u are beutifull

lets all feel beutifull and say wot makes u feel beutifull


  • Solisci
    Solisci Posts: 63 Member
    My son tells me i'm beautiful.... coming from a 5 year old i think its sooo sweet!
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Not being $hitty when someone posts a positive thread is also beautiful.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    come on you guys, you know what she meant. No need to be spelling or grammar nazis.

    My 4 year old daughter tells me I'm beautiful at random times...usually when I just happen to need to hear it.

    I like the color of my eyes...a unique blue/green ringed with dark blue...almost a purple blue.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Not being $hitty when someone posts a positive thread is also beautiful.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    My mirror makes me feel beautiful. Well, I feel beautiful anyway... my mirror just confirms it.
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    im dyslexic sorry
  • ericag128
    ericag128 Posts: 21 Member
    What's with all the judgement? If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    im dyslexic sorry
    YOU do not have to apologize for anything. Everyone who took a jab at your post should be apologizing.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    im dyslexic sorry

    There is no reason for you to feel sorry. We all knew what you were saying. :smile:
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    As for what makes me feel beautiful......

    Freshly colored hair. Superficial, I know, but I just love how pretty and shiny it is.

  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    i was trying to make people feel good but i must off got it wrong
  • tequilasunris3
    As for what makes me feel beautiful......

    Freshly colored hair. Superficial, I know, but I just love how pretty and shiny it is.


    This is mine too! makes me feel like a new person :)
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    a cute dress that I wasn't able to get into some years ago and getting my toes done! Sounds crazy but it works for me!!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    And what makes me feel beautiful?... My dogs. Because they love me no matter what... and love to just lay in my lap and be with me. I know... crazy, huh? :happy:
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    im dyslexic sorry

    No need to apologize, starting a thread like this is beautiful! Thank you
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    i was trying to make people feel good but i must off got it wrong

    You got nothing wrong... I've learned from experience. You just have ignore the idiots.
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    See those little red lines under the words you typed? They signify something.
    you are a douche !!!!!!!!!!!!!! did i spell that right?
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    your welcome x
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I appreciate the post, you too! :)

    And I'm instantly drawn into the disaster that will be the response thread.
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    See those little red lines under the words you typed? They signify something.

    Well that was rude!

    Too easy. Couldn't hold back............sue me.

    i :heart: you! hahahaha