Why am I COLD all the friggin' time????



  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Wanna trade? Im hot all the time. I sweat from peeling an orange.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    That was interesting. I'll have to check into a couple of them, but I'm not sure that any apply. We shall see. My best friend's daughter has that Raynaud's Phenomenon... That can be scary! She worked in food service & if she would go into the walk in cooler (or freezer) and stay for anything longer than a few seconds, her hands would literally start turning blue.
    I have that. It's annoying because I can feel fine, but my fingers and toes are cold, and my parents will tell me to put socks on when I'd rather be barefoot. Not sure I would describe it as scary, though. :wink:
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I've noticed that I feel the cold much more since losing weight.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Since getting close to single digit body fat levels, I have stayed cold most of the time. I find AC annoying as hell. I am constantly wearing a hoodie or a light jacket, even in the humid weather.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Funny, I was going to start a thread on the same subject! I am also feeling cold recently, although I have no thyroid issues and am eating approx. 1200 cal/day. I exercise regularly, and usually I am the person who was dressed in short sleeves because I was always so hot. My son even suggested I may be menopausal even though I am not yet 35!!!
    I am especially cold at night, will put on thick socks and snuggle under my blanket--never did that before!
    I'm 39, which would also be quite early, but I was wondering the same THING! Though the last few nights I've been hot in bed, which is odd... I was cold there too since this started. And yes, I normally wear sandals/open toed shoes from February/March until about November most years & short sleeves too. (In Ohio)
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    For the last 2yeas I had a basal temp of 25 C. So one degree below average. Then to find out that I just have a slow metabolism due to insulin resistance. Now I am on metformin and my temp is gradually rising. There can be different causes for slow metabolism. First you should do a temp graph just to see if there is only your perception or it is true. And go see a doc. Also cold hands and legs could indicate some micro circulation problems. I have a friend that has icy hands...
    Well, I'm not sure what basal temperature means differently... But my body temp has always been on the low side, 96 something to 97 something F. I was on metformin for about a year and a half for a pre-diabetic condition, according to the endocrinologist. I am going off the metformin and am currently on half the dose I was on previously, however, this being cold business started before my dose was changed. And whether or not my body temperature drops, when I have goose bumps covering my arms & legs, I'm cold. It's not just my extremities. I see my doctor annually at least to have blood work and all else checked. Other than my thyroid dose needing lowered (which it was and I have it retested in 2 weeks) everything else was good.
  • ktull68
    If you haven't already spoken with your doctor, I would do that right away. Don't delay.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Wanna trade? Im hot all the time. I sweat from peeling an orange.
    Mine wasn't QUITE that bad before, but it was much closer to that than this. I prefer that, actually. :grumble: Being cold and having to pile on clothes and/or blankets sucks!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member

    That was interesting. I'll have to check into a couple of them, but I'm not sure that any apply. We shall see. My best friend's daughter has that Raynaud's Phenomenon... That can be scary! She worked in food service & if she would go into the walk in cooler (or freezer) and stay for anything longer than a few seconds, her hands would literally start turning blue.
    I have that. It's annoying because I can feel fine, but my fingers and toes are cold, and my parents will tell me to put socks on when I'd rather be barefoot. Not sure I would describe it as scary, though. :wink:
    It was scary for her because at the time, she was in school for culinary arts & the teachers didn't believe her about being unable to stay in the coolers for more than a very short period of time... Until they saw her turning blue. SMH...
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    If you haven't already spoken with your doctor, I would do that right away. Don't delay.
    I was just in for my physical & blood work on July 31. I'll call and ask them about this... But I'm thinking she's likely going to say the same things everyone else has, mainly that because I've lost fat I'm just going to be cold. I want to know why, if that is in fact the case, this didn't happen 2 years ago when I lost much MORE weight than now.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am now a FREEZE baby, LOL

    I think for me, it's losing all that 'insulation' I've had. It's just ridiculous sometimes. I walk around work where peeps are sweating and my fingers are so cold, I'm numb!

    I do eat fairly low calories, but I am Dr/Nut supervised and I for sure don't have any deficiencies. My lab work is excellent.
