Support or a Lobotomy Please



  • obrendao
    Some days when I'm so stressed I can bearly function I have to just take a few minutes and practice breathing. I seems silly and simplistic, but I've discovered that when I'm stressed I tend to breath shallow and it takes several tries to fully inflate my lungs. Of course this won't fix your hurts or lighten your load, but it does afford a little time for your body to relax a bit. Also, try to get the right amount of sleep if you can.

    Breathing exercises are great. I do try to sleep well too. Being angry and resentful and hurt are so toxic, but I can't make those go away no matter what I do unless I get out of the situation I am in. Will be doing a lot of deep breathing and trying to meditate just to keep from being overwhelmed. Thanks!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    You are setting a good example for your kids, that should make you feel better! My mom worked her way through nursing school when I was young, and it made me so proud of her! There is a picture of us from her graduation when I'm about 6. She set a good example for me early to work hard and that has always stuck with me. You are doing the same for your kids.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Ah yes, meditation. I have recently heard that you can actually change your brain chemistry by meditating. Not sure how that works, but It sure does help to push all the anxiety away for awhile. I use visualization techniques like imagining that I'm floating along and when worrying thoughts come near I give them a nudge and they float away.

    You could also try some relaxing background sounds if that helps. I recommend earphones if you have noisy children (mine can be deafening at times).
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    can i ask please, what is a lobotomy

    Not to be confused with "LABATTomy" which is performed with Canadian Beer. :smile: You have to count the calories and carbs when performing a LABATTomy.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I hear you! And I can relate, though I was in your shoes many years ago. I think a lot of us moms spend YEARS in at least a mild depression because we are somewhat overwhelmed and can control so little of our own lives. My youngest is now a senior in high school. I love my chldren dearly, but I am not afraid of the empty nest.

    Let me reassure you there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it can be a very long tunnel.

    For today, read this message board post.
    It made me feel better. And don't be afraid of the bible verse reference - it is not preachy.