200 +(week 8)



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    blombie......how's things going?

    today has been horrible. I thought for a while we might be able to go to counselling and fix it, but after finding out who he was with, I can absolutely not get over it. (He says he only kissed her, they didn't have sex) but there's another woman (actually this is the 4th woman that I know of) that he obsessively text messages for hours every day. She has sent him pics of her boobs and I'm sure he has sent her pictures of *himself*

    but like I said....after finding out WHO he kissed today, its absolutely over. it was a girl who was an issue from the very beginning of our relationship 3.5 years ago. I thought I was being a good wife by letting him go hunting those couple weekends with a cousin and for some unknown reason he ended up hanging out with her.

    Been crying all day at work but thankfully I have some friends that are letting me stay with them (and I have my parents or my sister I can stay with) so I'm starting the process of selling the house and getting a divorce

    and I have not worked out all week and I don't really care. I'm so tired from crying so much....haven't even been counting calories either...been eating crap....I don't care...I need a week or two to get through this and then I will get back on the wagon...
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    blombie......how's things going?

    today has been horrible. I thought for a while we might be able to go to counselling and fix it, but after finding out who he was with, I can absolutely not get over it. (He says he only kissed her, they didn't have sex) but there's another woman (actually this is the 4th woman that I know of) that he obsessively text messages for hours every day. She has sent him pics of her boobs and I'm sure he has sent her pictures of *himself*

    but like I said....after finding out WHO he kissed today, its absolutely over. it was a girl who was an issue from the very beginning of our relationship 3.5 years ago. I thought I was being a good wife by letting him go hunting those couple weekends with a cousin and for some unknown reason he ended up hanging out with her.

    Been crying all day at work but thankfully I have some friends that are letting me stay with them (and I have my parents or my sister I can stay with) so I'm starting the process of selling the house and getting a divorce

    and I have not worked out all week and I don't really care. I'm so tired from crying so much....haven't even been counting calories either...been eating crap....I don't care...I need a week or two to get through this and then I will get back on the wagon...

    Love you.
    We will get through this.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    blombie *HUGE HUGS* hang in there!!! we're here for you!

    on a completely different lighter note, after attemping about 5 min on it today, I just don't think I'm coordinated enough for a treadmill.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Blombie, I am so sorry to hear all that. You know, I look at all men the same, they are all dawgs. You WILL get through this, You ARE strong enough! TAke some time to heal, but then pick yourself right back up, dust off, and show him what he's loosing!!!:flowerforyou: One day at a time, Sweetie.

    On another note, Yesterday I was over my calories by 491.. But I did walk a ton.. So I guess it evened out.. When I weighed myself this morning, the scale told me I was 235.. And I still didn't minus 1 lb for the 2 pairs of pants I have on (its cold today!!) So I guess thats good.. But its not the same scale I have been using.. I forgot my keys at home, which lets me into the triage room and thats the only scale I ever used here, but I don't have my keys today, so I weighed myself on the clinic next to me's scale.. and its a hospital one, so it can't be wrong right? Idk, hope it keeps going down, I am seriously trying to meditate and pull myslef outta this funk.. I bought a cheese danish for breakfast today, took one bite, and threw it out! I told myself I really didn't want it, & don't save it for later for the 'fat Nikki'...lmao
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    my plans change about 30 times a day.....now I'm thinking I'll give him a chance...not going to move back home yet but will go to marriage counseling with him and if things get better in 3-4 months, then move back in...I think I have enough friends and family that I can stay with during that time that I won't over stay my welcome. There will be lots of new rules and I'm not sure he will even be willing to follow all of them. oh well....gotta get back to all this ridiculous training that I have this week....none of it is sinking in
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I changed my ticker to show what I weighed right after I had my daughter, Hoping that the bigger number motivates me more...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I was getting let go (at my job) 12-31, so today, infront of pts, my manager informs me that 12-24 is my LAST day employed. Ugh, **** YOU, LADY!!!!!!!

    I hope she________________(add mean insult here). lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I was getting let go (at my job) 12-31, so today, infront of pts, my manager informs me that 12-24 is my LAST day employed. Ugh, **** YOU, LADY!!!!!!!

    I hope she________________(add mean insult here). lol

    Unprofessional much? I tell you, sometimes you have to wonder...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    uGH, I know, right??!! But good news, already! I have another interview set up for 5pm tomorrow.. its witha sales company, not what i went to school for, but, hey, a job is $$$ in my book! lol!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang, it sounds like life is rough for everyone. I haven't been feeling the best - woke up with a sore throat and it's still here. I haven't done any official ex in 3 days. I need to get my act together. And, I have a stress headache... I need to type up some notes to doctors but just keep putting it off. Tomorrow is a new day for everyone - it has to get better.

    Nikki - sorry to hear about your job. I agree your manager was VERY unprofessional. Good luck with your interview. My 2 cents worth of advice - only make positive comments about your current job during the interview. I used to do the hiring/interviewing and it was the biggest turn off when someone came in and c/o about their prior jobs or manager... And don't take your mom or significant other to the interview - several people really tried to have others sit in on the interview (like I am totally scary - LOL) - there are some really not so smart people out there. Sorry - I could go on for hours about the stupid mistakes people make when trying to get a job. If you want resume help, let me know. I am pretty good at beefing them up...

    Blombie - My heart goes out to you. Be very sure before you go back to him. There are a bunch of wonderful men in the world that won't be little you or cheat on you. Don't settle. Make sure he changes in positive ways. I am glad you have a good support system of family and friends. It sounds like this cheating has happened more than once already from your post. I would make him work very hard to re-earn my trust.

    akasullengal - I too would break down and have the pub food. I hope you had a good time with your friends. I have come to the conclusion that the HRM only catches some of the calories and that what I have been doing is working so I am going to ignore the HRM until I reach a plateau...
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Pinbot: I hope you feel better.. and maybe we could work on my resume when your better!

