    The most incredible friend anyone could ever have. She is incredibly beautiful both inside and out, even if she can't see it. She is absolutely hilarious, and extremely intelligent. She will be there for you no matter what, and gives you more than you deserve. She makes you realize all the good in life. She is your Sunshine.

    Friend 1: I love Megan.
    Friend 2: Me too.
    Friend 3: I don't know anyone who doesn't love Megan.
    Friend 4: True story.

    The coolest person around. Megans have an infinite number of positive qualities that generally outweigh the bad. They are generally sweet, cute, honest, loyal and usually give the best advice. They know how to make anyone laugh and just have fun in any situation. Physical Features include eyes one could get lost in for hours, a smile that can make one melt, and hands that are perfect for holding, along with many other varying features.

    The negative qualities can include a low self esteem or shyness, stubbornness, unnecessarily dramatic, and the inability to see themselves as others see them. These qualities vary by person.

    95.8% of Megans are the best friends and girlfriends.

    Cute boy: Megan is one hot girl. I wish she was my girlfriend.
    Hotter boy: So do I.
    Hottest boy: Too bad for you she's my girlfriend and is too loyal to even think of dating one of you guys.

    Girl 1: We should invite Megan to the party!
    Girl 2: Duh! It wouldn't be a party without her!