Anyone using Body by Visalus?



  • lte241
    lte241 Posts: 2
    Nope, I am not kinda angry. You may perceive it as that. ... it certainly is your right to perceive what ever way you wish. As i started out my post I said MY OPINION. MY opinion is that we as Americans are in fact LAZY...we want the easy way for just about everything. Yes there are certainly those whom are the exception. But how exactly do you explain that The United States is the fattest country of all developed countries? The easy fix for some of us is a shake or pill and not taking responsibility for how we got fat. Yes.. yes... I know there are some with issues in their health that cause them to gain weight and I understand that.

    How did I get fat? That is an easy answer! Because I ate lots of crap, and did not exercise. Ever hear the saying " Put the Twinkie down!"? Though I actually dis-like Twinkies because I think they taste nasty... I filled my pie hole with any number of other sweets and bad "food".

    So I don't really have issue if someone feels the need to replace actual food with a shake...MY opinion is it is the lazy way. I do not think I belittled anyone.. I simply voiced my opinion and what my thoughts are on the subject like what seems like many others had done. I may have done it in a more non-PC way then you would have liked.

    You drink your easy shake and feel good about it.... I will work at my goals through eating real foods and exercising my body. We will both achieve our goal in the end and I will know in my heart and mind I EARNED mine through hard work.

    I would be interested in seeing what living the "Vi-Life" has done to peoples LONG term health.. not 5 years.... but perhaps 10 and 20 years from now. I have noticed a growing trend of law suits against dietary supplements and the like due to LONG term health damage.

    I have compassion as I am a fat guy, oh wait... I am overweight... I simply acknowledge how I got to be this way and embrace it. I also know that the way to make a true change for ME is to eat healthy and exercise. Heck I will even encourage, Keep drinking your shakes! You are doing great!

    My opinion.. the real secret for MOST "over weight" healthier and exercise.
  • FYI, That was the only time I posted it... I don't sell it, and will never sell it. I thought we were all here to be helpful and supportive...

    At this point, I have a shake for breakfast and keep track of calories the rest of the day. I don't think there is a "magic cure", and realize that it takes WORK to lose weight. I work out daily as well.

    I can't believe the amount of negative, downright nasty comments that this post generated.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,272 Member
    FYI, That was the only time I posted it... I don't sell it, and will never sell it. I thought we were all here to be helpful and supportive...

    At this point, I have a shake for breakfast and keep track of calories the rest of the day. I don't think there is a "magic cure", and realize that it takes WORK to lose weight. I work out daily as well.

    I can't believe the amount of negative, downright nasty comments that this post generated.
    If the people who sell this stuff didn't make unsupported claims, nobody would have to say anything, and we'd all be happy unicorns.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    And 7 months later...
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    FYI, That was the only time I posted it... I don't sell it, and will never sell it. I thought we were all here to be helpful and supportive...

    At this point, I have a shake for breakfast and keep track of calories the rest of the day. I don't think there is a "magic cure", and realize that it takes WORK to lose weight. I work out daily as well.

    I can't believe the amount of negative, downright nasty comments that this post generated.

    I drink it. I love the Butterfinger recipe. I use it more as a protein shake after my workouts. I can't say my weight loss is from Visalus only or because I count my calories on here or both. I'd say counting calories period.
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