Breakfast Foods that Keep you Going?



  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    This may sound strange, and it's not traditional breakfast food either. I sometimes eat canned chicken or tuna wrapped in romaine lettuce leaves. Also, lite muscle milk can be sucked down quickly for extra protein @100 calories a box.
  • JennaL890
    I mix plain oatmeal with unsweetened protein powder, ground flax, and coconut milk. Sometimes I'll add half a banana or some chopped dates for sweetness but I found that it helps keep me full for longer than anything else I've eaten.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I eat breakfast just before starting work in the morning, then am not able to eat again for about 3.5 - 4 hours. I am struggling to find something for breakfast that keeps me from getting hunger pangs around the 3 hour point.

    I have tried peanut butter sandwiches (on wholemeal), yoghurt, fruit, muesli. Usually around the 300 - 350 calorie mark.
    Today I made myself a big smoothie with 1/2 a cup of oatmeal, a banana, a big teaspoon of peanut butter, and a cup of low fat milk. 450 calories and I STILL got hungry too early.

    Any suggestions on what to add to breakfast that will keep me going that little bit longer? I eat when I get to work so has to be something easily transported/prepared.

    Getting sick of dragging myself around for that last hour feeling completely flat!

    My breakfast is under 300 calories during the work week and right at 430 calories during the weekend, and I can stay full for 4 hours. Take a look at my diary if you want a few ideas.
  • RosaliaMarie
    I don't quite have that problem, as I'm retired. But when I must get up early, I usually fix myself an egg in a mug breakfast, and it keeps me going for hours.

    1/2 c eggbeaters
    1 wedge laughing cow cheese

    Spray large coffee mug. Put in eggbeaters and cheese, broken up in small portions. Microwave 1 minute. Stir contents well. Cook for another 30 - 45 seconds.


    You can add leftover veggies or bacon bits if you like.

    I eat this with one slice of whole wheat toast, and it lasts for hours.

    Check Hungry Girl's website for more eggmug recipes.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    Add chia seeds to your breakfast. Seriously, a tablespoon of those with your food will keep you from feeling hungry for hours. They expand when mixed with the food and water to hold 9x their weight in water, which keeps you feeling full. Plus, they are filled with fiber and omega 3's.
  • ninjakowski
    Thanks so much for all the input, very much appreciated. Lots of great ideas so I will try a few things out and see what works for me. Will have to drop in at the health food store on the weekend and see if they offer some other options, it is not so easy to find health foods/low cal alternatives in the regular stores over here.

    As a quick fix for tomorrow morning I am planning to add some protein powder to my smoothie see how that goes. Thanks again guys :)
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    oatmeal and greek yogurt. Both of these fill me up and the greek yogurt has so much more protein than the regular, I just never buy regular anymore.
  • Pfead
    Pfead Posts: 1
    I really don't eat anything for breakfast, but since I have started today to try and eat right because I want to lose about 50lbs. My problem is everything I love food, sweets, breads, and rice. I'm 51 and I can't continue to eat like I'm still at age 16yrs. I really need help on substitute foods that I love. Can anyone help me I weigh 200lbs and want to lose 50, but I will take 20-30lbs. I started exercising this morning and I would like to keep it up just need some help. Is there anyone out there have this problem.

  • nack_14
    nack_14 Posts: 13
    rolled oats are perfect. throw a little peanutbutter in there and you are good to go!
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Honestly, being hungry for 1/2 an hour or an hour isn't going to kill you. Try drinking some water to curb the pangs :-)