Day 1 on MFP. What should I know about that isn't obvious?



  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Make sure you keep up.

    Watch your Fiber & Protein. This was my issue for a while.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Learning the language of sarcasm is a must!
  • Stay focus. Be determine and slowly u will learn ur way around the forums and feed backs...JUST be urself. Btw....BE CAREFUL....THERE ARE SO MUCH I MEAN SO MUCH EYE CANDY <----I use it as encouragement... lol! Good luck on ur journey!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Saving this thread for future reference, that way when the next "what are some mfp cliches" thread pops up. I think this one has them all.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    eat more, weight less

    Eat more than my TDEE to lose weight?


    PM Sidesteal about this......

    I don't think it works though.
    Science and ****.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    cola drinks

    bottled water
    powerade / gatorade
    clear soda (7UP, sprite etc)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Sometimes the pool in the MFP forum runs a bit shallow. Stay away from self righteous sharks their bites tend to sting.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    watch your sodium intake. You will be surprised at how much is in everything. Try and stay below 2000
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Wow, waaay more responses than I was expecting. Thanks everyone!

    Ness8411 - YES! You're totally correct. I tend to forget those things when I shouldn't.

    cole_carter - I noticed that! This is the only setup I've seen that does that.

    amnsetie - You're correct. I know how to diet and exercise properly. I've just been too lazy for too long. Depression and demotivation suck hard. Thank you for the excellent site tips...and taking the time to investigate me before commenting.

    usmcmp - It's most excellent to know that the search functions actually work on this site.

    johnnydubroy - This is going to sound completely strange, pockets. They'll fill you up, give you all the greasy feel-good-ness, but are usually between 500-600 calories for two. Just be careful not to depend on them. They're usually high in fat and sodium. Also, sandwiches on "good" bread will fill you up pretty fast. Just be careful what you're putting on them. If you're specifically talking about recipes and such for the food diary section, then no, I'm not too familiar with it.

    whatascene - Glad to know I picked the right choice. 1 pound a week. Yes, exercise helps burn calories and MFP can calculate it. I also wouldn't dream of calculating in the time I spend doing menial things like walking into work from my car. Thanks for the luck! Right back at you!

    rcockrell6 - Starvation mode is a slowing of the metabolism as shown in the link directly below yours. There are ways to delay the crash in your BMR. I've seen caffeine used before. That can be dangerous though. If you haven't read that link you really should. It could have been used in a health textbook.

    2hobbit1 - That link is gold. I know most of the information on it, and the stuff I'm not sure on I'll have to reread. My biggest problem is taking what I know and applying it to my fat, lazy butt.

    funkyspunky87 - If you're familiar with it, you just described the tortoise and the hare analogy with dieting. Crash dieting also tends to lead to gaining even more weight when you stop. Slow and steady wins the race. Also, good luck with your fight with bulimia. Eating disorders can be just as dangerous and obesity.

    donyellemoniq - Yes, I understand the concept. My problem is I eat WAY more, and weigh more. ;)

    AmyFett - Yes, they are. I'm on them when I could be riding a bike or having a jog. ;)

    funkyspunky87 - Thanks again! All that except the scooby link was in the link from 2hobbit1. I'll have to check out the scooby link.

    pamelad77 - I understand. If everyone was on top of their game when it came to fitness we probably wouldn't be here, would we? Sticking to it is definitely where I've been falling short.

    MarieWalley - I've never heard it said as body temperature. I'll have to do some research on that. Thanks.

    katamus - Gotcha. (Note: Take katamus as potential troublemaker. :wink: )

    tlnurse - This is what's known as post tagging or bookmarking. It's a fairly common forum tactic. Most forums will have a way you can go back to the posts you've made recently. I'm glad to know it works here too.

    Helloitsdan - NO! Props to YOU! Seriously, you could write a book. No gimmicks, just facts.

    christinehowa - As with anything, never accept a single source as gospel. I hear you loud and clear.

    KimiSkeens - And to expand on that... When you feel hungry drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. If you're still hungry then you should eat. Frequently your body can confuse thirst for hunger.

    historygirldd - Mmm, motivation. I needs it. I'll be sure to check on those when I start to falter. Charts can make things look better than you think they are.

    Edit: Lol, more people slipped in as I was commenting.

    needamulligan - There really are some days where I could use a mulligan. And I'll take your answers to heart. I really need to stick to it.

    junodog1 - Group focus? Could you elaborate more on the groups?

    Okay, I think I got everyone. Thanks to everyone for the great advise and even greater welcome. I hope to lose as much as many of you already have.

    How cute are you, you totally responded to everyone!!! *swoon*
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    Nothing except the food and exercise pages - the rest is fluff. Yes there is some good info out here in the forums but you have to weed through the garbage.
    Don't just use MFP as your single source of info. Research, read, find what works for you and stick to it. You can't fail that way.


    I was on MFP for 9 months and lost 52 pounds before reading any of the forums or accepting "friends," even people I really know. There's so much confusion out here -- people using it as a dating site, trolls, marketers, know-it-alls -- that I'm not sure I'll stay. But the tracking tool is fantastic and can hold you accountable for your own behavior, which in the end is what it's all about.

    Good luck.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Just remember...we are all the same!

    No...wait...we are all different!

    Oh shoot...I forget.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    And if you do stray onto the forums just remember there is a person behind that computer. If they attack you try to keep it civil. Liking rudeness is not a requirement, but adding to the fire only feeds the trolls.

    And remember where your report button is. If it's bad enough that you feel threatened or attacked, let the moderators decide.

    But yeah, stay off the forums if you can. It's a bit like crack. ;)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I work with computers for a living. I'm well aware of "forum crack" and this one would scarcely come close to the ones I've frequented.