Has anyone used a CLEANSE to jump start their weight loss?



  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Depends how you define 'cleanse', I guess. I have always found that having a few days of eating very simple, natural foods, and a partial fast, has had very positive effects on my body and mind, and on my awareness of what I eat and how it affects my body - and this automatically jumpstarts me into eating more mindfully and healthily. It puts your body into a state of restoration, and your digestive system is not working so hard, so your body is rested and refreshed.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I was waiting for my RX at Target and saw this cheesy Acai ultimate cleanse in the aisle for 11 bucks with 2 bucks off. I get constipated a lot...even when I eat TONS of fruits/veg. I had no side effects but it really just got rid of some extra "baggage" my weight loss that had stalled has gone down 3-4 pounds and my stomach is much flatter. Frankly I'm shocked. I was expecting NOTHING.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Do not do it. For all the reasons stated above. Unless you are told to do it by a Dr.
  • LarsyRagnhild
    LarsyRagnhild Posts: 29 Member
    You'll feel more healthful and light. I don't believe they work in the ways they claim, but they may help to get your mind there. My boyfriend is a post-doctoral medical scientist - told me not to bother with detox cleansing. He also said that my body has a balance that I shouldn't really play around with. Our bodies are constantly cleansing. He also said something about this cleansing capability being evolutionary, then he started being a real nerd and I lost track.

    I don't listen to him all the time so I am actually going to do a cleanse of some sort. Just to see how it feels.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
  • x_biggirl
    I don't think you should cleanse to jump start your weight loss but having a colonic or cleanse of your colon could be worth it
  • spezzie
    spezzie Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I've done a few and apparently they're not safe and not necessary...I did the lemon cleanse and some other high protein cleanse with friends at the office...the result was mostly the same for all of us....the weight loss was between 5 and 8 pounds. But it came back for all of us. It was supposed to boost the metabolism also...didn't feel energized during or after...just pissed cause I couldn't eat what I wanted to!!! :)
    The latest one I saw that seems really really interesting and will probably do it just as fall starts, as they tell me its good to do at the begining of every season...is Dr Oz's cleanse....its only 3 days and the menus make alot of sense and I think its worth a try...so, I will try in starting Friday the 21st...If your interested we can do it together!!! :smile:
  • skinny_cigarettes
    it is amazing for learning when you are truly hungry and they are good for kicking off your weightloss. i'd recommend either a juice fast (but make sure it's not store bought! only natural unprocessed ingredients that you make up yourself) or maybe a 48 hour water/green tea fast, i myself have seen great results with both and i always feel a lot better afterwards
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    I was 53 and used to 3500 mostly empty junk calories a day. I did a 3-day Master Cleanse to kick-start my journey, and I would absolutely recommend it. Never mind whether it cleanses your colon of anything (although it certainly empties you out so you don't feel bloated and thick). It absolutely got me off caffeine and taught me that 1) I CAN control my eating and 2) I will not die if I miss a meal. Those things have been critical to my success, and a 54-pound weight loss (so far) based on cooking clean whole foods (mostly) and balanced, healthy eating. It's a tool to help with your mindset.
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    What cleanse is best before starting HCG?

    Please explain why someone would take a hormone that is only found natural in women during the point in pregnancy that a placenta is developing?

    If you absolutely must have a cleanse, please see your doctor to make sure that your organs are working properly, because if they are, you don't need one, you just need to put healthy stuff in them.

    External cleansing... PLEASE... FREQUENTLY during the weight loss process. Preferably daily. If your a sweaty mcsweatser, more would not be amiss.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    You don't need to 'jumpstart' your weight loss...you just need to start.

    That's a great phrase I'm gonna steal that.

    Yeah I like it.

    I do cleanses sometimes but not for weightloss reasons.
    I think it really depends what your trying to get out of it
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Jumpstarting is great for people who have difficulty getting started though! :-) An effective jumpstart gets the momentum started.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Nope, never did seems kinda gimmicky. Your body does it's own cleanse all the time. I recommend you make sure you get your Fiber, Water (10+ cups), and maybe gets Probiotic's in a Pill form.
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    water & fiber = natural cleanse. Dont mess with your body by fasting or just drinking juice. Just healthy fruits/ veggies and lots of water seem to always help :) !
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I don't know if they work or not, but I can tell you that ditching sugary/andor starchy processed foods and eating low fat / high protein was great for me. I followed a popular diet plan, and was really glad after the first 4 days and got non starchy veggies back, but it was very good from a "reset". Do you have to do it? Up to you. I wish I was one of those people that can just eat one potato chip but I am not.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I've been thinking about doing a juice fast to resurrect my losing.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    Not needing to cleanse/detox may be the case in a body who's digetive system is working properly but in the case of most people in this day and age due to processed, foods, polutions, not enough exercise e.t.c

    People are suffering more illnesses and ailments than ever before because we are filling our bodies with highly processed foods chemicals, medications and more toxins. Looking back decades, people who supplied their own food from their own gardens and farms were far healthier. If it was true that our own bodies fully detox themselves then it would make no sense why the obesity levels, diebetes levels, asthma sufferers are on the increase, the majority of people have mucous (glue like substance) sticking to the micovilli in their guts preventing them from doing what they should be doing e.g aiding digestion, people are not absorbing the nutrients they need for their body this causes all sorts of problems from gut problems, skin problems and yes weight gain/loss problems and general health problems. The mucous needs to be cleansed out from the system to get the digestive system working properly and enabling us to aborb our nurtients properly and to boost our immune systems, as 70-75% of our iummune system lies within the gut. (look up leaky gut) (A good quality Aloe Vera gel for e.g will aid the cleansing of this mucous due to the sapponins in it and many more nutrients that's found in it)

    Also many people have fat around their main organs and this fat is extremely hard to get rid of by diet and exercise alone, even people with a good BMI can have this fat around their major organs and again some detox prgrammes will help to clear that fat

    If you look up Forever living products they do the best Aloe Vera Gel you can get they also have a very good weight management program, but drinking aloe vera gel alone will help to detox your body and get your organs working at their best
  • Yuukigirl
    Although most of the popular ones are dangerous, the basic idea of a cleanse is fairly smart. Especially in some cases where someone is dealing with things like a slower metabolism or constipation(which adds more weight than you think). But, as has been said many times on here, fiber and water are your friends for this. If it's not available in food form(for those of you out there who may not have access to the best food), there are fiber supplements or teas. I personally prefer tea since the smaller serving size is easier and quicker to take(it also usually tastes a lot better). As a last resort, some people resort to laxatives or stool softeners, but this is just a fast track to bulimia if done wrong or too often. Laxatives are meant for people with serious problems, not people who want to speed up digestion. Love your body and spoil it rotten with healthy, yummy foods that promote healthy digestion and good feelings.