Gaining and so unhappy

I weighted and measured today for the first time since beginning of summer and gained a few inches and 4 pounds! I'm so upset! My carbs have been up cause the last month or so I've been doing c25K and read I should be eating more carbs when running. Last week I drank nothing but water.....16-18 cups a day. I decided to try only water during the week and have my diet come and water on weekends. I'm getting the way I'm 44 years old and three days a week I do c25K and two days a week I do a JM vidoe


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Open ur diary
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    i almost choked on your sodium intake #... i can only imagine you are retaining water for the gain you had... not to mention the process meat..pepperoni....
    choose healthier proteins n watch the sodium IMO
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    I see a lot of high sodium and processed foods, and not many fruits and vegetables. Try to change up your diet a bit and I'll be you will start seeing results.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks! Will switch things up and see what happens
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    First of all, diet coke is NOT breakfast....

    Where's the fruit and veg? Eat to your goal and eat back the exercise calories, starving yourself won't work long term!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Your nutrition is really frightening.

    Start tracking Potassium and Calcium - you can do six nutrients on the first page of your Diary.

    On page two (the Printable Version) - here is what is tracked by default -

    Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Cholesterol, Sodium, Sugars, Fiber

    So you can change your page one to track Calories and five different nutrients. Calories are on both pages, and cannot be deleted, it is a default setting on both pages.

    If you are lacking in Potassium (fruit, veggies, dairy, legumes) or Calcium (dairy, veggies, lean meat) you are making your weight loss much harder than it needs to be. You are also setting yourself up for other problems health-wise. Do some research on reputable health sites like WebMD or MayoClinic or PubMed to learn how important these nutrients really are to your general health.

    Eat a balanced diet, your body will function as it is designed. You need way more fruit and veggies, less grains, more lowfat dairy.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    First of all, diet coke is NOT breakfast....

    Where's the fruit and veg? Eat to your goal and eat back the exercise calories, starving yourself won't work long term!

    I'm not purposely not eating all my calories back.....just not hungry....and as far as the diet coke goes.....I have one in the morning just like people drink coffee.....
    Yes I'm short on veggies and fruit.....
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Your nutrition is really frightening.

    Start tracking Potassium and Calcium - you can do six nutrients on the first page of your Diary.

    On page two (the Printable Version) - here is what is tracked by default -

    Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Cholesterol, Sodium, Sugars, Fiber

    So you can change your page one to track Calories and five different nutrients. Calories are on both pages, and cannot be deleted, it is a default setting on both pages.

    Trying to watch carbs also cause I know if I stay low in carbs....I lose weight.....I will add in the other two.....if I can. Thanks

    If you are lacking in Potassium (fruit, veggies, dairy, legumes) or Calcium (dairy, veggies, lean meat) you are making your weight loss much harder than it needs to be. You are also setting yourself up for other problems health-wise. Do some research on reputable health sites like WebMD or MayoClinic or PubMed to learn how important these nutrients really are to your general health.

    Eat a balanced diet, your body will function as it is designed. You need way more fruit and veggies, less grains, more lowfat dairy.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I will track calcium for now since I can only add one more
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    First of all, diet coke is NOT breakfast....

    Where's the fruit and veg? Eat to your goal and eat back the exercise calories, starving yourself won't work long term!

    If you look farther back than ONE day , I do have more than a diet coke for breakfast......yesterday was a horrible day for me....emotionally.......had someone pass away.....
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    First of all, diet coke is NOT breakfast....

    Where's the fruit and veg? Eat to your goal and eat back the exercise calories, starving yourself won't work long term!

  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    TECHNICALLY, your sodium won't matter much, or your choice of food. As long as you burn more calories than you intake you will lose weight. Thats just basic science. As far as eating have LOTS of calories left most should be eating your goal. Not fueling the body enough will cause you to slow down on the weight loss journey. Also, if you are only doing C25K you are not running long enough distances to really need to worry about eating more or carbing up...just so you know.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    OH...and Troy MO...I am in Soulard! Howdy!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    If you you've gotten the habit of writting everything down, now try eating fresher and more balanced. Someone had suggested WebMD and some other sites. There are plenty out there. One of my hardest lessons is nothing processed. If someone else prepared it, I try not to eat it. No frozen dinners, no canned fruits or veggies. It's hard, but when I stay aways from others preparing my food, I have lower sodium and I get to eat more for less calories.

    I go the library since i am on a tight budget. I'm still earning how to eat healthy and what my body works best with. It's a work in progress and probably will be for the rest of my life, but I feel so much healthier!!
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    TECHNICALLY, your sodium won't matter much, or your choice of food. As long as you burn more calories than you intake you will lose weight. Thats just basic science. As far as eating have LOTS of calories left most should be eating your goal. Not fueling the body enough will cause you to slow down on the weight loss journey. Also, if you are only doing C25K you are not running long enough distances to really need to worry about eating more or carbing up...just so you know.

    Thanks. I'm just not hungry......not sure why......I'm trying to make my menu up for the upcoming week.....hopefully I can figure out a good plan
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    To be blunt... you are eating horribly and not enough calories in general. Eat more and get rid of some of the junk. Be more consistent. Round out your diet.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    OH...and Troy MO...I am in Soulard! Howdy!

    Lol HI!
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    What's all this nonsense people are saying? Do this, do that etc...

    Calories in VS calories out.

    that's it. You can eat what you want, just make sure you stay under your calorie goal. Are your MFp settings right(activity level)? Do you weigh your food? Do you use a good HRM to track calories burned..??

    My MFP is set correctly....went thru this morning and double checked everything. I do not have a HRM. Only use what is on here.....though today my Nike+ sensor gave me a way higher calories burn than on here or what my 12 year old treadmill tells me. Not sure which to believe.....
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    You want to try and eat your calories. Your system needs the nutrition or you'll cause your body to go into starvation mode what with the exercise. I didn't believe it at first but it seems like a lot of people here eat their calories and lose weight so it does seem to work for most.

    Also, I agree with everyone - more veggies and fruits. You'll find yourself hooked after a while. I spread my food out throughout the day. Three main meals and two snacks (or three) and it makes it easier to eat as much as I need to do. I'm used to eating under 500 calories per meal so eating above that makes me sluggish and I end up feeling too full. The other way, I feel pretty comfy. I buy organic bars with nuts and fruits, sometimes freeze dried fruits that I can put in my purse if I'm out. Basically, you can do this! Don't give up!