Can't eat over 800 calories a day.



  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This short thing is total BS. Please stop talking about it.

    <---- 5 feet tall and eats way more than 800 a day.
  • Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    I'm not short, actually tall for a woman, 5ft 8in. But I am getting older, and had my children at a very young age, so my body seems to think I am older than I am.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    What happened to support on this site? Geez people, she is asking for help and answering to rebutal all of your "ideas". OP, I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from, I have a food scale and measure and weigh everything that goes in my mouth and for the first 4 weeks I was on here I ate 1200 cals a day and gained 5 lbs. I stick to around 800 now and exercise and usually end up negative or even with my net at the end of the day. THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME! You may be in the same pool. I eat and I don't skimp when I do. I eat high fiber and low calorie raw fruits and veggies that have less calories in them than it takes for my body to process. Just because I don't eat 1200 calories doesn't mean I am not eating until I am full or that I am starving myself. I am just making smarter decisions about what I am putting in my mouth rather than eating for the calories. If this is what works for your body and you are not having blood sugar lows or not able to exercise due to no energy or you are having health issues develop, then go for it. I have been on this regiment to lose my last 31 lbs for about 4 months and am completely healthy. Feel free to add me, I will support you as much as possible and give advice.
    You can say whatever you want, but statistically speaking, even short, petite adult women who are active and engaging in 3-5 days of exercise will need considerably more than 800 calories to maintain weight. If they are capable of doing so, then either: they have depressed their RMR and hormones to such a degree due to chronic calorie restriction that they are full on a fraction of what they should be consuming; or they have a medical condition such as hypothyroidism.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Your body is all screwed up from eating so little all the time that it doesn't know what to do when you start feeding it healthy amounts... Just eat more for a while and stop stepping on the scale.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    What happened to support on this site? Geez people, she is asking for help and answering to rebutal all of your "ideas". OP, I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from, I have a food scale and measure and weigh everything that goes in my mouth and for the first 4 weeks I was on here I ate 1200 cals a day and gained 5 lbs. I stick to around 800 now and exercise and usually end up negative or even with my net at the end of the day. THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME! You may be in the same pool. I eat and I don't skimp when I do. I eat high fiber and low calorie raw fruits and veggies that have less calories in them than it takes for my body to process. Just because I don't eat 1200 calories doesn't mean I am not eating until I am full or that I am starving myself. I am just making smarter decisions about what I am putting in my mouth rather than eating for the calories. If this is what works for your body and you are not having blood sugar lows or not able to exercise due to no energy or you are having health issues develop, then go for it. I have been on this regiment to lose my last 31 lbs for about 4 months and am completely healthy. Feel free to add me, I will support you as much as possible and give advice.
    She didn't ask for support, she asked for advice. That's what is being given.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Assuming you do not have any medical conditions that would interfere, my first guess is that you are not counting calories correctly (estimation errors) and/or you are not allowing enough time (ex: weigh yourself in a few days, see 1 lb of water weight and panic assuming you gained fat).

    Those are my blunt guesses.

    ^ What Mr.Steel said.

    OP you are seeing water and glycogen stores causing you to "gain weight". It isn't fat though.

    Joe.....please explain further for us rookies.......

    please and thank you
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    This short thing is total BS. Please stop talking about it.

    <---- 5 feet tall and eats way more than 800 a day.

    Shorter people generally have less mass, which requires less energy, hence the lower BMR. Just because you eat more doesn't mean you're the rule :tongue:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member

    4'11'' and maintenance at 2000 calories.

    Or you are really bad at calculating calories, or you totally shot your metabolism to hell. You do not gain weight at 1200 calories....bloated....yes absolutly, fat .....absolutly not.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    What happened to support on this site? Geez people, she is asking for help and answering to rebutal all of your "ideas". OP, I COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from, I have a food scale and measure and weigh everything that goes in my mouth and for the first 4 weeks I was on here I ate 1200 cals a day and gained 5 lbs. I stick to around 800 now and exercise and usually end up negative or even with my net at the end of the day. THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME! You may be in the same pool. I eat and I don't skimp when I do. I eat high fiber and low calorie raw fruits and veggies that have less calories in them than it takes for my body to process. Just because I don't eat 1200 calories doesn't mean I am not eating until I am full or that I am starving myself. I am just making smarter decisions about what I am putting in my mouth rather than eating for the calories. If this is what works for your body and you are not having blood sugar lows or not able to exercise due to no energy or you are having health issues develop, then go for it. I have been on this regiment to lose my last 31 lbs for about 4 months and am completely healthy. Feel free to add me, I will support you as much as possible and give advice.

