When Do You Log your Food



    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    As I eat it ---that way I do not forget anything.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    All throughout the day. Sometimes I plan things into my day, and fill in the rest as I go.

    pretty much this. I tend to sit down to log dinner in the afternoon so see just how I might need to tweak foods to fit my day or to set myself up mentally to not snack while cooking etc.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I usually plan my meals out the day before, then tweak as necessary and add snacks during the day.
  • bluestocking01
    I log Breakfast, lunch and snacks first thing in the morning. I log dinner right before I eat. This way it helps me stay focused and I know exactly what I'm eating and how many calories I have left over if I need an extra snack. It also helps me feel less guilty about grabbing that snack after dinner- because I know my leftover calories already I don't feeling like I'm cheating.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    It's all different for me. Sometimes I log before I eat to stay on track, sometimes I log right after I eat in case I can't make up my mind, and sometimes I log everything at night before I go to bed if I'm having a busy day.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I'm just wondering when everyone logs their food into their diary... immediately after you eat, just before you eat, or some other time?

    A week in advance.
  • HealthFreak1967
    HealthFreak1967 Posts: 116 Member
    i do it at LEAST a day in advance, but usually I'll sit down and plan up to 4 days to a week. It helps me stay on track and stick with my meal plans, and plus then I'll know what to buy at the grocery store already :-)
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    I log my breakfast lunch and snacks in the morning and dinner before I eat it
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    A week in advance too. I use this as my menu planner and shopping list. My week runs Saturday through Friday. Saturday mornings I pick up a produce basket at my produce co-op and then head to the grocery store with my list of items needed based on the menu for the next week.

    I tweak daily, usually at the end of the day. Sometimes I forget to pack something for lunch (like a snack item) or I only ate half of what I thought I would, or I had something to eat that I didn't plan for, etc. So at the end of the day I log in and make adjustments to the preplanned menu so that it reflects what really happened that day.

    For me, if I didn't plan out a week in advance, I'd make bad choices every day. And if I don't have meals planned in advance, I'd never stay under my calorie limits for the day; I'd exceed over and over. At least I finally recognize that about myself....
  • crazycakez
    First thing in the morning. I bring my breakfast, lunch, and snacks to work with me and usually know what we're having for dinner. I like to have a plan, it helps me stay focused. I will tweak things as I go along if I skip a snack or if my husband surprises me with dinner or something.

    I also log my exercise in the morning as it makes me feel like I HAVE to do it. I makes me too guilty to go in and remove it if I skip.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I log my food as I prepare it.
  • phishn4peace
    phishn4peace Posts: 21 Member
    I pack everything the night before since I am gone from 6am-5pm. I log everything as I am packing it. I also log my dinner the night before as well. This helps me not cheat and eat the exact calories I need.
  • ShanniLee
    I log my breakfast and lunch in the morning as I plan out those two meals. And I log supper right after I eat as I don't get home till late and I never know what my boyfriend is whipping up :)
  • fleerik
    fleerik Posts: 29 Member
    I log right before I eat, or sometimes I even log my entire day the day before!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    During the work week, I log pretty much every meal the night before. That way I know what I have left for snacks or goodies. Sometimes, I log snacks ahead as well if I have been leaning towards a certain thing.

    On the weekends, I normally log as I'm cooking it. . I am more likely to only have 2 meals on weekends and I stay up later and have a snack at like midnight...that type of thing.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I generally plan the day before and then tweak it if anything changes.

    This ^^
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I log everything before I eat it so I know how many calories/carbs it will be before the damage is done. I learned from my mistake with a Kwik Trip chocolate chip muffin... 570cal my gooooodness :noway: .
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    As soon as I can get to the computer.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    When I first joined, I logged my food right after each meal.
    Now I realised I am pre-logging my food more and more often, because I plan my meals more often than I did in the past.
    I still do a combination of the two things, but in the future I am most likely going to always log my food in advance.

    In any case, I only close my diary for the day when I am sure I won't eat or drink anything else.
  • hiddenaudacity
    hiddenaudacity Posts: 122 Member
    Straight away, before or after I eat it on my iphone app :) Or if I can't, then I just do it as soon as I get a chance.