200 +(week 8)

HeaterM Posts: 275
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Sorry so late guys!!


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I thought I had missed it.....yay for the new thread!

    my friend just sent me the link to the Pound for Pound Challenge that The Biggest Loser does. Since we are already losing weight, why not help feed people who can't afford food? You are pledging to lose XX lbs by June 30, 2010.

    http://www.pfpchallenge.com/?r=1&pounds=30&fbname=Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina&fbloc=Winston-Salem, NC
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    hello! i would like to join this group, my name is tracy.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Tracy :flowerforyou: New members are always welcome. We generally weigh-in and start a new thread on Fridays. We are currently 2 weeks into self challenges to loose by New Years day - do you have a goal for this? Do you want to be on our chart with SW, CW and goal weight?

    Heather - so how are you? Thanks for starting the new thread.

    jitterspork - how are those planks coming along? My abs are sore.

    Blombie - just joined the pound for pound challenge - I pledged 30 by June - I figure its only 5 pounds a month which I hope to do anyways. Thanks for the info.

    So I am pretty proud of myself. I just completed week 4, day 1 of C25K training and I actually ran 5 min not once but twice at 5mph. WOW. I am off to get my long johns on - I have a 1 o'clock snow shoeing date. I just can't believe that 10 days ago, I walked 3 miles outside in 40 degree weather and now we have 2 ft of snow.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the link to the pound-for-pound challenge. I'll definitely pledge. I'm thinking 30 as well... seems to be a safe estimate.

    Blombie! So glad to see you're back. We really missed you around here! I'm glad you had a great time on your cruise and enjoyed yourself! I'm impressed you went to the gym there too!! I can't imagine ellipticaling (is that a word?) while on a ship, so yay for you!

    Yesterday was a bit rough. I was running around most of the day, and didn't eat much, but then there was the work holiday party, which was a mess for several reasons which I won't go into. I didn't eat a ton there, but certainly didn't make good food choices. Then, I went out for margaritas (had 2) with a friend, which involved inhaling way too much chips and salsa.

    So, I was feeling pretty down this morning on myself. Stepped on the scale, and I'm at 215.6 (friday I was 218). WTF? My random weight loss on the weekends continue. It's like I drop a couple, then the rest of the week, just hover around there. Go figure. That nice surprise though has motivated myself to probably go to the rec center today, which I was hedging on doing before, so yay?
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I've been doing good lately, my friend who are all in the hundreds want to do a biggest loser thing and I gave them my weight and i think i will give it a personal try rather than a group thing idk...it starts tomorrow.

    Well it sounds like everyone has been doing pretty good! the pound for pound is a good idea!.....

    and welcome Tracy!! :flowerforyou:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    so you remember when I said I was dealing with a really stressful marriage situation? we decided tonight to get a divorce. I don't need to go into all the details but now I have a million things to do. Sell the house so we can split the money, split the assets and bills, get in touch with the services to see if we can cancel some of the contracts we have with them, change bank account stuff, get new health and car insurance, get a new cell phone plan, find a new place to live, request a forbearance on my student loans, fpossibly see if I can refinance my car loan to get a lower payment....

    but I look forward to when I don't have to deal with his negativity and meanness anymore. he's the type of person who insults and puts down other people "jokingly" to feel better about himself...
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    so you remember when I said I was dealing with a really stressful marriage situation? we decided tonight to get a divorce. I don't need to go into all the details but now I have a million things to do. Sell the house so we can split the money, split the assets and bills, get in touch with the services to see if we can cancel some of the contracts we have with them, change bank account stuff, get new health and car insurance, get a new cell phone plan, find a new place to live, request a forbearance on my student loans, fpossibly see if I can refinance my car loan to get a lower payment....

    but I look forward to when I don't have to deal with his negativity and meanness anymore. he's the type of person who insults and puts down other people "jokingly" to feel better about himself...

    I'm sorry to hear bout that Blombie, you deserve better than that! I hope everything turns out ok :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - sorry to hear things aren't working out. We are here for you if you need to vent or talk. Good luck getting everything sorted out. Take care of yourself during this time - keep going to Zumba and eating healthier. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Blombie, I'm sorry to hear that it's come to getting a divorce, but it sounds like it's what is best. I wish you luck with getting all of the details sorted it (wish there wasn't so many things to deal with!), and everyone is right. Please, vent here all you like about how things are going. We're here for you!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Monday to everyone. I got up early but just can't seem to get in gear to exercise. I have my book club Christmas party tonight so I will have to do some shakin' and groovin' when I get home so that I can have a snack or two. 11 days until Christmas. This year has flown by. I managed to get my Christmas cards done last night. Have a great day...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Happy Monday to all my 200+. I had an ok weekend, didn't pig out, drank water.. and I'm up 3 lbs from Friday? UGHHH! WTF? I can't do anything right... So I guess I am gonna stick to maintaining.. its the holidays.. If I loose some weight along the way, then great. I'm not excercising.. I don't have any energy.. Gross.. I am still in this funk.. Although I vow to eat healthier this week, except for tomorrow.. Its me & my sons 'date'. he has an appt at the hospital, which will take all day.. so I will treat him to some lunch..:ohwell:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    so you remember when I said I was dealing with a really stressful marriage situation? we decided tonight to get a divorce. I don't need to go into all the details but now I have a million things to do. Sell the house so we can split the money, split the assets and bills, get in touch with the services to see if we can cancel some of the contracts we have with them, change bank account stuff, get new health and car insurance, get a new cell phone plan, find a new place to live, request a forbearance on my student loans, fpossibly see if I can refinance my car loan to get a lower payment....

    but I look forward to when I don't have to deal with his negativity and meanness anymore. he's the type of person who insults and puts down other people "jokingly" to feel better about himself...

