September RUN Challenge - differentiated style

So I spent a while on the forums searching for something like this but couldn't find anything that fit what I needed, so if I am repeating, forgive me. I did try!!

I tried a challenge last month for 100 miles in August. No way I was going to make that as I have only been running about 10 weeks, but I joined just to see how far I could run/walk. I hit 37.3 miles running, 55.5 total with the walking. Awesome for me. But I'm just not up to that 50 mile, 100 mile place yet. Kudos to those who are but it's just to much for me right now. The challenges I did find required 50 miles are more.

Soooo . . . As I am a teacher, we are going to differentiate this. You set a goal for how far YOU think you can go. I did 37.3 last month, my goal for this month is gonna be 40. I'm gonna raise the bar a little. If you wanna run it, walk it, swim it, whatever. I put run because that's my goal, but I'm not you. Just try to up it from what you did last month. Or if you are new to this, set a goal, try to make it, and then up it next month. Whatever suits you and your level. Just reach a little harder than what you did before. My favorite running shirt says "Train INSANE, or remain the same."

Join me!

Just post your goal up here and then daily or weekly give me an update of how you are doing. I'm all about encouragement!!


  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    C'mon people!! Show me some love :) Or at least set some goals with me.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    I'm in! Tomorrow I hope to run 6miles but my mission for the month will also be 40 miles :) just hope with university looming I can maintain this :)
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    Awesome! Glad I have someone else setting goals with me. I am a teacher and I just started back to work after having the summer off, so it can be hard to keep up with when you've had time off then have to get back in the full swing of things but you can do it! Good luck with your running!
  • lustrebass
    lustrebass Posts: 47 Member
    I'll join you. I'm planning to walk/jog 50 miles in September. Will walk 2x/week at 1.6 miles, Walk/jog 3x/week at 2 miles for my first week of C25K training, and then walk 3miles on weekend. Total 12.2per week. Will need to add an extra weekend 3 miler to make the 50 miles for the month. Big, scary goals, but that's what makes you better, right?
  • LindaCrook
    I'm in - I have just returned to running (read jogging) after some achilles problems and a broken wrist. I have actually started the C25K program (Couch to 5kms) again however I am running on grass now - not concrete, footpaths or roads. May hop on a treadmill when weather is inclement (not very often here at the Gold Coast in sunny Queensland, Australia}. Anyway to set a goal - hope it is OK if mine is a mixture of running and walking as that is what the program does in the initial stages. I will aim for 30kms (18 miles) for the month of September. Not a lot but I don't want to upset Mr and Mrs Achilles by overdoing things.
    I did a 2km treadmill walk on Sat and 2kms this morning on the grass track. :bigsmile:
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    Welcome! I just recently completed the couch to 5k program and I loved it! I've always done my running outside. And sure, walking and running is just fine! Whatever works for you just get moving! I wish you well on your journey :).

    And yes, setting big goals is what makes you better, even if it seems a little scary!
  • mist72
    mist72 Posts: 1 Member
    Love this challenge! I'm going to give it a shot. I am just starting, trying to get in the habit of regular exercise. I'll be doing mostly walking, hoping to move forward to running. I try to walk during my lunch break and do a little bit of C25K-type workout at home.
    Since I'm just starting, I will set my goal at 20 miles. I'm hoping to meet & pass that goal, giving me a better idea of what goal to shoot for in October! :love:
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    Glad that you are starting out! I did the same thing last month - I just went about it normally to see how much I could run. That way I had a base for my goals. So I decided to up it from 37.3 to 40. If I can meet that or go past, I'll raise it for October and so on! Glad to have you all join me!

    9/2/12 - 2.5
    9/3/12 - 5

    I've never run 5 miles before but it was cool this morning and I just felt great so I went for it. So far, I am at 7.5 miles toward my goal of 40. A great start!

    I hope everyone is doing well on starting their goals! Keep me posted ;).
  • LindaCrook
    OK stats so far

    Sept 1 - 2 kms (treadmill)
    Sept 3 - 2.75 kms (running track)
    Sept 4 - 1km (treadmill)
    Sept 5 - 2.50 kms (running track)
    = total so far 8.25kms towards goal of 30kms
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    Sept. 3rd - 3.1 mile race for Labor Day Plan on running an running group tomorrow and it will be 5 miles :)
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    Oh and my goal is 50 miles this month!
  • LindaCrook
    Sep 6 - 850m + 900m = 1.75km walk on treadmill (with weight session in the middle)

    = total so far 10kms towards goal of 30kms
  • DanielaMFeiock
    DanielaMFeiock Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Daniela and I know I am a little late on the September goal but wanted to see up joining this group and hopefully your next goal too.

    I am new to running. I will start a running program on September 22nd to run a 5K/10K by December. It is the Jingle Bell run in the Tacoma area.

    I aim to run/walk 3 to 4 times a week.
  • yvonmac
    yvonmac Posts: 47 Member
    Hi I just saw this--I am just returning to walking. I am in for 30 miles for this month--and kudos to all of you with the 40+ goals.
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    Glad to see so many great goals! Not too late to join, ever! Hope everyone is doing well. I've had a pretty evil little the migraine the last two days, having a hard time shaking it. The medicine really reduces my appetite and energy, so I took a break. Back on the wagon tomorrow! Keep me posted about your goals, and I wish you all good health and good luck!
  • conniesqueen
    conniesqueen Posts: 5 Member
    I'll join ya'll. Just last week I jogged a mile w/out stopping and I need to increase that number. I'm signed up for a 1/2 marathon the end of October. I know I want run the whole thing but I'd like to run as much as I can. My goal is 50 miles jog/walk. 9 miles so far...
    Sept 1...4 miles
    3rd...2 miles
    5th...3 miles
  • LindaCrook
    Sep 7 - 2.4km (walk jog W2D2 of C25K program)

    = total so far 12.4kms towards goal of 30kms
  • yvonmac
    yvonmac Posts: 47 Member
    7 mile walk/jog= 23 to go for the month.
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    I've been out it my people between migraines and class on Thursdays. But I'm going for a nice long run tomorrow and I can't wait. Nice job so far, and keep me updated!!!!
  • LindaCrook
    Sep 8 - 2.2km (walk on treadmill at the gym + a weight session)

    = total so far 14.6kms towards goal of 30kms (almost half way)