Anyone needing to lose over 100 pounds?



  • nicholettebell
    Just wanted to leave a little note as I have been there. It is not impossible to do this on your own. It's how I did it because for me, the more people who knew I was trying to lose weight, the more pressure I put on myself which caused so many repeated failures. One advice I want to give is that you must do this for yourself and you must want to do this more than you've wanted anything. It is hard, frustrating, nerve wracking, soul wrenching, etc, etc. But it is so worth it. I want to encourage every single one of you that have so much to lose to NEVER GIVE UP. You'll have good, even great, days. And you will have horrible, terrible days that will make you want to go back to old habits, and you may for a bit. But never quit. Never give up.
  • joelthecannon
    I have lost 70 pounds so far in 6 months. I have another 30 to 35 lose. You can friend me if you want to.
  • suckerlove
    I am looking to lose more than 100, I am almost down 50, you can do this, we all can.
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    155 pounds!!! How proud you must be!!! I know I am Proud of you!!! that is like losing an entire adult from your body! Do a Happy Dance daily!!!
  • jazcndoit
    jazcndoit Posts: 79 Member
    Count me in! I need to lose exactly 123lbs... to be a healthy wait.. I do not have a date to when I would like to accomplish this for when I do pressure always gets the best! I can use the support as well as give it! Since I started school my work out routine has gone bananas.. and so I would greatly appreciate any advice given! Thanks ladies/gentleman!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: Don't Look Back!! You aren't going that way. How or Why you got here is not as important -- In My Opinion -- as the Fact that You ARE HERE NOW. Make your next Choice a Good One. Don't expect a Smooth Journey, and Don't wait until Monday to Start this Lifestyle.
    :flowerforyou: Know that there are LOTS of People here to Cheer you on and to Encourage you Every Step of the way.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    I was needing to lose about 100 lbs. Like many of you, I never imagined I would be in this situation, but here I am. I've lost about 12, so I have about 90 more to go now. I will be turning 50 in a few months and that has me thinking a lot about my health and my life in general. I like MFP because it helps me keep track of my foods and having some friends who are "in the same boat" helps, too. Anyone is free to add me if you want. However, I don't get to spend a lot of time on here because of a busy schedule, so I might not always get around to commenting on everything, etc. Best wishes to everyone on this life-changing journey.
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    Sorry If I friended some of you more than once...internet is doing Crazy things tonight...ugh...It was like...I do NOT want to cooperate after midnight...Night all!!! :noway:
  • sbrinkme
    You can do it. One day at a time. Just don't give up!!
  • jntokun10
    If you look at it as a "diet" it won't work. It MUST be a lifestyle change!
    Read Forks over KNives or watch the movie.

    Add me is you like i was over 300 now down to 284 as of today. SHould be around 160, lol

    Amen!!!! If you look closely at the word Diet drop your T and there you have it! Its got to be a lifestyle change, if you pay close attention to how you feel each day after exercise and eating right you will come to enjoy it more than the 10 lbs of pizza I wanted last night! I can't say don't watch the scale because I do even though I know it almost cripples us when it hasn't moved! My husband has threatened to hide the scale and make me pay attention to clothes instead lol... I'll work on that next week grins!

    Hang in there!! Cuz I can't paint my own toenails and it drives me NUTS so I feel ya
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    So today all my friends...take time to love yourself....I have to give a talk to my teens this weekend on loving who you are...last week it was on loving your neighbor, but this week is the tough one...loving often do we do that? hmmmmmmmmmm giving self a virtual hug...We are quick to point out of faults, our failures, etc...but how often do we cry out of successes our joys...and truly love who we are? Today make a point to do that...look in the mirror and say ...."Hey there you know I love you!" No really, do it out loud....and then pamper yourself...a hot bath with candles and some jazz music...or maybe a hot cup of tea and a sappy romance movie...or perhaps a walk around the neighborhood listening really listening to the birds and looking at clouds (stay out of the street when you do this :-) But do something to love yourself. Then give a shout out about what you love most in yourself...for me it is my true love for son has a fit cause he says my glass is ALWAYS' half full'...and what is wrong with that right? Cheers to the happy people in the world...I can't wait to see what i will be like when I am completely healthy and happy!!! woot woot watch out world!!! How about you...I would love to hear....what do you love about yourself?
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    Just wanted to leave a little note as I have been there. It is not impossible to do this on your own. It's how I did it because for me, the more people who knew I was trying to lose weight, the more pressure I put on myself which caused so many repeated failures. One advice I want to give is that you must do this for yourself and you must want to do this more than you've wanted anything. It is hard, frustrating, nerve wracking, soul wrenching, etc, etc. But it is so worth it. I want to encourage every single one of you that have so much to lose to NEVER GIVE UP. You'll have good, even great, days. And you will have horrible, terrible days that will make you want to go back to old habits, and you may for a bit. But never quit. Never give up.

    Congrats to you and your remarkable work! I love the pic with the lil jeans on the big ones. You are an insperation to us all and hope to be standing where you are some day!
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    I have lost 70 pounds so far in 6 months. I have another 30 to 35 lose. You can friend me if you want to.

    You look wonderful! Congrats on a job well done :)
  • leeb0364
    leeb0364 Posts: 1 Member
    I too am seeking to lose the 100, however, I will be glad to take of the 60 to get me to 200 as well. My problem is I'm not eating enough food to generate the weight lost.
  • suroon
    I have to lose 75KG... Yeah yeah long way ^_^
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    So it is Saturday night and it is time for many to stop making excuses about doing it tomorrow cause you know what..that was yesterday! time to get up, get moving..shock that body with some healthy food and find some MFP friends to keep you accountable...there are tons of us out there!!! What are you waiting on??? Tomorrow??? IF you wait too long..Tomorrow may never come! Get Fit, Get Friends, Get Feeling GOOD!!! We can lose ALL the weight and look Great!
  • babyboysmama26
    I've just joined this site and I need to lose 100 lbs I have no clue on where to start so any help would be greatful
  • IronTitaness
    Hello :). I need to lose more then 100 pounds as well. Feel free to add me as I need the support.
  • paulatara
    Feel free to add me for support. I'm trying to lose down to 200 lbs myself. I want to be active like I was about 6 years ago. I can use all the friends I can get.
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    Tip of the Day: Laugh it off... Giggling ang laughing helps relax tense muscles.... feeling something silly...and laugh...perhaps trying something you know you can't do but it will make you laugh...I tried to play hide and seek in walmart tonight with my 21 year old son...I laughed so hard, I almost tinkled on myself...and you know what...I did feel better when we left, no stress from the day...all just do it...Laugh!