1300 calories???



  • sassi5
    That is normal. I am at 1200 a day and still eat and have a beer or a glass of wine. It just depends on how much you want to lose and how quickly.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    1200 seems to be the magic number on this site. I eat around that most days and am usually content. When people feel they need to eat more than this they're usually doing so for emotional reasons, not actual hunger.

    I just want you to clarify your statement - are you saying that people that eat more than 1200 calories a day do so for emotional reasons? Please explain?
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    I think it really depends on what you eat/drink. If you stick to lean protein/veggies, its doable. Plus, I don't drink alcohol/juice/soda, so its not too bad.
  • Sixlairds
    Sixlairds Posts: 15 Member
    My goal is 1300 calories as well. I'm 5'2" and I weighed almost 300 pounds. I have been working hard to make this work and most every day I stay well under the 1300 calories. Tracking honestly and looking at other people's diary's has given me great ideas to accomplish my goals in a healthy way.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    I hope your GF apprecciates your compassion. My husband doesn't even want to hear how frustrated I become at always having to leave the table hungry! He has no idea. All he has to do is take the stairs every day and cut out sodas and he loses! I have to limit limit limit my calories just to maintain. It gets old!
  • kgordon88
    You have to make sensible choices. I spread my calories evenly across breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have a healthy snack between each meal. I also do not eat after 7:00p.m. I thought it would be hard to maintain 1300 calories, but now if I eat more, I feel stuffed. You will be able to do it-just plug foods into your app while you are at the grocery store.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1200 seems to be the magic number on this site. I eat around that most days and am usually content. When people feel they need to eat more than this they're usually doing so for emotional reasons, not actual hunger.

    that is not a magic number, that is the minimum MFP will give anyone. Most people that only get 1200 tend to have their weekly weight loss goal set much too aggressively (2lbs/week when it should be 1 lb/week)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're happy, healthy, making progress and aren't ready to keel over from hunger, then you're eating fine. I eat 1890 a day and I'll bet there's people that don't get that I can loose weight like this. I don't even get the "are you dieting" questions because of how I eat. And, yet, I'm loosing. My BFF is 4 inches shorter than me and does the same on a 1400-1600 a day plan. There are people who do just fine on 1200.

    If you aren't happy, aren't loosing, feel bleh then taking a look at what you eat is a good thing, regardless of how much/ little you eat.
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    I am a small woman (5'0", 125 lbs) and have set my weight loss goal to 1/2 a week. My calorie goal is 1250, and whenever I eat more than that I gain weight. I was suprised to learn that it was definitely a goal I could maintain. My biggest changed was breakfast. I usually eat homemade oatmeal and have greek yogurt for a mid-morning snack. I cook at home more, which made a huge difference. I also started cooking with more whole grains and vegetables. I can eat quite a lot of food in a day under 1250 calories. But I am also a big believer of eating back your exercise calories. On those days I can eat extra.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I have my goal at 1400 calories - I also believe that 1200 is not realistic and actually is not healthy. Consider eating fruit and vegetables - Carrots are higher calorie for a vegetable, and one small serving of them is 35 calories. Add up a baggie for lunch or whatnot - and you're around 100+ just for carrots. CARROTS! The same goes for berries or for any other fruit - those add up quickly. I believe in eating wholesome foods that are minimally processed as well - but food is food and it's calories. Our bodies, by design, run on fuel.

    For example - yesterday I could tell that I didn't have nearly enough calories during the day because when I went to exercise that night I had the hardest time energy wise. I also have been eating under my calories this week and not eating my exercise calories and I'm stalled a little bit. When I eat more, up to my calories and some of my exercise calories I seem to lose more.

    I'm not a fan of deprivation 1. I believe food is art and there's way too much art out there not to enjoy yourself. 2. I burn a lot of calories when I work out and to be at my best while exercising I NEED TO EAT! 3. I'm not a fan of size 2 deprive yourself girls who are perpetuating the way women should look today.

    My own individual Rules:
    1. I don't drink my calories - and I look for lower calorie beers that are good.
    2. I stay away from pastas.
    3. I stick to way super low calorie breads when I do.
    4. Substitute my meats occasionally, or else bulk them up with vegetarian options.
    5. Lots of fruits and veggies added to recipes.
    6. Eat protein whenever possible rather than carbs - but don't avoid carbs like the plague, I love my treats and fruit, and who can say no to a nice crusty piece of bread with soup.

