Just me?



  • bugiya
    bugiya Posts: 8 Member
    I have loss 15kg and I thought with that weight I looked ok but now that I am smaller I feel bigger then ever my trainer has said sometimes it takes awhile to except your new body. I now try to concentrate on a healthy inside in hopes that I will see a healthier body, but gee I wish the loose skin would go away
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Bump. Can relate a lot
  • georgie181
    I have lost 56lbs in total and I wear a size 10 (although my waist measures 34.5inches???? any ideas?) I still look at larger sizes and find it very hard to buy clothes.......I can not see things that will look nice and don't want to try them on incase they don't.........

    Before I thought I looked okay, my boobs were alot bigger when I was a size 16-18!!!! Now I see a saggy stomach (following 2 c-sections!) covered in stretch marks, flabby, loose all those gross things :(:( sigh................

    BUT and its a big but, my arms look better then they have ever done :) My legs are toned, except on the inner thighs a little, minimal celulite remains on top of thighs and my bum is ALOT perter :) so I guess I will just have to wait for some time until my stomach looks better, but at least I can admire some of my other body parts which are sexier thhen they have ever been even when I was smaller then I am now :)