    So, I lost weight again.. 2lbs down from yesterday.. I really think not eating after 7 is helping! But Who knows? Tomorrow is the official weigh in.. I just can't blow it today, Now my daughter has an appt @ the MD's office.. I won't be there all day, but I like to treat the kids when we have a 'mami & me' day... I guess I have to learn to treat only them... But I do want to go buy some clothes.. and I have to talk myself out of it, cause I HAVE clothes, and I need to loose weight before I buy MORE clothes...
    I have yet to tell my manager that I'm leaving at 10:30 today. I am waiting til the last minute (10:15) and I will call and tell them I'm leaving... And a BiG F*** YOU TOO!! LMAO, I will have the last laugh... What are they gonna do? Fire me? lol.. I know that right now I'm not being a good (well, I coulda called out & been more sheisty today) employee, but she isn't a good manager... Sorry I'm just ranting.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nikki, sometimes you need to rant! haha. Congrats on the weight loss!

    Don't know for me how the weigh in will go tomorrow. I've eaten well so far today, but at 3 is my second work holiday party with appetizers and desserts. Could be dangerous. I'll need to be careful as tomorrow is weigh-in. I've been exhausted the past couple of days. I've been going to bed at a relatively decent time, but I don't know if it's cause I've been working out every day since Sunday or what. I sort of am not in the mood to go to the rec center today, but as I know I won't be around work out equipment whlie I'm at home (I leave tomorrow night) and it is sort of last chance workout, I really should. If I do REALLY well at the party, I might be able to talk myself out of it, but I really really should go. Argh. All I really want to do is go home and nap.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So even walking back from the holiday party, I was thinking I would wuss out on the gym today, but once I got to my car, I decided to just bite the bullet and do it. Once I was there, I was fine of course, and put out the hour on the elliptical and another 10 (i was going for 30, but pooped out) on the bike. Yay for last chance workout. The party wasn't too terrible for food. Ate pretty healthy actually, except for that slice of cheesecake I had (oops! I did only eat half a regular size slice though). It's sort of awkward cause it was around 4ish... which is a bit early for dinner, so I'll probably be hungry again tonight. Will just have to eat something light in anticipation of weigh-in tomorrow. I really don't know where I'll be. I've been up and down in a 2ish pound range all week. *shrug*

    Hang in there ladies! Two months almost down since we started and we're all still doing it! *group hug*
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Today's weigh in: 216.4 (-1.6 from last week). I'll take it!

    As I tend to lose weight, stabilize for a week, then lose weight again, I'm happy with a loss this week. Again, the weight dropped off over the weekend and then maintained it for the week. Very weird. I don't expect to lose any weight this upcoming week, as it's the holidays, I'll be at home with family, and without a gym. I'm just hoping for a maintaining weight.... that would be amazing.

    Good luck with weigh-ins today!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - Good morning to you all.... And yes it is a good morning. I am feeling much better. Had a date night with DH last night and did not even turn the computer on. The scale liked me and I am down 3 pounds this week - YEAH, Twirls, virtual high fives, kart wheels (okay, I dream alot)... I am down to 211. WOW. My proudest moment yesterday was during C25K training when I ran 2 miles in 26 min 10 sec - a new record for me. I also did 30 min of low impact aerobics with my mom. To here is a theoretical question (don't worry it's still months away but I am seeing the light) - what happens when I join the 100 club - can I still be in the 200+ group? Maybe we will need a name change? I am starting to fret about next week - we leave Tues and wont be back until Friday night. I may move my weigh-in to Sat or I may skip it next week. No place to work out, different scale and bad food for 4 days = scary weight...

    akasullengal - drive carefully and enjoy your family. Try your hardest live life. Christmas and this family time only come once a year. Keep us posted on your progress and congrats on your weight loss.

    nikki - look for a message in your inbox from me with my email address - send me your resume and I'll try to find time to work on it. I hope the interview went well last night.

    Blombie, heather and CD - hope that you've had a great week.

    Good luck on the weigh-ins everyone.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Thanks Pinbot, and Good job, Sullengal!
    I am weighing in this week at 232.. Dont know how much I'm down from last week, I can't remember,,opps! lol!
    Well, Next Thursday will be my last day around a pc, we don't have one at home.. But I am promising myself that starting the day after Christmas I am getting up and walking atleast an hour everysingle day. I did it before, and I loved walking, But when I moved, I was new to the neighborhood, and wicked busy with school & kids, So I stopped walking... And Now I will start again!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    didn't weigh in last week and completely forget what my last weight was, but today I'm 244.6

    so after the cruise and the craptastical week I've had...if nothing else, I know I've maintained....

    too bad today is Snack Day at work.....and next Wednesday we are having a potluck....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pinbot, congrats on the 3 pounds! That's fantastic!! And you should definitely be proud of yourself. I still don't think I could run 2 milies, so that's amazing. As for the group name, I don't know.. how about 200+ (omg-squee-100s) group? haha. Good luck with your holidays as well. I'll be in a similar boat. I fly out tonight to NC, and will be there through the 17th. Luckily, my mom has the exact same scale as me, so I'm hoping weighing on it will produce a similar weight.

    Nikki, walking is a great idea! That's what I plan on doing while I'm away for the holidays.

    Blombie, congrats on at least maintaining the weight. I know it's been a stressful time, so that's amazing! Keep it up hun!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Good luck on your trip, Sullen..
    and good job maintaining Blombie! If I was you, I'da been up 10 lbs!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Good for you pinot!!
    Im maintaing this week. still holding at 215. kinda wondering what I am doing wrong, and if i'll ever go down some more....
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