Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's Week 12



  • jacque509
    Kelly- praying, it will resolve
    B-Its a new day!! live for today forget yesterday
    Sindy-hang in there, get plnty of sleep and repair your body ! that an order:laugh:
  • jacque509
    I am so ready for this workday to be over!!
  • angiemcnett
    We are having a blizzard here in Green Bay, WI so I won't be making it to the gym today to get my workouts in. Now I have to be motivated to use my weight watchers dvd and use my wii for exercise. Wish me luck with that. I am going to need it. We have over 14" of snow so far :grumble: and it doesn't show signs of stopping so I need to break out the popcorn for popping:wink: . I hope everyone else is having a great day!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey still snowing here too, central eastern Iowa, and sharing this blizzard with ya angie i shoveled for almost 2 hrs, along with sons and dh plowed our 2 driveways and around my bus. will post some pics soon. good day for baking and watching a movie! day 4 of shred too....oh, and snow day. possibly tomorrow too. some interstates have been closed and i see drifts forming where we cleared.... :ohwell:

    glad to have you back barb. been busy for you...hope things settle down a little. take care!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Feeling a better today. Sticking to calories.

    Crystal :flowerforyou: this is when I get the same way dont feel like doing anything. I know I should exercise but have not in almost 2 weeks. I know part of it is I have been sick but not all. I know I can not make any excuses any more and just do it. Telling myself I can just start over everyday is not getting me where I want to be.

    We can do this, we just have to start getting strick with ourselves. We did it before, look at the weight we have already lost.
    I did start over, I have not gained anything I am still at 198(from Friday's weight). I am sticking to just calories and will start to add the exercise back in. But now it is so cold I cant do my walks. Which means getting up early a couple of times during the week to do a dvd. I will start that this week end. I should be better by then. I am taking my antibiotics.

    So if you want to start fresh lets do it. You have to set what your goals are and no starting over everyday. I think Monday, Wed., Friday, sat and sun will be my exercise days. Will give myself 2 days off.

    Jacque I will not exercise until Saturday so I can be well again. I was exercising 7 days a week and think I started overdoing it. I start a second job come January so I really need to get a schedule down in the next couple of weeks. This was much easier in the warmer weather.

    Ok have to get back to work. Pick those chins up Pepper's we with get through this. Very glad to have all of you with me

    :heart: you Pepper's :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Everyone, thanks for all the support and advise. I DID go to the gym yesterday and did day 3 of C25K. It wasn’t easy, but easier than it was before. Now I just feel silly about stressing about it so much. I’m going to do it one extra day and then worry about starting week 4 next week.

    I’m really bored with the Wii and frustrated at the time wasted in between each exercise. I know they have remedied this in the new version, but I don’t have it yet. It’s on my Christmas wish list. I’ve been doing my yoga in the morning with out the Wii or a DVD. I’m feeling a little lost without something to guide me, but I managed to get in a lot more poses in the same amount of time without messing around with the Wii. I’ve been wanting to try Pilates and since I need something new, seems like now is the time. I don’t want to buy anything in case I don’t like it. So, I’m off to the library to check a DVD out. Gotta love the public library, right?! If I like it, I can always buy it. If I don’t like it, I’m not out any money.

    Kelly, I hope that everything get better soon. Thinking about you.

    Angie, wow!! 14 inches of snow!! I’ve lived in Arkansas my whole life and I’ve never seen snow that deep. It is hard to even imagine. We’re lucky to get an inch of snow.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    hope you can all see this. the first pic was taken around 6:30 this am...and the rest just before noon. Yay winter! :bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Peppers:

    Kelly hope everything works out for you .... just keep your head up high .... love the pictures i am jealous since you have snow :tongue:

    Chrystal great job on going to the gym and good luck on not getting bored .. hope you find a dvd that you like from the library.