    Most everyone that has responded has given advice, no more than you have. Just because its not the same advice you would give does not mean people are not being supportive. She asked a question, she is getting answers, its up to her to decide what to do with the information. Chill out.
    ^ I agree with this reply. You have no place deciding what is or isn't support, and just because you think you have the correct advice for her doesn't mean it will be the most helpful to her. I think a lot of the other replies are valid and I think it's great that the OP has so much support, so she can think clearly and weigh her options for deciding what to do next.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    I'm not short, actually tall for a woman, 5ft 8in. But I am getting older, and had my children at a very young age, so my body seems to think I am older than I am.

    I am 5' 8", weigh 158lbs and I eat at least 1500 (I'm on LG so I cycle up to 2300) calories a day. I do not care so much about the scale, I am trying to lose body fat, not weight. I would definitely say 800 is way too little. If it is a medical issue, then a visit with your doctor would be good to evaluate if this is entirely medical, however, my money is on that you are way under eating your calories and your body is not happy with that.
  • Mintjaly
    Mintjaly Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I was always thin until I had my third child (17 years ago). It took years to get within 10 pounds of my pre baby weight. I have managed to maintain the weight until 3 years ago when menopause hit at 50. Now I have ballooned to my all time high. I have always eaten fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy, and fish, with some red meat and lean chicken, and exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes. My blood work is normal. I went to a nutritionist, lost 5 pounds and maintained after that on her program, and she couldn't understand why. She advised just to exercise 5-7 times a week. A co-worker told me About this site so i started keeping track of my food, and doubled my exercise time from 30 to 60 minutes, but still only 3 days a week. I eat between 750- 900 calories a day, and finally am able to loose some weight. I started August 13 and have lost 12 pounds. I am NOT starving, i feel fine, but I truly believe my body just does not need that much food. I am 5' 7" and look my best between 135 a 140. That is my goal. Some of us, especially as we get older, just don't need as much food. And truthfully, if you are not eating junk, sweets, and starches, the fruits and veggies are lower in calories and you can eat plenty to fill up and not feel hungry. It is working for me. If it works for you, stop listening to everyone else. I know 1200 calories is too much food for me. I can't even eat that much in a day unless it is cookies and cake!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This short thing is total BS. Please stop talking about it.

    <---- 5 feet tall and eats way more than 800 a day.

    Shorter people generally have less mass, which requires less energy, hence the lower BMR. Just because you eat more doesn't mean you're the rule :tongue:

    My BMR is 1123ish. it does not make sense to eat 800 cals a day especially with exercise and normal daily activity. Yes, obviously I have less mass, (91# LBM to be exact) but that still requires a minimum of 1200+.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Your height itself has nothing to do with how many calories you require. Your lean body mass, base metabolism (BMR) and further, total energy expenditure (TDEE) are the variables that you should be looking at.

    A woman who is 4'11" and 200lbs is going to have a very different caloric requirement to maintain her weight than a woman at 4'11" and 100lbs.

    I would do research on your BMR and TDEE and set up a nutritional plan for yourself, with a strong focus on eating whole foods rather than just a calorie allocation (water retention due to sodium intake is not a fun variable to introduce). Then, you need to make sure you stick to your plan for at least a month before you give up and say "1200 calories is making me fat". It takes time to see a positive trend after you change a variable in your life. You may see a gain on the scale for a while. Don't lose heart, just keep going. Remember that your body's natural reaction to change is to quickly store fat for survival. it's imperative that you give yourself a chance to adjust. Being hungry is not necessary to lose and maintain your weight.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Your height itself has nothing to do with how many calories you require. Your lean body mass, base metabolism (BMR) and further, total energy expenditure (TDEE) are the variables that you should be looking at.

