I'm new so be gentle



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    make MFP your internet browser homepage. When you pull up your browser and it automatically directs you here, you will be reminded that you should stick to your goals and that you have a loving, accepting, supportive community here to help you along, through the good times and bad times!!

    Also, some people will agree with me and some will disagree, but I don't think you should put a deadline on your weight loss goal.

    Yes, both of these. :bigsmile:

    I have no time-line for myself and MFP (specifically my food log) is MY homepage. :heart:

    I also agree! MFP isn't my home page, but it IS in the 'favorite links' at the top of my browser. Meaning, I can't use the internet without seeing "MFP" and remembering to eat well and exercise!

    I also agree with not having a deadline. I think it's good to have realistic target goals- but nothing firm because the real goal is for you to be healthy, regardless of how long that takes, right?

    I had originally set a really strict deadline for myself in my weightloss, and I just found it caused me more stress than anything. Finally I said to myself, 'Why that day? Is there going to be a gold medal waiting for me if I can lose all this weight by THAT DAY? Does it really matter in the long run if I'm at my target by THAT DAY, or can it wait another month or two or three?' I like having a 'deadline' because it keeps me focused. But if that deadline starts causing you stress, then it's time to re-evaluate.
  • bablve3000
    Hey Angela!
    I understand everything you said in your post bc some it is my own feelings as well. I am also new to this site and have never done anything like this before. I have found though, only being on here a week, that everyone here is very supportive. They are all going through the same thing and we are here to take back control and encourage each other.

    I too reached my final straw moment as you said, I am 29 and 260lbs. I had my moment when I walked up 8 steps and was COMPLETELY out of breath. I had to stand and catch my breath before returning in to work. Devastating. Once I got back to my desk, I threw myself on the web to find ANYTHING that could take away the misery I was feeling for being so overweight. I happened to find this site and I am glad I did. So many people from so many walks of life to support you and they understand.

    I am sure that with everyone here, you will be able to accomplish your goals once again. GOOD LUCK TO YOU! :wink: