Can't eat over 800 calories a day.



  • sandygaylegunn
    sandygaylegunn Posts: 87 Member
    I relate. It is trial and error for me. :sad: I did 16 weeks of Weight Watchers last year and lost .5 each week without exercising. I definitely could not eat everything WW told me to eat and still lose. If I ate over 1,000 calories a day, I could not lose an ounce......... Now, doing an hour on the bike each day and strength training 2-3 times a week, I thought I could eat all my exercise calories plus 1200. Not so! I was gaining. So, last week I started trying 1200 calories and NOT eating back any of the exercise calories and I finally lost .8 pounds......... :drinker: I am 65 y/o, 5'1" and very inactive except for my hour at my gym. I have emphysema, on oxygen 24/7 and am taking meds for my thyroid....... I will be seeing my doctor soon, and will be interested to see what he has to say about the slow rate I am losing....... I dont' see anyone my age with my kinds of health issues even trying for fitness. :heart: I am so glad I found you guys (much better than Weight Watchers)!!! :wink: Oh, and I have 50 pounds to lose... Sigh. :blushing:
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Its really hard to help if we can't see your diary. Make it public so we can look over it. Are you watching your glycemic index, sodium, time of day that you eat, what kind of exercise are you doing? Its really hard to give any advice when I am in the dark as far as your food and exercise diaries.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    Maybe you need to re evaluate and change up your exercises. After a while your body starts to get used to what your doing and just quits reacting. I used to spend an hour everyday on the eliptical and it did nothing for me, now I do 30-55 minutes of Insanity and it is working. Change is good!
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    Bullsh*t... straight up bullshi*t I am 4'9.5" tall I eat on average 1500 calories a day (depending on my activity level) and sometimes on weekends I eat well over 2000 and still lose weight. Just because you are small means nothing - I do not eat child sized protions I would die. Infact on days where I am at 1200 calories (not often but it happens) I wake up the next morning starving.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    You might not be eating the right foods, but with a closed diary, no one can really help.
  • ldholcombe
    ldholcombe Posts: 97 Member
    I'd guess that you are not logging correctly.

    I am logging everything, even condiments and spices.

    Open your diary and let us have a look.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think it all depends on how LONG you're eating 800 calories and then how long you're eating 1200. If you jump from 800 calories up to 1200 calories all of a sudden, and only do it for a few days..of course you're going to gain. Eventually your body is going to get used to eating more calories, and you should start losing. It takes time for your body to adjust when you have fluctuations in your diet.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member

    Open your diary and let us have a look.

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Open your diary and let us have a look.

    Am I the only one secretly expecting her diary to be 800 calories a day worth of ketchup and turmeric? :)
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    5 feet isn't that short, you're not a little person (is that the PC term to use these days?). I'm only 5'3", so not much taller, and I eat grown up portions of food. At least 1500 calories a day, more depending on the amount of exercise I've done.

    It takes more than 800 calories a day for your body just to function. Your BMR is more than that. Give it more time, measure yourself, and after a month I can almost promise (I say almost because I'm not a doctor or registered dietician) that you'll be better off.
    Agreed! I'm 4'11" and I eat 1200-1600 calories a day, depending on my activity level. Being short doesn't mean you only eat 800 cal, it means instead of the "average" 2000 you eat more like 1600-1800.
  • dlam24
    dlam24 Posts: 1 Member
    I am the same exact way. And I am very active as well, so there is no stepping that up. Its frustrating and I understand but have no answers :(
  • tryinghard71
    Open your diary and let us have a look.

    Am I the only one secretly expecting her diary to be 800 calories a day worth of ketchup and turmeric? :)

  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Go to the doctor and see if your thyroid needs to be checked. I have a hypothyroid and was working out 2 hours a day and only eating 1200 per day. I wasn't losing but a few pounds a month and I didn't undertand. Everyone thought I was closet eating or something. After I got on my meds I worked out an hour a day and ate 1200 and the pounds melted off. Only you know you best. If you are logging and working out it may be medical. Google the signs of a hypothyroid and see if you experience any of them.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Eat 1400 calories for a full month and do not step on the scale. keep up your normal routine. i think you will be pleasantly surprised. Eating too little isn't fun OR good for you. Don't pay attention to fluctuations over a week- or even a MONTH if you know you are staying on track.

    ^^ this. One problem I had in the past is that I used to weigh myself every day.
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    See a dietician?
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Your profile says you had surgery and they messed up your glands which caused you to gain weight?
    I would definitely see your doctor as this seems more like a medical issue than anything.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    You shouldn't be weighing yourself daily- if that's how you measure your gains / losses-- that's your problem. Weigh yourself once a week and see if you gradually lose weight

    ^^this, too
  • emilym_3
    You should talk to a Dr. It doesn't feel like 800 or less is very healthy
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    This just recently happened to me, and I have literally (diagnosed) the world's slowest metabolism (I did MedGem - 751 calories/day to maintain my current weight). I have, in the last couple of weeks, broken the plateau by changing up my work out routine and adding intensity. I got a heart rate monitor and try to get my heart rate up to 170+ by running hard. It has worked. Just this week, I'm down about 3lbs. If you add intensity/time to your cardio, you will need to go up on calories in order to keep burning though.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Your profile says you had surgery and they messed up your glands which caused you to gain weight?
    I would definitely see your doctor as this seems more like a medical issue than anything.

    Lol yeah, plus... what glands? You have quite a few glands in your body...