Coconut Water....worth the money???



  • endureandpersist
    endureandpersist Posts: 59 Member
    It's not worth the money really. I've used it here and there through the years and I really think you're better off drinking water before, during and after a workout. Maybe add a pinch of good sea salt to restore electrolytes. Like anything, it's a fad, plus it does contain sugar. You should probably have good protein after any workout, preferably food, not necessarily powder. Just my two cents!
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    I use coconut water to water my lawn .. I have green grass.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    Coconut Water..I love it...I drink one bottle everyday..I buy the Sobe Lifewater Coconut at Walmart..It's only 80 calories and it tastes great!!!
  • cryssteen
    I really only like VitaCoco for plain coconut water. But, I just discovered Zico Chocolate flavored! It's like dessert. A couple of sips and my chocolate/sweet tooth is fulfilled. I'll take that!
  • hedalpedal
    hedalpedal Posts: 7 Member
    So I think Coconut water is a lot of hype, but obviously what I say below is my opinion formed after doing my research. Also, this applies to what I would call the "average" exerciser. Not people who are running ultra marathons or doing five hours of P90X a day or whatever, this is just people who go for an hour run or go lift weights for an hour or two, that's it. Anyway, maybe I'm wrong, but nevertheless, read on:

    When we sweat we initially lose a lot of "salt" (and by salt I mean all electrolytes, potassium, etc.) and comparatively less water. As we continue to workout, say after five or ten minutes, our sweat becomes increasingly more "watery" and less "salty".

    So the primary concern is that you lose a lot of water.

    The secondary concern is repleting electrolytes. Our body has tons of salt reserves, so losing salt isn't so much of an issue, but potassium is a different story. If you exercise a LOT and don't eat any potassium containing foods, EVENTUALLY you will not have enough potassium to maintain critical body functions, like regulating your heart rhythm. Which, obviously, is important.

    Coconut water is being touted as the perfect rehydration tool because it supposedly has similar electrolyte balances/ratios/levels/whatever to our blood. The problem is, we aren't trying to replace our blood after exercise, we are trying to mainly replace our water. Maybe a bit of potassium, but that's it. So you don't need to replace your blood(unless you exercise is a way that is different from what I consider exercise...idunno...bear wrestling?) What you really need is water.

    Point being, is repleting your electrolytes important? absolutely! Do you need to buy an expensive drink/supplement/whatever to do so? No! Drink a bunch of water and maybe eat some spinach/banana/tomato/whatever. You can absolutely buy the coconut water, but it doesn't improve anything in terms of weight loss.
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    It's really good for potassium (a form of electrolyte.) I say acquire the taste for your benefits.

    Compare the INGREDIENTS to that of a typical Gatorade. Gatorade ruling with a wooping 11, give or take. Coconut water is looking at three ingredients tops. (excluding SOBE "coconut water")
    That alone would should tilt your lean.

    Last bit of advice, ALWAYS check the amount of servings per a container. Let's not be fooled by the "oh 12g of sugar isn't so bad..." Yeah, maybe not SO bad for you, try is FOUR TIMES, in one simple chug down for hydration.

    Tough sometimes to switch from the extreme tastes, but in the end well worth it.
    "If you were stranded on an island and didn't have much...."
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't know about weight loss but it's good for hang overs! :drinker: