Supplement for muscle training

Hi Guys,

Need some help from some weight lifters! I have started a shortcut to size program from and they have given all these supplements to go along with it all....I am not quite sure what they all do and if there a waiste of money. I have posted the link to the program below and let me know what is good and what I need...I am only using Whey Protein after the muscle training currently...I have heard to use Creatine and Fish Oils? Any advise would help me hugely to get started.


  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    creatine does help (more so if you're eating at a surplus though). It is basically a quick reserve energy source during near maximum physical excertion.

    It might give you 1 or 2 more reps on sets early in your workout.

    Take 5g with your whey post workout. Your body stores it for when it needs it, so the theory is that you should replenish stores after its depleted. Also, workouts and post workout meals are when your body is most ready to go anabolic, so nutrients are more easily taken in to their intended target then.

    Don't get caught up in the marketing of all the different kinds, or get talked into some expensive product by the meathead at the the store...just get the plain jane, fairly cheap Creatine Monohydrate if you feel that what I told you it will give you is worth it.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I was always curious on what dictates if a supplement is pre or post. Is Whey supposed to be Post?

    I recently bought Trutein which is 40% Whey, 40% Casein, 20% Egg White. I believe that is a post and not a pre. Anyone confirm?
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I was always curious on what dictates if a supplement is pre or post. Is Whey supposed to be Post?

    I recently bought Trutein which is 40% Whey, 40% Casein, 20% Egg White. I believe that is a post and not a pre. Anyone confirm?

    Sounds like it would be fine for either IMO. I wouldn't get too caught up, powder is just a protein source, and it's good to have amino acids in your system when you are working out and to eat some after.
  • UWZander
    Well, yes and no. Since it is from they are trying to get you to buy a heck of a lot of stuff (See Kris Gethin's dtp, he has like $500 of stuff for one month) and so the only things you "need" if you so choose:
    Creatine, 5g before and after workout from any decent brand (don't get a walmart one because of possible contaminants)
    BCAAs I like ON Bcaa pills since it's easy to take
    Multi- ON Opti-men is considered the best weightlifters vitamin for the price
    Fish oil- any decent brand, dosage depends on your nutrition intake
    Protein- Yes, because you want 2-3 X your bodyweight in protein a day
    All the other stuff you would find in a pre-workout energy products like Noxplode, C4 extreme, Musclpharm Assault, etc...
    Do research! Don't just listen to one person.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Protein- Yes, because you want 2-3 X your bodyweight in protein a day

    Wait...what?! 2-3 times your bodyweight in protein? I heard 0.7-0.8 times your body weight. 2-3X would be like 400-600g of protein for a 200lbs person. lol
  • banffkid
    Thanks everyone for the Advice everyone!!!
  • UWZander
    Yeah, usually based off of lean bodyweight. If you are eating 3000 cal a day in lean, healthy food its quite easy.
  • gosullivan93
    The amount of supplements that were advised in that link is ridiculous. They're going to suggest that many to try get as much money out of you as possible. I'd recommend just starting off with Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein. I wouldn't bother with any of the tablets or creatine. The protein I suggested already has plenty of amino acids so there is no need to buy another supplement for amino acids. In regards to creatine, there is no need to be taking this unless you want to get stronger and need to recover from your workouts quicker.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Well, yes and no. Since it is from they are trying to get you to buy a heck of a lot of stuff (See Kris Gethin's dtp, he has like $500 of stuff for one month) and so the only things you "need" if you so choose:
    Creatine, 5g before and after workout from any decent brand (don't get a walmart one because of possible contaminants)
    BCAAs I like ON Bcaa pills since it's easy to take
    Multi- ON Opti-men is considered the best weightlifters vitamin for the price
    Fish oil- any decent brand, dosage depends on your nutrition intake
    Protein- Yes, because you want 2-3 X your bodyweight in protein a day
    All the other stuff you would find in a pre-workout energy products like Noxplode, C4 extreme, Musclpharm Assault, etc...
    Do research! Don't just listen to one person.

  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    I'm also weight training and I was put on this...

    Pre - Protein, Beta - Alanine and L-Arganine
    Post - Protein, DGC, Glutamine, Creatine, Beta-Alanine

    And of course a multi-vitamin. Also,another serving of Glutamine before bed. Does that sound right?
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    Jim Stoppani created that program, he knows what he's talking about!
  • vinnieti
    vinnieti Posts: 79 Member
    make sure you're eating enough good, quality, healthy food. Many people who lift don't eat enough (myself included). Practice discipline in your diet first, then supplement once you've got that down. you don't want to wast money on supplements when your diet habits still need work.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm also weight training and I was put on this...

    Pre - Protein, Beta - Alanine and L-Arganine
    Post - Protein, DGC, Glutamine, Creatine, Beta-Alanine

    And of course a multi-vitamin. Also,another serving of Glutamine before bed. Does that sound right?