    A woman who is 4'11" and 200lbs is going to have a very different caloric requirement to maintain her weight than a woman at 4'11" and 100lbs.

    I would do research on your BMR and TDEE and set up a nutritional plan for yourself, with a strong focus on eating whole foods rather than just a calorie allocation (water retention due to sodium intake is not a fun variable to introduce). Then, you need to make sure you stick to your plan for at least a month before you give up and say "1200 calories is making me fat". It takes time to see a positive trend after you change a variable in your life. You may see a gain on the scale for a while. Don't lose heart, just keep going. Remember that your body's natural reaction to change is to quickly store fat for survival. it's imperative that you give yourself a chance to adjust. Being hungry is not necessary to lose and maintain your weight.

    What is this logic???
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    My guess based on personal experience is that you aren't eating enough. If you start eating more, you probably WILL see some weight gain at first. But, if you keep it up your body will adjust.

    I'm also a proponent of weight lifting.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member

    I was just happy to make it through this entire thread without seeing the words "starvation mode"

    Carry on...
  • I struggled for three years trying to lose weight on a lower calorie diet - even though in the back of my mind, I knew I wasn't eating enough. I used a simple calorie calculator that I looked up on Google to determine my calorie intake for MAINTENANCE, not weight loss. I subtracted about a hundred calories to round it down to a nice even number and compensate for mis-measurements. Then, I go on a walk for an hour to an hour and a half most days. I get between 4 and 5 miles in at least 4 times a week, but not more than 6.

    In order to eat that healthy calorie number, I had to RAISE my calorie intake by over 600 calories a day, and I lost 5 pounds the first week after struggling for that three years to budge a single ounce.

    The hype is all true - if you don't eat "enough" but you eat enough not to starve to death, your body compensates by reducing your metabolism drastically.

    I am 5'5", and my diary is public. You are welcome to look at it. I will admit that my calorie choices have not been the best the last two or three days, so have mercy, please! :)
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I read your profile and you state you have been skinny your entire life, even while having children. Am I correct to assume that perhaps throughout your adult life you have been likely eating below what you typically would to maintain weight? If so, then over the years your Resting Metabolic Rate has decline causing you to be full on very little. Another reason you may experience this problem is due to the medical issue of your glands.

    I agree with this. When I cut back calories drastically for years, the first thing that happened (according to my nutritionist) was my metabolism slowed down. When I started eating normal again, it took awhile for my body to adjust to the higher intake.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    go based on #'s and facts maybe!!?? what is your bmr what is your tdee??
    also.. you have already lost 19#'s on here.. (shows on your ticker) so how was that done?! by how many calories??
    were you doing 1200 cal a day with that wt loss or?? i know/heard that if you are TOO low to start wtih .. it can throw your metabolism off... you should DEF Not be 'gaining wt ' when you eat 900 cals a day!?!?! thats not squat.. esp w/exercise and such.. SOMETHING isnt adding up..
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I struggled for three years trying to lose weight on a lower calorie diet - even though in the back of my mind, I knew I wasn't eating enough. I used a simple calorie calculator that I looked up on Google to determine my calorie intake for MAINTENANCE, not weight loss. I subtracted about a hundred calories to round it down to a nice even number and compensate for mis-measurements. Then, I go on a walk for an hour to an hour and a half most days. I get between 4 and 5 miles in at least 4 times a week, but not more than 6.

    In order to eat that healthy calorie number, I had to RAISE my calorie intake by over 600 calories a day, and I lost 5 pounds the first week after struggling for that three years to budge a single ounce.

    The hype is all true - if you don't eat "enough" but you eat enough not to starve to death, your body compensates by reducing your metabolism drastically.

    I am 5'5", and my diary is public. You are welcome to look at it. I will admit that my calorie choices have not been the best the last two or three days, so have mercy, please! :)

    ^^^^^ good info here!!! wow 3yrs and nada huh?!?! so glad your loosing now and grubin more!.. ive heard that quote.. you hafta eat to loose!... I have a "friend" on here on mfp... shes been on mfp 3 times longer then me.. and has lost a pound less then I! and we are near same wt as well... and she does NOT eat enough.. she never eats any exercise cals back.. and is only averaging like 900 a day.. and i KNOW shes shot down her metabolism