What do people do to annoy you while you're working out?



  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I work out at home so it's the kids that decide that is the time to fight or ask me fifty-one questions about some random thing that can wait, lol. One time I was doing tricep extensions with my 8 lb dumbells (don't make fun of me, it's all I can handle, lol) and my four year old picks that time to stroll through the room unbeknownst to me. Whack! Right in the middle of his forehead. That left a mark. I felt horrible. Then two weeks later he does the same thing! This time I am doing side shoulder raises. Smack! Right on the top of the head! This time thankfully he walked through the room with his Dad's old football helmet on, lol. I felt total fear and relief in about a half a second. Definitely got my heart rate up.
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I work out at home so it's the kids that decide that is the time to fight or ask me fifty-one questions about some random thing that can wait, lol. One time I was doing tricep extensions with my 8 lb dumbells (don't make fun of me, it's all I can handle, lol) and my four year old picks that time to stroll through the room unbeknownst to me. Whack! Right in the middle of his forehead. That left a mark. I felt horrible. Then two weeks later he does the same thing! This time I am doing side shoulder raises. Smack! Right on the top of the head! This time thankfully he walked through the room with his Dad's old football helmet on, lol. I felt total fear and relief in about a half a second. Definitely got my heart rate up.

    I whacked my 2 year old who snuck in behind me!!! Don't feel bad. I was doing 30DS and I only have little 3 pound weights....but I felt like an ogre!!!!

    And I hate it when my husband stares at me or tries to talk to me when I'm working out. I started running so everyone would leave me the hell alone....
  • fityogarun
    I have a lot of pet peeves at the gym
    1. Hogging a machine by "texting" on it and not doing anything
    2. They don't wipe down the machines
    3. When girls wear too much make up
    4. There are always those people with ugly work out clothes (im not saying buy $100 worth of clothes but just even shorts and tshirt looks good! I saw an indian lady wearing her traditional outfit while working out)
    5. In classes there is that one person who always tries to be perfect like the teacher or even better than her
  • Teeny820
    It doen't bother me when people workout how every they like...either giving it thier all or bearly moving...its thier workout to do how ever they want...it does bother me when there is lots of open machines to choose from and someone comes and gets on the one right next to me...throws me for a loop, sometimes I will even stop and switch because it makes me uncomfortable :-/
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    when people use the squat rack to do an exercise that doesnt need a squat rack....like curls. come on, we have ONE squat rack... take your 65lbs and go curl somewhere else!
  • Pema91
    When people I know are at the same gym. I really don't want to make eye contact, never mind talk to you.
    I know that doesn't sound very compassionate but this is my sacred place and I don't want to ruin that by pretending to be nice to you.
    Plugs in, heavy metal blaring, I am happy in my bubble.

  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I'm not exactly a hottie...but it is distracting when I work out and can feel certain men staring at me. I mean, I'm old so I guess I should be flattered but sometimes it's just annoying. I don't mind if it's my husband. But some guys are SO not subtle and just stare at your butt. Drives me nuts. I'm there to sweat, work out hard, and get it done.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I work out at home so it's the kids that decide that is the time to fight or ask me fifty-one questions about some random thing that can wait, lol. One time I was doing tricep extensions with my 8 lb dumbells (don't make fun of me, it's all I can handle, lol) and my four year old picks that time to stroll through the room unbeknownst to me. Whack! Right in the middle of his forehead. That left a mark. I felt horrible. Then two weeks later he does the same thing! This time I am doing side shoulder raises. Smack! Right on the top of the head! This time thankfully he walked through the room with his Dad's old football helmet on, lol. I felt total fear and relief in about a half a second. Definitely got my heart rate up.

    I whacked my 2 year old who snuck in behind me!!! Don't feel bad. I was doing 30DS and I only have little 3 pound weights....but I felt like an ogre!!!!

    And I hate it when my husband stares at me or tries to talk to me when I'm working out. I started running so everyone would leave me the hell alone....

    Ha ha. I know what you mean. I tell my husband he has to sit I the other room, do not look, do not laugh, do not talk to me and no matter what sounds you may hear do not come investigate.
  • unwindingarc
    Not cleaning the equipment they use. But more importantly to is put the weights away after they are finished with them. if it is too hard to take the plates off the barbells from benching use less weight next time and take the damn plates off. That will increase the amount you lift just doing that. Sorry for the vent but this is a regular occurrence at the gym I use.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    There is a girl at my gym that annoys the crap outta me... her workout consists of flitting around from cardio machine to cardio machine and spending 5 minutes on each and then sitting on the leg press machine doing nothing but putting her feet up... She is there just about every day at the same time I am (very late), there aren't many other people there and it's just too bizzare not to notice.

