I Think I Need Help or an Evaluation



  • SailorStevens

    He said I was in great shape. In fact he said that any man in his 20s would love to be in my shape.
    The only suggestion he made was that I was not drinking enough fluids and and that I should hit the water bottle alot more. 8 glasses he said a day.

    The doctor said this, so you come on a weighloss site and starve yourself.... That I don't understand!?

    I think "grannygethealthy" (A previous poster - scroll up and take a look) addressed this.

    I was under the impression, based on BMI calculators, that I needed to lose about 20lbs. It has been learned, here, that these calculators DO NOT give a true portrayal of overal health for seniors. In fact, studies indicate that BMI calculations for seniors should allow for an added weight class and still be considered as healthy and at low risk. So based on that, it would seem that I do not have to lose weight and that may explain why my doctor didn't mention that my weight was a concern for him. I can't speak for him. I can just relate to you the things he told me.

    Plus, this site is advertized as both diet and exercise and not exclusively for weight loss. Even the title suggest Fitness. If it was solely a "weightloss" site, as you said, then I think the owners of this site would have chose a name like "MyWeightLossPals" instead.

    Diets are not exclusively for weight loss either. You could chose a "diet" that would allow you to gain weight, if that is what you were looking for. OR a "diet" could be one where you would want to eat more healthy foods and not gain or lose weight, but just have better eating habits.
    That I don't understand!?
    I hope this helps you to understand...
  • SailorStevens
    Could you please offer more than just "...um. no..."

    The obvious point is that the % stated don't add up to 100% :-)
    Ok, i see your point now...
    However, it was not a fixed percentage. There was a variable built into my original equation.
    Take a look
    Keep your Fat consumption below 15%
    Keep your Carbs below 40%
    Keep your Protein above 35%
    So a number that was BELOW 15% fat, BELOW 40% carbs and ABOVE 35% protein AND the total of those numbers came out to 100%, would that number be a good number?

    Given the above equation and your suggestion would mean that the magic numbers would be...
    This protein level seems too high and fat level too low, but what do I know...
    It is hard to find the right Balance between these three.

    I think when I can figure out the correct balance/ration between these three, I should be well on my way to correcting my profile.

    I have listened to all that have made suggestions here.
    I have already increased my Cal intake to better reflect my height/weight ratio.
    I have already reduced my goal weight to a more satisfactory and healthier expectations.
    I have already changed my vitamin supplements
    The only thing remaining is the proper ratio/balance between Carbs/Fat/Protien
  • SailorStevens
    "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010" recommends...
    a ratio of 3:1:1,
    (or 60 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent protein and 20 percent fat.)

    It is not recomended that you exceed either the Top range or the Bottom range of any of these Macro-nutrients..
    The TOP RANGE for carbohydrates is...
    65 percent of your total calories, and for protein and fat it is 35 percent.

    The BOTTOM RANGE is...
    45 percent for carbohydrates, 10 percent for protein and 20 percent for fat.
    Source... Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010

    These numbers may adjusted according to your own needs,
    but must not go outside of the Top or Bottom range(s)

    This seems to be a good starting point.

    What do you all think about these numbers...?
    Are they the Magic Numbers we are looking for...?