


  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Agreed, it can become out of control if you do not mindfully obsess. Also, I agree obsessions are distractions for not feeling comfortable with oneself... I was extremely uncomfortable at 244lbs! lol I feel this obsession is beneficial when used correctly, just like the saying goes, everything in moderation :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Kinda like if there is a birthday party, does she avoid the party altogether or just the cake?

    Well said! 'Obsession' could mean many different things to many different people.

    Like, I consider myself 'obsessed' with losing weight right now. I'm really, really focused. But that doesn't mean I'm shutting off my life for anyone. My new journey didn't keep me from throwing my son a birthday party with a big, sugar-filled cake. It didn't stop me from baking holiday cookies for my family over the weekend. It didn't keep me from going to my sister's treat-filled spa party two weeks ago, either. I still hung out with everyone and had fun- I just didn't eat like everyone else.

    Some people, though, consider eating a social event. My husband and I used to rent movies, get a pizza and a buttload of junkfood, and sit around and shove food into our mouths until we got sick. It was 'our thing', our time together. We still watch movies, he still eats junk- but I won't touch it. And it's like that offends him in some way. It's not my fault he can eat whatever he wants and still look lean and sexy. I can't, and I want to feel good about myself again. That's more important to me than feeling good for the few minutes it takes to eat the garbage.

    In the end, it could be a matter or perspective. If all you talk about is your diet, people might be getting sick of hearing it. Maybe they're jealous. Maybe they're insecure themselves... who knows? I've learned the hard way that nobody wants to hear about my little bumps or my little successes- which is why MFP is so great, because I have SOMEWHERE to go to get that off my chest. So I don't talk about what I'm eating or how I'm exercising- I just do it. And while inside my head is really FOCUSED, to the outside world I'm just cool as a cucumber, lol.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Kinda like if there is a birthday party, does she avoid the party altogether or just the cake?

    It didn't keep me from going to my sister's treat-filled spa party two weeks ago, either. I still hung out with everyone and had fun- I just didn't eat like everyone else.

    I want to feel good about myself again. That's more important to me than feeling good for the few minutes it takes to eat the garbage.

    So true! For my son's 3rd B-day Pirate Party, I baked him a HUGE pirate ship cake...that I enjoyed making, but didn't eat...I know what I put into that baby! lol Last night, I went out for a ladies night with my girlfriends to The Melting Pot (fondue restaurant = crazy amount of fat & cals). They enjoyed their fondue, and I had an awesome spinach portabella mushroom salad! You can live life while watching your figure, just takes determination & lots of willpower :) Here's to living life & feeling good!!!
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    The way I monitor myself is how my mental mindset is towards my "healthy lifestyle". Am I getting angry/stressed over food? Am I missing out on going out to eat with friends/family bc I "can't have that or my whole day will be ruined"? Am I overexercising to compensate for calories I have consumed?

    I have been down that road and realize that I walk a very fine line between "healthy lifestyle" and flat out obsession. Obsession turns your world upside down if you let it.

    If you are happy and have a positive attitude, then I would say everything is as it should be.

    But, if you find yourself thinking of food every moment-- that is not happiness. Nor is it healthy. It's about finding balance.
  • readyforchange
    readyforchange Posts: 34 Member
    Thankyou to everyone who responded!! I am starting to believe that I have become obsessed and often think back to the days when I was happy and carefree. This being said this will be my final week on MFP as I need to focus my energy into living and being happy. You are all wonderful, beautiful people and I will deeply miss all the positivity I get from this site. Best of luck to EVERYONE on here and may you all be happy and healthy.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Well, for me, I've been obsessed with food all of my life- at least this time my obsession is going into something that's actually going to improve my health and life.


    Were those "happy and carefree" days really that great? We have a tendency to gloss over the past when the present gets tough. You might have been happy and carefree when it came to eating whatever you want, but obviously you came to MFP for a reason.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Well, for me, I've been obsessed with food all of my life- at least this time my obsession is going into something that's actually going to improve my health and life.

    This totally hit home for me.

    I've been obsessed with food for the past two years or so. Obsessed to the point where I was always thinking about what I was going to eat next, where I was going to get it, etc. It got to the point I was like a junkie looking for a high. So, I'd gladly take this kind of obsession over that one- at least this one will help me get fit, healthy and trim.

    Though, people do make a valid point. The past two weeks has really made me analyze why I got so big in the first place and why food was such a huge part of my day. I realized that that was where I was getting my joy from. Since having kids I've moved away from hometown (about a half hour away), and a lot of my closest friends have moved out of province. Between that and working, I have very little social life. Because of my busy life, I don't have time to do the things I used to do that made me happy. I loved to paint, to dance, to go to karaoke bars, etc. Now, I don't do any of those things- and I've sort of lost who I am along the way. The other day someone said to me, 'Tell me about yourself.' I got as far as, "Well, I'm a working mother and wife...." and stopped. Couldn't think of anything else to say about myself honestly. It was really a ground-breaking moment for me. Because I'd lost those things that made me happy, it got to the point where that pizza or ice cream sundae was the high point of my day. And when I started dieting- over and over again- I inevitably failed because how could I POSSIBLY succeed when I was removing the one thing from my life that made me feel good?

    The point I'm making is, this obsession (or focus, as I call it) is keeping me on-track. But once I get where I need to be, if I don't address the issues that made me big in the first place, I'm just going to wind up there again. So in my case, I need to make myself more of a priority. Just like I'm making time right now to eat well and exercise, I MUST make time for myself to do those little things that make life worthwhile.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Well, for me, I've been obsessed with food all of my life- at least this time my obsession is going into something that's actually going to improve my health and life.

    This totally hit home for me.

    I've been obsessed with food for the past two years or so. Obsessed to the point where I was always thinking about what I was going to eat next, where I was going to get it, etc. It got to the point I was like a junkie looking for a high. So, I'd gladly take this kind of obsession over that one- at least this one will help me get fit, healthy and trim.

    Your not alone. I was very much like a junkie looking for food instead of drugs.
  • rheign
    rheign Posts: 56
    Thankyou to everyone who responded!! I am starting to believe that I have become obsessed and often think back to the days when I was happy and carefree. This being said this will be my final week on MFP as I need to focus my energy into living and being happy. You are all wonderful, beautiful people and I will deeply miss all the positivity I get from this site. Best of luck to EVERYONE on here and may you all be happy and healthy.

    I guess readyforchange is ready for change. DOH! =0
  • rheign
    rheign Posts: 56