    I'm sorry to hear that Blombie! Life will start looking up soon, Girl!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    So sorry Blombie, but maybe it's for the best. we are all here for you if you ever need to vent.
    i'm off to do week two of the C25K challenge.....oy vey!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    oK, So I have had a good eating day... Lite lunch, and a healthy breakfast (minus the brown sugar..) I joined the 'no late night snacks' gang.. I'm really hoping I can stick it out! I am looking forward to cooking dinner tonight.. My nana's famous chicken wings with russian dressing, apricot preserves and onion soup mix.. Mix it all together, marinate, bake AND ENJOY! Not healthy, but its a classic..
    Hope you all have a good night, and a good day tomorrow, I won't be here, I'll be in the hospital all day with my son..
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    nikki - good job eating well today. Good luck with your son.

    cd - When are you planning to run a 5K? Mines not until April - I plan to repeat the training but push for speed increases the second time around. I have high hopes that I will make it through the training the first time. Only 5 weeks to go for me....

    I am off to have fun at the Christmas party - I have banked 500 calories for treats tonight :tongue:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day! Good job pinbot for banking calories!

    I was trying to bank some calories as well, as tonight is pub trivia. First time I've been in a while, and probably won't go again till sometime into next month, so I don't feel HORRIBLE about it, though the caloric intake will be rough.

    I do have an exercise question for y'all though. I finally used my HRM today. You were right pinbot, just needed new batteries. But like you, it has me burning WAY less calories than I thought I was burning. So I know better than to use the calories burned that MPF says for the elliptical, cause it's insanely high... like over 900-1000 calories for the 65 minutes I do. But I had been using the amt of calories burned that the machine said (after putting in my weight and age). That came out to 778 today, which is about what I'd been doing. My HRM? 352! WTF? So which number do I use? I suppose I should use the lower number (-grumbles-), but seriously, i'm only burning that much on the elliptical? it sounds a bit wonky, but who knows?
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    What a lovely monday! So many finals! I hope everyone is doing good, if not let us know and if you are let us know too!! for lunch I had a granola bar and an apple....which was good except when i got home i snacked a little here and there....now lets try this again but better tomorrow!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day! Good job pinbot for banking calories!

    I was trying to bank some calories as well, as tonight is pub trivia. First time I've been in a while, and probably won't go again till sometime into next month, so I don't feel HORRIBLE about it, though the caloric intake will be rough.

    I do have an exercise question for y'all though. I finally used my HRM today. You were right pinbot, just needed new batteries. But like you, it has me burning WAY less calories than I thought I was burning. So I know better than to use the calories burned that MPF says for the elliptical, cause it's insanely high... like over 900-1000 calories for the 65 minutes I do. But I had been using the amt of calories burned that the machine said (after putting in my weight and age). That came out to 778 today, which is about what I'd been doing. My HRM? 352! WTF? So which number do I use? I suppose I should use the lower number (-grumbles-), but seriously, i'm only burning that much on the elliptical? it sounds a bit wonky, but who knows?

    I had to play with my hrm when I got it. If I wore the watch on my wrist, it wouldn't always receive a signal from the chest strap and wouldn't count my calories as accurately. My hrm came with a bike mount and I use that (even on the elliptical) and I watch it to make sure it has a good signal while I'm working out.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I had to play with my hrm when I got it. If I wore the watch on my wrist, it wouldn't always receive a signal from the chest strap and wouldn't count my calories as accurately. My hrm came with a bike mount and I use that (even on the elliptical) and I watch it to make sure it has a good signal while I'm working out.
    I'll fiddle with it. Mine came with a bike mount too. When I would periodically check it, it was registering my heart rate, which was very similar to the one that the machine was registering me at. Go figure.

    Wish I hadn't gone to trivia last night. Besides the fact that the two rotating categories were famous michiganders (i'm a transplant) and whiskey names and countries they are from (don't drink it really), the eating was too much. I'm feeling super fat today. Blech. Plus, I've noticed the past couple of days I've been snacking a bit... taking a couple of bites of random things and not accounting for them, which I seriously need to nip in the bud before it gets completely overblown. Today should be okay in terms of eating though, and plan to hit up the rec center again today after work. I'm attempting to go every day this week, as I fly out to NC for the holidays after work on Friday and won't have access to a gym the week that I am there (eep) with all that food (double eep).
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Pinot: not sure when I am going to do a 5K. right now I am just focused on getting to that point, getting to week six. I'd like to do one, but am having trouble finding a good one. I may just have my hubby go with me to one of the trails here and time me when I am done. we'll be moving soon, and I know that in spokane (where we are going) has various marathons, so my goal is to enter one of them.

    And, to steal from another message board on here today..Just a reminder girls....take it one day at a time. See for yourself how good you can eat for one day, and then repeat tomorrow!

    blombie......how's things going?
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