does water really make a difference?



  • Michelleh118
    Michelleh118 Posts: 42 Member
    Great topic, will be upping my water intake.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I understand all of the positive reasons for drinking water based on what i have read (and what doctors say). I'm just wondering if anyone can speak from personal experience. Changes in your own body when drinking 8+ glasses, like greater weight loss or clearer skin or something like that?

    Feel fuller longer (satiety)
    Better cognitive function
    better digestion
    better muscle recovery
    It fits any macro
    Basically, drinking water makes you a better person, both inside and out, and makes you more attractive to members of whatever sex you want to sex with. I'll boldly generalize where no man has generalized before- anyone who says they "can't" drink whatever the recommended amount of water is from whatever i'm-sure-fully-researched source is clearly lying to themselves, because putting too much stuff into the hole in our face is what caused many of us to become MFP-ers in the first place.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    I noticed two things since I started drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. For one, my skin has gotten MUCH better. It was pretty bad before and now it's fairly clear. The other thing is when I don't get the water in, I notice my weight either doesn't drop or I even gain from sodium retention. Not sure if everyone must prescribe to a set number of cups but staying hydrated is super important and in my opinion has many added benefits.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I understand all of the positive reasons for drinking water based on what i have read (and what doctors say). I'm just wondering if anyone can speak from personal experience. Changes in your own body when drinking 8+ glasses, like greater weight loss or clearer skin or something like that?

    It's MUCH easier to get through my workouts if I've had 8+ glasses of water already. I get tired much quicker if I don't. My face has also cleared up immensely!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Do you need 8 glasses a day of WATER to stay hydrated? No. But for me, water is where it's at. I cannot drink any other fluids in the same quantity without feeling ill. I drink maybe one or two diet sodas per week, my morning coffee, occasional (or not so occasional) red wine...and all the water.

    I pee pretty much on the hour, every hour.
  • raqueldaisy
    raqueldaisy Posts: 47 Member
    So far, I haven't seen anyone cite any medical evidence to support that we all need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I actually read in the book Bottlemania that the recommendation about the 8 glasses was started by water bottling companies trying to sell us more bottled water. Of course, we should stay well-hydrated, but most people get plenty of hydration in their food as well as from normal water intake. Let thirst be your guide.

    This is very true - I've read that about 25% of our water intake comes from foods that we've eaten. However, water is an essential component of my process only because it helps keep me satiated throughout the day. In the past, I used to overeat because I felt I was hungry, but really my body just needed some water. Also, drinking water before a meal also helps you feel full quicker. I eat every two hours or less but water is a constant throughout the day.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Can only add two things. My husband was not a big water drinker and a couple of months ago he started to have "flashing" in his eyes--periferal vision. Went to the eye specialist who told him it is due to dehydration, so started drinking more water and his symptoms have gone away. I read some years ago that drinking enough water helps your spinal column, so less back pain. Now many of you are younger and don't yet have these problems, but yes, drinking enough water is important.
  • Honeycat89
    Honeycat89 Posts: 149
    Let me start by saying --- I am not a good water drinker. I like it just fine, I just have a hard time getting my 8 glasses (10 glasses depending on who you ask). I am trying to drink more as I read that it makes a difference in fat loss, especially if lifting weights.

    Do you think this is true? Anyone out there gone from drinking very little to much more and experienced a shift, physically speaking? Is it worth it?

    I don't drink water in winter. (well i don't drink water straight out of the tap or bottled) I drink green tea/herbal teas. Some of them taste really good and help you get your daily intake! I go through about 6 or 7 in the office before I even get home!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Staying hydrated is important. It is important to take in adequate amounts of fluid. Plain water is not the only way to stay hydrated. I get hydration from the foods I eat, teas, juices, the occasion diet sprite, gatorade (when I am at work) and also plain water.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Here is a link to the Mayo Clinic recommendations. Below that is a statement in the summary paragraph of the article. Bottom line, the recommendations are fluid, not water in particular.

    Mayo Clinic article quote - "Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total."
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