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  • thekauz
    Read "Good Calories, Bad calories", they should have it at your local library. i started at 293 am down to 235 and was never really hungry........
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    These are things that I have learned during my journey:
    1Don't over think things and don't get obsessed with the way you look.
    2 Realize that appearance is a small part of it, health is the main goal.
    3Don't compare yourself to others.
    4Be sure to work on mental health so that you can figure out why food has become a comfort.
    5There are no quick fixes so just suck it up and put in the work.
    6 Everyone is different and their bodies need different things so what works for one person may not work for you.
    7 And don't give up!

    I completely agree. Comparing yourself to others won't get you far at all. People lose at different rates- and people who have more to lose will lose faster and 'easier' than those who don't. Don't take things at face value. When someone says 'I lost five pounds last week', don't start wondering how you could go about doing the same thing because it might just not be possible- or safe- for you.

    Work on mental health, absolutely. I could go on all the 'diets' I wanted, but as soon as something or someone hit one of my triggers, I was done. Figure out why you eat, look really deep inside. If you don't address those issue, you might lose weight... but you'll probably just gain it back.

    My tip is to not let one 'slip-up' spoil your whole day. So you ate a cookie- so what? The day can still be salvaged. Do some extra cardio, have a little smaller supper, whatever. At one point I would have thought, 'Well, I've gone and screwed up the day. May as well eat whatever I want and start fresh tomorrow.' Now I know that if I've eaten something that's not good for me, I don't have to let it defeat me.
  • passionhi
    Another tip: I keep healthy snacks in my purse, desk, and car. So if I get hungry while I am out and about I won't be tempted to grab something unhealthy.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    oh i wish i had followed that advice yesterday-- i spent 6 hours at the car dealership and skipped lunch. i got sonic on the way home and had the worst headache from not eating anything for that long. i managed to still not binge yesterday (how, i have no idea considering i skipped a meal)-- but, i felt like crapola.

    i'm going to get some almonds to stash in my purse from now on! :)
  • BethMarie920
    I have been trying to lose weight for the past month and have dropped 7 pounds. Which I consider to be a good start and reasonable. My tips are what everyone always says...

    1. Drink lots of water - It has ZERO calories and if flushes out the toxins in your body.
    2. Switch your soft drinks and what not to diet - I did this because I realized how many calories I was consuming before. And lets just say I would rather save those calories that make me feel full.
    3. Work out - Yes I said it. You can't be lazy and get skinny. I try to do cardio mostly because it gets your heart rate up. I am not saying you need to go to the gym for hours. But you do need to get moving. I really like swimming but even going for a walk is good.
    4. Don't eat past a certain hour - Set this for yourself. For me I don't eat past 8pm. I know before I would eat while watching TV and then once the show was over I would just go to bed and not burn those calories. So pick the time that works in your schedule and close your kitchen.
    5. Read the labels - Once you start to notice all those calories, fat, salt and chemicals in the food you might think twice about eating it.
    6. Add FRUIT and VEGGIES - Stop whining about how they don't taste good... just eat them. They have lots of nutrients you need and they are low in calories. I personally like bananas, apples, kiwis, carrots and celery. If you have this on hand you are more likely to actually eat it.
    7. Finally my best tip would be to add in simple exercise throughout the day - This means taking the stairs, parking further away, walking to the office down the hall instead of e-mailing and even walking to the store instead of driving. Just adding this in your day, you won't notice it but it will show on your body!

    Good Luck with everyones' weight loss. I hope these tips are useful. I try to follow them.