    You prob don't need protein pre/post in the forms of shakes, beta alanine is good, but depends on if you're taking an efficacious dose, L arginine and glutamine prob aren't doing much, creatine is good once again assuming an efficacious dose and that you're saturated. Not sure what DGC is
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I'd just stick with creatine mono, fish oils, and whey.

    most of the programs are junk because they're just an article designed to promote supplement sales.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I was always curious on what dictates if a supplement is pre or post. Is Whey supposed to be Post?

    I recently bought Trutein which is 40% Whey, 40% Casein, 20% Egg White. I believe that is a post and not a pre. Anyone confirm?

    If you are bulking, ideally you will have enough amino's running thru you already not to require you have to use anything. I however would rather have more than enough so would person (when bulking) have 20g of protein (whey concentrate is fine here) and either some fruit or a relatively fast digesting carb (with about 20g of carbs). If cutting I'd have simply protein pre-workout as simple carbs will blunt fat loss due to increased insulin levels.

    Intraworkout in both bulking and cutting, I use BCAA drinks. This allows me to have my protein synthesis work none stop and not halt as the body releases its down.

    Finally post, I use 1:1 protein carbs when bulking, around 40g of each of fast digesting isolate and carbs, such as vitrago. AGAIN however many will argue for the none body builder who is not concerned about muscle gain, this is not required. I however DO want as much muscle as possible so use all the weapons in my arsenal as possible!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I was always curious on what dictates if a supplement is pre or post. Is Whey supposed to be Post?

    I recently bought Trutein which is 40% Whey, 40% Casein, 20% Egg White. I believe that is a post and not a pre. Anyone confirm?

    If you are bulking, ideally you will have enough amino's running thru you already not to require you have to use anything. I however would rather have more than enough so would person (when bulking) have 20g of protein (whey concentrate is fine here) and either some fruit or a relatively fast digesting carb (with about 20g of carbs). If cutting I'd have simply protein pre-workout as simple carbs will blunt fat loss due to increased insulin levels.

    Intraworkout in both bulking and cutting, I use BCAA drinks. This allows me to have my protein synthesis work none stop and not halt as the body releases its down.

    Finally post, I use 1:1 protein carbs when bulking, around 40g of each of fast digesting isolate and carbs, such as vitrago. AGAIN however many will argue for the none body builder who is not concerned about muscle gain, this is not required. I however DO want as much muscle as possible so use all the weapons in my arsenal as possible!

    Alot of what you're saying is broscience.

    Nothing wrong with consuming simple carbs even when cutting as long as you meet your minimum protein macros and are eating in a deficit, you will burn fat.

    BCAA's aren't required if protein intake is sufficient.

    Vitargo = Oats = Rice = Potatoes......
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    So sorry for hijacking this thread....but if what I read is long as I hit my protein for the day regardless if I use my shake in the morning, afternoon, pre-workout or post-workout...I'll be fine? I'm cutting weight btw. So I am at a defecit but wanting to maintain muscle mass and only cut fat.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    So sorry for hijacking this thread....but if what I read is long as I hit my protein for the day regardless if I use my shake in the morning, afternoon, pre-workout or post-workout...I'll be fine? I'm cutting weight btw. So I am at a defecit but wanting to maintain muscle mass and only cut fat.

    Even if things are damn near perfect you will still lose some lean body mass.

    If you're new to lifting, and relatively small (judging by avi it wouldn't hurt to bulk) eat big and take advantage of the easy gains that come with starting out. Too many people piss away their easy gains by cutting and trying to be lean the first year of lifting. It's extremely easy to pack on muscle when starting out, so eat huge and get after it.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    So sorry for hijacking this thread....but if what I read is long as I hit my protein for the day regardless if I use my shake in the morning, afternoon, pre-workout or post-workout...I'll be fine? I'm cutting weight btw. So I am at a defecit but wanting to maintain muscle mass and only cut fat.

    Even if things are damn near perfect you will still lose some lean body mass.

    If you're new to lifting, and relatively small (judging by avi it wouldn't hurt to bulk) eat big and take advantage of the easy gains that come with starting out. Too many people piss away their easy gains by cutting and trying to be lean the first year of lifting. It's extremely easy to pack on muscle when starting out, so eat huge and get after it.

    I'm 190 right now with about 20 more pounds to lose I'd say. You still think eating at a surplus and bulking is the right move? I always figured I'd cut down to 170 while also working out to get cut, and then bulk afterwards.
  • banffkid
    See I am 150 lbs now and I would love to get to 170 with mass! My problem is I guess I get afraid to eat alot as I think it will be fat no muscle :( .... I am trying to eat at least 2100 calories per day now.