    Hope everyone else is doing good

    I weighed in today lw 189 cw 186 3 pounds loss YAY:bigsmile: i worked out 90 minutes so far this week (its a start)
  • jacque509
    Hey guys,
    got alot on my plate, under the weather, started antibiotics yesterday, along with chills and just feel crappy all over. Did not exercise, and really dont care. Came to work hope to get thru the day. Probably will not exercise till over this infection. Hope evryone has a good day
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member

    hope you can all see this. the first pic was taken around 6:30 this am...and the rest just before noon. Yay winter! :bigsmile:

    Dang it!! I can't see pics while I'm at work. I'll try to squeeze in some computer time after work. I have a busy day.....
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I weighed in today lw 189 cw 186 3 pounds loss YAY:bigsmile: i worked out 90 minutes so far this week (its a start)

    Woo hoo!! Congrats!!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all!
    Everyone thank you so much for the love and support through my husband comming home! YAY we are having so much fun, and the best thing about it is that the kids are all over him and they leave me alone!!!!! WOOT well, I have been having tummy issues the past 3 days or so, so i weighed myself this morning and am down 5 i think, so updated my ticker and that made me feel good. Im still up and running as i want us all to have fun while he is home, so I got my rollerskating on lastnight! which was wonderful! and I am hoping taht we can go cut our tree down tonight!;)
    Got down to 20 degrees lastnight and with the nasty face slapping wind here it feels aweful! wish it would snow already!
    Thanks kelly for the wonderful snow pictures! I am totally jealous! Praying for the spouse!
    Jacque~ hope you get to feeling better as well!
    B~ keep up the wonderful work!
    Crystal~ great jobon the gym:)
    Ittybitty~ wonderful job kicking the scales butt:)
    Have a pepper filled day all!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Okay, I just have to vent. I really, really want to break 50 lbs lost tomorrow. I'm 1.2 lbs from 50!!!! I even bought a new outfit to wear tomorrow IF I do it. I have been trying to be good all day, but I think the world is conspiring against me. I have Pokeno tonight and we are having "snacks" for dinner. Of course "snacks" means stuff like deviled eggs, cake, cookies, cocktail weenies, chips & dip, etc.! I'm praying for a veggie platter and attempting to reserve a ton of calories for the night. But of course, it can't be that easy. I was in my boss's office for a meeting and he pulled out a WHOLE Eli's cheesecake. :noway: Ugh!!! I :heart: cheesecake. It made me sad, but I turned it down and watched EVERYONE else in the meeting have some. And I know he still has some in his office..... Then DH wanted to have lunch together, which was really sweet but he's a fast food kinda guy. I had to tell him I'd rather eat what I packed in my lunch than go out and eat more calories at a fast food place. I hope I lose at least 1.2 lbs so this will be worth it.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi friends ... I'm actually taking a quick break here at work ... It's still way too busy but I'm going to burn out if I don't watch it. So I went to the Doctor's last week because I was sooo sleepy all the time, and I'm always cold (especially my hands and feet), and my joints hurt, and my skin was dry, and my nails were splitting (and they're usually so strong), and my hair was thinning a lot (chunks coming out in the shower ... scary stuff). They did some blood tests and it turns out my iron is very low ... thank goodness it's something that can be fixed with diet and supplements. My vitamin D is also pretty low ... I asked for a prescription for a trip to Hawaii since there's so much vitamin D in the sun but they said no to that ... so I'll have to take supplements for that too. I'm so relieved that it isn't something more serious. Hopefully it won't take too long to get things back to normal. I hope all is well with you.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HERE'S to Friday Dec 11th! go team!

    Sindy ~ I have read your post trying to get ** re-motivated ** here. I have just been so bummed here the last few days. DH not helping things at all. Hate to say this, but ready for him to go back to work......I have not been eating good, don't; care, and no exercise. I am happy that you are positive and ready to move forward.

    Crystal ~ YAY day 3 of C25K! You rock! I think that is a smart thing to do, another day. Whether you make 50 lbs tomorrow or not, you WILL get there! You have been doing so great here patient! Gosh, 50 lbs is amazing! I love the library too!

    Megan ~ Congrats for 3 lbs gone! Yippy for you!

    Jacque ~ sorry to hear you're ill. wishing you better health as soon as possible. take care sweets, get some rest and plenty of fluids.

    Miss V ~ hope your tummy is better soon. dang, Erica, down 5!! Congrats!! lovin' that for ya! 20 lbs on the ticker! NICE!! how long will dh be home now? wishin you all the best for you and the family! what a special time!

    magglett ~ glad you saw your Dr bout all this. I have some of those symptoms...cold hands and feet, dry scalp and all over if i don't put lotion on every nite, plus when I shower, I have to clean out the drain cover at least once....just figured it was the way I am. Never had Vit D done, but numerous Thyroid tests, and they are usually on the very low side of normal. Good for you that meds can help it, and hope you rebound quickly!