For those of you that are doing lowcarb

My macros are: 2500 calories, 31 carbs, 97 fat, 375 protein, 2500 sodium

Does that seem to high?(calories and protein) I had to readjust my profile a few different times, it seems like I cant get my numbers right.


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    My macros are: 2500 calories, 31 carbs, 97 fat, 375 protein, 2500 sodium

    Does that seem to high?(calories and protein) I had to readjust my profile a few different times, it seems like I cant get my numbers right.

    I think you'll have a really hard time eating all that protein! It would be best to have your fat higher, fat helps you feel fuller longer. I usually end up with around 100g carbs, 100g fat, 100g protein...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    More fat, less protein would be my vote too.

    2500 calories sounds high to me, but if you eat a lot of of fat and not much carb then there is more latitude with calories once you have adjusted to burning fat as fuel and not glucose (i.e. the stuff from carbohydrates).
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I am eating around 1700 calories a day, and I aim for 50 carb and 100 protein and then let the fat fall where it may.
  • LiftHuff
    If you can afford to eat that much protein, then go for it lol.
  • eduardoschoen
    My nutritionist has me on no more than 12g of carbs per meal/snack. He does not want me to exceed 56g per day though. My goals in MFP have been manually set by my nutritionist.

    Starting weight: 246
    RMR: 2160 (measured by metabolic testing)
    Goal calories per day: 1500
    Carbs / Day: 56 g
    Fat / Day: 100 g
    Protein / Day: 94 g

    Hope this helps. Have a great day and good luck meeting your goals. :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    how did you arrive at those numbers? that much protein is not needed
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Unless you actually weigh over 300 lbs, that's too much protein. If your weight ticker is correct, I would say closer to 200 g protein is more appropriate.
  • maryjay51
    carbs are not bad for you depending on what type of carbs. i avg 120-160 carbs a day .. fat typically consists of fats with omega 3s in them and i avg 50g a day . protein veries from high 90s to 140 depending if im lifting weights, sometimes around 160. pay attention to fibre too ..i like to get in 25-30 g a day.. ive lost 80lbs and im full all the time . i usually force myself to eat sometimes because what i eat is so filling
  • Brian_VA
    I am eating around 1700 calories a day, and I aim for 50 carb and 100 protein and then let the fat fall where it may.

    I agree. Don't take carbs to too low except for a short 2-3 week period at the beginning of a low carb diet. 50-100 is low enough. Too many people think of low carb as no carb and that is dangerous. Just make sure your carbs are the right kind - salad and non-stachy veggies. Don't think they can come from 2 pieces of bread and a bag of chips! NO fruit juice, sugary sodas, bread, cereal, rice, white potato, or desserts. ("None is easier than one" - that was (and still is) my mantra on these types of foods). Light on dairy. Be careful with fruit, at least until you get in the swing of it. Fruit is healthy but sugary. Start with small apples, strawberries, and blueberries about a month into the program. 1 serving a day at first.

    Low carb wraps (Costco has some delicious ones that are 10 net carbs - and that is enough for 2 sandwiches) are a great way to get a few carbs and not feel deprived most anywhere. Fold into forths and put one or two in a ziplock and stuff in your pocket or purse and transfer to a desk drawer at work. At lunch, order a sandwich or burger breadless and assemble your own. This makes low carb lunch so easy! Salad and grilled chicken some days, low carb wrap others.

    Get your protein, and don't worry about fat. Unlike popcorn or chips that you could sit and eat all night, high fat / low carb foods tend to fill you up and self regulate. That 8th strip of bacon just doesn't look near as appetizing as the first! And a second steak quickly loses appeal.

    Drink a full glass of water (16 oz or more) when you first wake up in the morning, and before every meal. This is the best way to stay regular. Believe me when I say this is not to be taken lightly!

    I am not on these forums often, but do use the iPhone app. Friend me if you'd like any help or support with your low carb diet.

    Best of luck!
  • queueplay
    The nutritionist I went to after I was diagnosed pre-diabetic wanted me to limit both carbs and fat. There's nothing left but protein at that point if you're trying to follow that...
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Mfp set me fat/protein/carb goals automatically.
    I'm not sure if I should change them or not?
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    I find I only have weight loss success when doing a low carb diet (around 20-40 net carbs per day) ... Thanks for all the feed back guys
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My nutritionist has me on no more than 12g of carbs per meal/snack. He does not want me to exceed 56g per day though. My goals in MFP have been manually set by my nutritionist.

    Starting weight: 246
    RMR: 2160 (measured by metabolic testing)
    Goal calories per day: 1500
    Carbs / Day: 56 g
    Fat / Day: 100 g
    Protein / Day: 94 g

    Hope this helps. Have a great day and good luck meeting your goals. :)

    You're a 200+ pound male eating 1500 calories? I'd say that OF COURSE you're going to lose weight with or without doing low carb. Restricting both carbs ad calories seems like a hell of a battle and not one I'd recommend for anyone to embark on but since you've gotten the go ahead from your nutritionist I guess in your predicament this could work. Best of luck.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Mfp set me fat/protein/carb goals automatically.
    I'm not sure if I should change them or not?

    MFP has carbs way too high and protein way too low
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    how did you arrive at those numbers? that much protein is not needed

    Just by adjusting my macros on mfp
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    Cals: 1,775 Carbs:44 Fat:118 Protein:133 Sodium:2,500
    Look better? This sets my macros at 10, 30, 60

    Sorry I may seem a bit ignorant . I have only done atkins before in the past as a low carb way. And anything but atkins or calorie counting is just foreign to me.
  • neicey2012
    neicey2012 Posts: 3 Member
    What you you all using to track carbs and find the ratios?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    The nutritionist I went to after I was diagnosed pre-diabetic wanted me to limit both carbs and fat. There's nothing left but protein at that point if you're trying to follow that...

    I would question that! I would worry about your kidney's getting over loaded dealing with all that protein.
  • eduardoschoen
    You're a 200+ pound male eating 1500 calories? I'd say that OF COURSE you're going to lose weight with or without doing low carb. Restricting both carbs ad calories seems like a hell of a battle and not one I'd recommend for anyone to embark on but since you've gotten the go ahead from your nutritionist I guess in your predicament this could work. Best of luck.

    I was a bit concerned a first but my nutritionist and doctor said to go ahead. I actually find it hard to eat 1500 calories a day. Meaning, I eat every 2-3 hours during the day and still find it hard to eat all 1500 much less if I even try to eat back exercise calories.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    The nutritionist I went to after I was diagnosed pre-diabetic wanted me to limit both carbs and fat. There's nothing left but protein at that point if you're trying to follow that...

    I would question that! I would worry about your kidney's getting over loaded dealing with all that protein.

    Couldn't read the article
    as it said it no longer exists.
    Yes extreme excess protein make your kidneys work a little harder but doesn't affect overall kidney function.
    It's probably more something you have to worry about If you have pre existing kidney complications :)