What am I doing wrong?



  • sarabara06
    I have recently experienced the same problem. I think the thing to do is stay in your healthy calorie range and watch the amount of sugar and fat in your diet, and try to weigh yourself just one morning a week on the same day. And obviously keep up with your work out, make sure it's not getting too easy. I have found that if I weigh myself everyday it's discouraging, especially when I did great the day before. Women especially can be prone to hold on to water weight. Plus I know this is gross but if you haven't pooped before you weigh yourself that number could be off by a pound or so. I drink two cups of coffee first thing in the morning to take care of that :) I recommend it to anyone who has a hard time staying regular
  • luv2hate
    luv2hate Posts: 38 Member
    dont look everyday, look every week :-)
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    Just because you gain a little doesn't mean its bad. You could just be gaining muscle. Muscle weighs heavier than fat. Don't get discouraged, all that matters is how your feel in your skin.,

    as has been said before but it's always worth repeating

    Muscle and fat weigh the exact same amount - 1lb is 1lb is 1lb - no changing that - the thing that is different between muscle and fat is that muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space - kind of like 1lb of steak takes up less space than 1lb of cotton candy