    I've seen a couple of readers recently but I'm just curious how you workout and read a book... it doesn't annoy me though.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    When a creepy guy (that I had no clue was watching me) walks up to me after my workout and tells me it was very "exciting" to watch me working out, while he stares at my butt.
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    The people who try to make out they're really pushing themselves and making more noise than they would doing the dirty, but are actually doing pretty much nothing.

    These seem to be the same guys who are stood in front of the mirror looking at themselves with their skinny arms/bodies thinking they look 'pumped' when in fact they look absolutely no different because they could probably crap out heavier stuff than they're lifting.

    The dudes that are doing concentration curls using a bench when they are lifting small weights - learn to do it properly! You will NEVER use that arm movement in real life. Why work at it in the gym? Frustrating.

    People who use the squat rack for stupid stuff.

    People who look at me like i'm the devil because I sweat when I work hard. Grow a set. It's not like I don't wipe anything down when I am done - I always do that. Common courtesy.

    The people who spend more time around the water fountain than actually working out. Grrrr.
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    several things: talk, talk on cell phone, text on cell phone, impatiently wait for equipment, form little mean girl groups, want me to workout as hard or as easy as they are- really? it's MY workout, I know what I can do and what I can't- stand naked in the locker room, have older children in the locker room of opposite gender that are naked or looking at naked women (and I have 3 boys, so I know how difficult it can be but my cut off was 8 y.o for them to be in opposite gender facilities), being the only fat person in a class and being looked at like I don't belong there ( I know I cant do it all, but I can do a lot of it, so let me be), the smell of the workout rooms and the pools and hot tubs that are dirty.

    I don't go to a gym anymore, I do yoga and pilates- and we don't talk during those classes- I walk with my husband around the neighborhood or we bike to the supermarket and I swim with my boys at our pool or the ocean...this is why I love working out now and why I hated it before. Good luck to you...maybe the gym isn't the right place for you, but I understand when it's your only option.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Some of you all need to lighten up.

    So what if someone wears makeup to the gym? Maybe she just came from work... maybe she works nights. Maybe she just came from an overnight date! Kudos to her for getting to the gym after. Maybe she's insecure and doesn't feel like she can even set foot in public without the makeup. So what if someone isn't working hard? How does that affect you? I can see people getting snippy if someone isn't re-racking their weights or is leaving the machines all nasty, but the fact that someone might return texts? Really? Maybe that person has 5 kids at home and the texts are from the babysitter.

    I can't help but notice how many people get on their "I don't judge anyone's decisions" soapboxes on the weightier topics of the day, but discuss something so asinine and judgmental attitudes are rampant. I find it weird.
  • sirthickness
    All of the above annoy me. I am not anit-social, but going to the gym isn't be a social affair for me. If you want to socialize with me, lets go get a beer, glass of wine, a sugar free slurpee, whatever, but when I'm working out, I'm working out. So many good reasons why I invested some money and time and built my own gym. All the equipment I need and I don't have to wait while someone sits on a machine and admires themself in the mirror. If someone did forget to wipe off equipment, it's ok because it's my sweat (btw, I do wipe everything down after my workout). I plug in my Ipod (no wires hanging from my ears), turn it up as loud as I want and hit it. 1 1/2 hours later and I'm done. If I do want some advice, I can seek it out on my own rather have some chump know-it-all tell how to work out. Some people don't seem to understand that we are all different and have different goals. What works for you may not work for me.
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    second repost for no reason.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i work at a gym so i see all kinds of things that tick me off throughout the day. my FAVE... im training a client and someone is just sitting at a piece of equipment resting. i say " how many more sets " can we work in with you"? they say i have 2 more sets and im done. by that time i almost have smoke coming out my ears and i just move on.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Exsist. I can't stand people when I'm working out. I'm lucky I have a big track of wide open empty space and only the occasional passing jogger.
  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    I hate when I am on a cardio machine (treadmill, elliptical etc) and there are about 15 OTHER free machines but Mr stinky and sweaty gets on the machine RIGHT NEXT TO ME and starts working out. I can see if that is the only available machine....but I start breathing pretty heavy and I don't want to have to breath in anyone else's stink....or feel their body heat next to me!!

    Also hate when women wear tennis skirts to the gym...I know its stupid and petty but I just don't think they look cute and they annoy the crap out of me.
  • IronTitaness
    People that keep staring at me like big girls are aliens :(. I searched for so long for a gym and couldn't find one where I felt comfy. So right now I have my own gym at home :)