carb or not to carb?



  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Didn't read most of this thread, so excuse any repeat info.

    Most of the high level runners I know will carb load 2-3 days before a race, and back off the night before. They eat anything and everything, no restrictions (unless they have an allergy).

    Everything else I will say is anecdotal, and I believe that the best diet is one where you eat everything in moderation, so take this with a grain of salt.

    I went low-carb once just to see, and while I could do my runs, I lost pretty much all my speed and kick. I normally run about an 8:10 marathon training pace, and a 7:00 tempo pace. I couldn't get near that without carbs. 9 minute miles felt like I was going to die. In my experience, for up to a half marathon, if you don't care about time, low carb is alright. Not the best, but alright. for longer distances, carb up.