coffee enema for eliminating toxins?



  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Coffee belongs in a cup. I recently saw a study that said that any of these "cleanings" are actaully bad for you. The only time you need an enema is when you cannot have a bowel movement. Your body needs the bacteria in the colon. These "enemas" are actaully detrimental to you in the long term.

    Plus you drink enough coffee it will cleanse you anyway
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    This comes from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center -

    "Coffee enemas are used in several metabolic therapies. There are theories about coffee enemas aiding excretion from the liver and colon, but none of them have been proven. In addition, coffee enemas can cause electrolyte imbalances in the blood and impaired nutrient absorption."

    So the best part of waking up is still Folgers in your cup... not your butt.

    Fantastic! Informative and funny.
  • got2tryagain
    Just don't try it in Starbucks...
    I Could have used that warning before I was banned for life!!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Try eating the GOMBS diet by Dr. Furman. It will naturally keep your liver clean of toxins for life. I've been eating the GOMBS diet plus protein for about 5 months. In the 10 months time I've been on myfitnesspal, I went from 198 to 119. I eat two large GOMBS salids a day with Chicken Breasts or Fish. I add yogart dressing. I don't starve myself and I am in the maintenance stage.

    What the hells a gomb?

    Here is the Gombs Diet:


    Green leafy vegetables contain a variety of systems and nutrients which put a slippery, silicone-like coating inside your blood vessels, where they activate the Nrf2 mechanism which prevents plaque and speeds up the rate at which the fat will melt away from inside the blood vessel.


    The Medical Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study which was conducted in Europe indicated that individual who regularly ate onions recorded a 60 to 70% decrease in every major cancer.


    A study that was recently published in the international Journal of Cancer indicated that women who consumed mushrooms regularly are 64% less prone to developing breast cancer; that is approximately 10 grams of mushrooms on a daily basis.

    Berries and Beans

    Berries and beans contain high levels of cancer preventive antioxidants and they promote healthy functioning of the brain.


    Raw nuts and seeds contain fats and phytochemicals which assist in the reduction of inflammation, assist in reducing cholesterol and assist in the absorption of additional essential micronutrients. As suggested by Dr. Fuhrman, eating nuts as an ingredient in your salad or making salad dressings out of them will be highly beneficial to your health.

    Article Source:
    I was into that before it went mainstream.

    This sounds like a really boring diet...I doubt you can sustain it for very long.
  • waistfinder
    waistfinder Posts: 27 Member
    Okay I'll risk this post: I have been doing coffee enemas for several years, from once every two weeks, up to twice a week. Started for personal reasons, kept it up because it makes me feel light and evenly energized. I also do it before weighing in so I'm not weighing crap. I have some of my best workouts after one. Coffee tastes better by far following. I still have normal movements between, haven't had any detectable untoward effects, and yes, my doctor knows about them and hasn't warned me against it. Lately I have started taking acidophilis caps just to be sure I replenish any lost flora, if any. As for toxins, I don't really care if it is or isn't getting rid of them, or even if there are any to be rid of. Just my experience, and I don't recommend it to anyone for anything in particular, but thanks for asking about an unmentionable.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Okay I'll risk this post: I have been doing coffee enemas for several years, from once every two weeks, up to twice a week. Started for personal reasons, kept it up because it makes me feel light and evenly energized. I also do it before weighing in so I'm not weighing crap. I have some of my best workouts after one. Coffee tastes better by far following. I still have normal movements between, haven't had any detectable untoward effects, and yes, my doctor knows about them and hasn't warned me against it. Lately I have started taking acidophilis caps just to be sure I replenish any lost flora, if any. As for toxins, I don't really care if it is or isn't getting rid of them, or even if there are any to be rid of. Just my experience, and I don't recommend it to anyone for anything in particular, but thanks for asking about an unmentionable.

    I'm hoping you're brewing a new pot for this?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I like to put buttered scones up my butt and wash it down with a nonfat, soy latte enema.
  • waistfinder
    waistfinder Posts: 27 Member
    Okay I'll risk this post: I have been doing coffee enemas for several years, from once every two weeks, up to twice a week. Started for personal reasons, kept it up because it makes me feel light and evenly energized. I also do it before weighing in so I'm not weighing crap. I have some of my best workouts after one. Coffee tastes better by far following. I still have normal movements between, haven't had any detectable untoward effects, and yes, my doctor knows about them and hasn't warned me against it. Lately I have started taking acidophilis caps just to be sure I replenish any lost flora, if any. As for toxins, I don't really care if it is or isn't getting rid of them, or even if there are any to be rid of. Just my experience, and I don't recommend it to anyone for anything in particular, but thanks for asking about an unmentionable.

    I'm hoping you're brewing a new pot for this?

    Oh my that didn't sound right, did it? Frickin' hilarious!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    New business model for Starbucks.
  • LennyInFlorida
    I made a similar response to this the other day but...

    Your body NEEDS the bacteria that is in your gut/bowels to work properly.

    Enemas flush that out, upsetting your bodys natural balance - which will make things WORSE.

    Better to drink plenty of water, eat healthily and let your body do its own thing. Evolution can't have got it that wrong if we're still around, and this was a long time before we thought we knew better than how our body has evolved to work.

    Just a thought :)

    ^This--keep your flora. Get healthy with some probiotics, supplements and water.