would you ever not date someone because they are chubby?



  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    If I find them attractive and they have a good personality then yes. My husband was a bit chubby when I met him and it didn't stop me lol. He has now lost 3 stone and is buff and making me feel chubby :sad: :laugh:
  • apocalypsepwnie
    No. I men who are soft in the middle are my type. I don't actually find gym junkies very attractive.
    I don't like them huge, but just enough ya know lol. As long as they take pride in their appearance (aren't slobs).
    My boyfriend is a very good dresser and takes alot of care in his personal grooming.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Yes. I've done it. A lovely chap who was clever and funny and absolutely adored me. I just couldn't face the idea of getting nekkid with him. When I was at my largest too. I know, I'm shallow :ohwell:

    Karma wins out though; I suspect I didn't get many second dates when I was internet dating around that time after the chaps realised my size in real life.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Well the missus supposedly specifically picked me because i'm carrying a little timber. She associated being bigger with being able to look after her whilst at the same time being cuddly, i.e. 'gentle giant'.

    What she doesn't realise is a few years before I met her I was lean and mean lol - so when I start getting closer to that point i'm gonna have to be careful she doesn't go off me hahaha!

    Besides - is it just me, or do women _really_ like to feed up their men? lol!

    To answer your question, yes some women tend to feed their men and put some weight on them. My husband was probably about 145-150lbs when we met 5 years ago. He's now 165-170lbs. :wink: Not my fault entirely though. It's his own fault for being so hungry all the time. He hasn't really gained a pant size in the last 5 years though so I guess that's good. I've been steadily trying to lose weight and he's been putting it on. LOL