    Here's my beer go to list -

    1. A Bottle of Guiness is 125 calories
    2. Michelob Ultra light - Cider - 120 Calories
    3. Piss beer - Miller 64 - still 64 calories.

    There are options for beer - and it's a bit like playing tetris. You gotta see where all the blocks fit.
  • thinnnnnnner
    1200 seems to be the magic number on this site. I eat around that most days and am usually content. When people feel they need to eat more than this they're usually doing so for emotional reasons, not actual hunger.

    I just want you to clarify your statement - are you saying that people that eat more than 1200 calories a day do so for emotional reasons? Please explain?

    Sorry, I guess I should really only talk about myself. 1200 (or less) generally satisfies me, and if I find myself eating more it's usually not due to actual hunger. From browsing the forums though, seems like the body can be sustained on 1200, and there's many emotional eaters that feel the same way. Was not my intention to offend anyone. If you can eat more and lose weight all I can say is that I'm jealous!
  • thinnnnnnner
    1200 seems to be the magic number on this site. I eat around that most days and am usually content. When people feel they need to eat more than this they're usually doing so for emotional reasons, not actual hunger.

    that is not a magic number, that is the minimum MFP will give anyone. Most people that only get 1200 tend to have their weekly weight loss goal set much too aggressively (2lbs/week when it should be 1 lb/week)

    I only say that because I see so many people reference 1200. I didn't mean it scientifically or anything.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Pfffffffffffffft! I can barely eat 1300/day.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I used to eat 1200, and yes, I could do it without feeling hungry, half the time I didn't even reach 1200. However, I was without energy, miserable, not losing much weight, and even slept terribly. Then I asked people on MFP about it, and they directed me to this post:


    and I did exactly as it said, and now I eat 1660 at least, and I've already, in less than a week, lost more than the past two weeks, I have way more energy to exercise more, and I slept all the way through the night for the first time in weeks. All I have to say is, I used to think that you couldn't lose weight with more than 1200 calories a day, and I was afraid to go over that. Turns out I was WRONG! I've never been happier to find out I was wrong in a long time. lmao!

    That being said, everyone on this site is more than welcome to do whatever it is they feel is best for them. I'm not here to tell you to do otherwise, just to say what my experience was.

    So to answer OP, yes it's possible to only eat 1300/day, but it might not be the right calculation for her. It depends on her weight, activity, etc. If you are worried, I would go to the link above and find out what she should be eating.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Can't fathom being stuck at such a low calorie intake. I'd kill somebody. I'm 5'9" and 219, and I generally take in between 1800 and 1900 calories a day and I'm averaging about a 1.5 lb loss a week. Never hungry and people don't know I'm "dieting" because I'm eating real, yummy foods. It's delightful.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    MFP doesn't like this, but some people need to cut down to less than 1200/day in order to lose weight effectively. I'm a big, 6' tall guy, and I'm eating 1700/day. Most people don't get that you really need to eat very little in order to lose weight. That's why so many people fail at it.
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    I see my GF and her projected calories for the day and it boggles my mind. How does someone limit their calorie intake to 1300 calories a day? That pretty much means you HAVE to exercise for a decent amount of time every day. And then you still can barely eat. Let alone if you want to go out for a few drinks?

    Am I missing something? Is that crazy or no?

    Well mines at 1320 calories per day and its pretty easy to achieve if you exercise for an hour or skip a meal.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I have a bodymedia FIT, which measures my activity level throughout the day. I have a desk job, work 8 hours a day, go home and sit on my butt or exercise and then sit on my butt. When comparing MFP to my bodymedia fit, "sedentary" is too low. I think it is for most people. And for most people 1200 calories per day is below their BMR. Not healthy to eat so little every day. Yes, if you exercise, you eat more, but for a lot of women here, they are not eating those exercise calories. They claim they aren't hungry, or they are "short," or have some other excuse that makes them a unique and special snowflake. I think most women can eat 1700 calories or more and still lose weight, retain their lean body mass, have energy, and maintain their sanity. This is sustainable to me.

    The fact that we continue to perpetuate the idea that women need to eat so little and torture themselves for several months to weigh some magic number that will supposedly bring them all the happiness in the world really bothers me. It's not reality.

    I agree with this.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    It's not that hard when you're eating healthy, actually it's pretty easy, when I ate super clean I'd struggle to even hit 1300.. these days not so much lol.
  • audreanna76
    I eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. It's feasable...if you eat smart and healthy.