Anyone else annoyed by those "inter-dry" banners???



  • diinva
    You see adds? How quaint. If you use any browser other than explorer (does anyone still use that pile of poo?) you can install a program to block all the banners and adds.

    I use that pile of poo but I have never seen an ad on this site. Maybe I have a special pile. :bigsmile:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You see adds? How quaint. If you use any browser other than explorer (does anyone still use that pile of poo?) you can install a program to block all the banners and adds.


    I LOVE this. I had to save it to my desktop for future use.
    I suppose I shouldn't completely label myself as a geek and tell people I use linux for my operating system.

    Linux :love:
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    You see adds? How quaint. If you use any browser other than explorer (does anyone still use that pile of poo?) you can install a program to block all the banners and adds.

    sweet, i didnt realize you could...i just installed the firefox plugin, this is so much better!
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    The ads are targeted meaning they are based off of what you are browsing on your computer, searching, etc
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    If your using google chrome you will get them - if you use mozilla you won't.

    You're using Chrome wrong....
    I have never had a single ad on chrome. In fact, it was a long time before I even knew this site HAD ads. I was wondering what people used to mean when they said stuff about the picture of the rotting banana...

    I'm on Chrome ad free too. AdBlock is your friend.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    The ads are targeted meaning they are based off of what you are browsing on your computer, searching, etc

    That explains all the ads for midget porn.
  • cupcakes_
    cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
    This banner ad is by far the best one I've seen
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    You see adds? How quaint. If you use any browser other than explorer (does anyone still use that pile of poo?) you can install a program to block all the banners and adds.
    image snipped

    I LOVE this. I had to save it to my desktop for future use.
    I suppose I shouldn't completely label myself as a geek and tell people I use linux for my operating system.

    You aren't the only one, but I bounce between for now.
  • cutiepieinchi
    Actually these ads are what is helping this site be free to all users.
    -Advertising grad(haha)
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Actually these ads are what is helping this site be free to all users.
    -Advertising grad(haha)
    This a good argument, as well as a valid point. However, the revenue is generated by selling the space generally and not on the number of hits generated from any given source (though that is sometimes the case). Those of us that choose to block the add images are most likely not ever going to visit any of the advertised pages or purchase any of the products anyway. So, I'm not annoyed by a bunch of flashy clutter on my screen and no one is out any money. Is it any different than using the fast forward button on a Tevo?
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    Just jumping in,
    but kind of shocked someone is actually surprised to see ads on the internet.

    yeah, big shocker. :laugh:

    One thing to keep in mind,
    is when a website uses advertisements
    to pay for the cost of the website,
    get to belong to that website for free.:smile:

    Websites can cost $100s of dollars or more to maintain. I was surprised when i found that out. I'd rather be a member for free,
    and see ads for ppl who might need such products and have no idea such products even exist!!!!!!

    than have to pay to belong to MFP.

    I don't read the ads, have never even really noticed them,
    but, i guess i am free to read
    or NOT read any ads i see.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    I realize this is a weight loss web site, but do we really need to be reminded like this? I look at the ad banner and see an advert for a sheet of some absorbent material you're supposed to put in your fat fold to relieve "irritation"...Come on, people don't need to be reminded of that particular problem!

    i don't think the point of the ad
    is to "remind people of that particular problem"

    but possibly,
    to let anyone who does need such a product,
    know that there are things to help with that...who knew?