230lbs - looking for people around the same weight to join s



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Hi all!

    Checking in at 191.0 today! Down 3 lbs exactly from last week. Did a lot of cardio, which I think explains the larger than normal loss. Still keeping my total calories in check. Water intake has been a little low -- 8 to 10 cups instead of the 12 to 16 I'd like to get, so since yesterday I've been challenging myself to be more consistent with my water.

    Started Power90 today -- and I really like it! Did the strength circuit; tomorrow is cardio and abs. The abs are gonna be a KILLER though -- ten reps of ten different ab moves -- that's 100 crunches! I think I'm going to have to start at 2 or 4 reps of each and try and then try and increase reps from there.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Good monday morning everyone! how did the scale treat you guys this morning? lol!

    i'm down 1.4lbs from last week - but only 2.8lbs since starting this. i keep falling off track and am having a hard time with this whole weight loss thing. i'm goign to keep at it though, because i know eventually it will come off lol!

    1.4 lbs is a solid loss! Good for you!!

    You can do this, Tara! Don't give up! When you get off track, just pick yourself back up and try again. Persistence is the key -- not perfection! Take things one day at a time -- or one meal or one workout at a time -- whatever you have to do to stay the course.

    You know what I tell myself when I get discouraged? Time is going to pass, one way or another. I can spend it doing something good for myself, knowing that eventually I'll see the results that I want -- or I can spend it giving in to my momentary cravings and whims and all the inner voices that tell me it's too hard, that I'll never get healthy so why bother, or that's it okay not to try.

    Getting motivated and staying motivated is HARD, but that's what makes it WORTH something. I KNOW that you can do this. You are worth it, girl!
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Very strange, but I am up almost a pound. Doesn't make much sense because I worked out tremendously hard last week, and thought I did well on the eating. I'll have to examine my meals and makes some changes. Something isn't working, because as much as I worked out, I would have thought that I would have lost several pounds last week. Ugh. So frustrating sometimes. Oh well. Getting focused for this week, hope to see some bigger numbers in the right direction next week!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Very strange, but I am up almost a pound. Doesn't make much sense because I worked out tremendously hard last week, and thought I did well on the eating. I'll have to examine my meals and makes some changes. Something isn't working, because as much as I worked out, I would have thought that I would have lost several pounds last week. Ugh. So frustrating sometimes. Oh well. Getting focused for this week, hope to see some bigger numbers in the right direction next week!

    Makes perfect sense to me -- if you worked out "tremendously hard," then your muscles are retaining water. When you either stop working out so hard, or when your body gets used to working out so hard, your muscles will release the water. This happened to me when I was overtraining -- I backed off some on the exercise (I was putting in a good 15 hours a week and backed off to 6-7) and my weight dropped nearly immediately.
    Keep up what you're doing! :flowerforyou:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Very strange, but I am up almost a pound. Doesn't make much sense because I worked out tremendously hard last week, and thought I did well on the eating. I'll have to examine my meals and makes some changes. Something isn't working, because as much as I worked out, I would have thought that I would have lost several pounds last week. Ugh. So frustrating sometimes. Oh well. Getting focused for this week, hope to see some bigger numbers in the right direction next week!

    Makes perfect sense to me -- if you worked out "tremendously hard," then your muscles are retaining water. When you either stop working out so hard, or when your body gets used to working out so hard, your muscles will release the water. This happened to me when I was overtraining -- I backed off some on the exercise (I was putting in a good 15 hours a week and backed off to 6-7) and my weight dropped nearly immediately.
    Keep up what you're doing! :flowerforyou:

    I would completely agree -- it sounds like you are retaining water from all of the exercise that you put it. Remember to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and flushed out (at LEAST 8 cups per day). Also, you might consider giving yourself a rest day from exercise -- especially if you are doing any kind of strength training, the body needs a little time to recoup. I bet you'd see a nice drop if you took it a little easy for a day.

    Also -- keep in mind that body weight does naturally fluctuate -- sometimes up or down as much as 5 lbs. If you weigh yourself every day, you might see what looks like a gain, when it is actually just a fluctuation (which can be caused by fluid retention, waste retention, food in your belly from your last meal, etc.)

    Chin up! Remember that the scale can be deceptive -- judge your journey by the fit of your clothes, and by how well you feel. :smile:
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks! I think you are both very right. I definitely feel like I have been retaining water, and yes, I increased my workouts quite a bit last week. I took Sunday off, but I was coaching a volleyball tournament, and the only options of food were high in sodium, and processed foods. Very unhealthy stuff, so the weight gain is probably a result of that too. Thanks for your input, I appreciate the support and help! I definitely need it. It's much easier to stay focused when there is a support system helping me do it.
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Don't know if we are all still weighing in or not since no once posted yesterday. Just in we are, I am down two pounds since last week! So everyone's advice was golden, and made me succeed, Thanks!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Monday weigh in (on Tuesday :laugh: ) -- 188.6!

    Been dealing with a very ill kitty this weekend :brokenheart: , and didn't eat well or get in any exercise -- got back on track yesterday, though.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i started at 234, and i'm now up .2lbs at 234.2lbs.

    i've revised my eating and exercise plan and am hoping to do better and stay on track. i have the flu right now so i'm not eating much at all, but i'm hoping to be back on track again (don't know how many damn times i've said this) for real this time.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i weighed in at 233.4 this morning

    Down 0.8lbs from last week

    i'm going to take it and be happy lol! i didn't exercise at all last week so i won't complain lol!
  • :smile: Me too!!!!!
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