Tell me all about your animals

I am an animal lover. And I love to talk with other people about their pets. So tell me about yours and I promise I won't get that far away glazed look while I secretely work out my grocery list.

We have four rescued dogs and three cats.

Ruby is a saint Bernard. She was found wandering on a highway in another state. They think she was a breeder in a puppy mill. She is seven, very sweet and gentle. She loves our four kids and likes to herd them and keep track of them.

Stevie is a saint Bernard mix. Possibly some pit bull. She is almost two and she was rescued from an Indian reservation in North Dakota. She loves our walks and will run away if the kids accidentally let her out. She likes to chase squirrels.

Dez is a springer spaniel. Full of energy. Seven.

Hazel is a mini Dachsund. She is blind and deaf. 1.5 years old. She is my lap puppy and always needs to be near someone to feel safe. She has learned her way around our house and yard and doesnt take crap from the big dogs If she looses me she pees on the floor. Lately I've been carrying her around in a doggy carrier while I chase my kids around.

Three cats. Two are barn cats we took into our home from my dads farm and one I rescued seven years ago. She is a calico kitty.

Now it's your turn. I could go on and on but I want to hear about your pets!


  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I have two purebred Australian shepherds. Willy is 8 years old and Zephyr is 5 years old. LOVE THEM! They are the sweetest, most active dogs ever! So SMART too!

    I also got a kitten 2 weeks ago, she's 8.5 weeks old now. Her name is Artemis (I'm hoping it inspires her to be a great mouser). I don't know what type she is but shes mostly a cream color but the tips of her fur is grey and her tail and ears get darker grey when as you get closer to the tips. She kind of looks like she's been playing in soot all day. Really cute!
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    My Siamese likes to purr on my neck and catcheek my while I'm sleeping, and my Russian blue sleeps on our couch and swats at anything within arms reach. She also has Klingons near her *kitten* that get distributed away from the litter area on occasion.
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 251 Member
    Anyone who loves animals is THE BEST!
    your pets sound wonderful and so do you!

    I have a little rescued Tibetan Spaniel. We got her in 2008 when she was about 18 months old. Her name, when we adopted her was Honey Bear, and it suited her, so we didn't change it. She usually gets called Honey or Honeybunny.
    She has the sweetest nature and follows me around all day, I don't know how I haven't tripped over her, I guess I have just got used to checking before I move. :D She even insists on laying on the bathroom floor while I have my shower. Every day around 9am, hubs takes her in the car to the leash free park, she doesn't run much but loves walking about and sometimes a play with other dogs.
    We also have a little bird- a budgerigar named Buddy, he was my Mum's pet but she couldn't take him when she moved to Aged Care. He is a real chatterbox!- says his name and that he is a beautiful budgie, give us a kiss, do you want a drink of water, hello darling, and " Twinkle twinkle little star, I'm a little budgie-gar! and lots of other things too. LOL
    If I was younger and hubs was in better health I would have more pets. Can't imagine life without at least one pet though!
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    We have a mini dachshund also! Clayton is almost 2 years old and very loving and affectionate. Definitely a mama's boy, always on my lap. He sleeps in my bed, under the covers with his head on my pillow. So cute.

    We also have a turtle named Cooper who was rescued from a contaminated creek that was being excavated for remediation. He was inches away from being run over by a dump truck. He's very alert and will swim across his tank when we are near it, following us. He also splashes water at us when it's feeding time and will eat right out of my b/f's hand.

    Finally, there are 4 very large goldfish that we collectively refer to as 'stupid fish'. They are actually pretty smart because they were supposed to be turtle food but managed to keep themselves safe until they were to big to be eaten.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I have a female German Shepherd named Jynx.
    She's three and I love her to death.
    So loyal, protective, smart and such a big baby.
    She's gotten me out of some sketchy situations (I live in a rather bad area) and people tend to leave me alone with her.
    Always there for me when I am sad and I swear she can read my mind.
    She was also the EASIEST dog to train I don't even remember doing it and she can do things I haven't even trained her to do.

    Going to get a tattoo with her in mind when I reach goal and might even add her name to it. I seriously love this dog and she's been a better friend then any human has.... I'm going to be lost without her one day.

    I also have ...

    A really big suck cat named Duckie. She's also three and was a rescue.
    She's a tortoise shell and has a really cool mask on her face - a very interesting looking cat and oves to cuddle.

    A bunny that I syringe fed when he was a baby because he got very sick when he was 8 weeks old. Spent four hours getting him (wanted a certain breed and not from a pet store). His name is Harley and he's a character... Him running around all crazy definitely cheers me up.

    Last but not least... I have a pineapple green cheek conure named Mango. He's a bit of a jerk sometimes but he's getting better. He's only 7 months old and already knows how to say his name as well as does the sexy wolf call whistle. He likes to feed my dog too... He tends to think it's amusing and yes... He does laugh and yes it does sound incredibly creepy.
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    No time to tell you all about my dog... he`s just been rolling in bear pooh and needs a bath. That`s probably more than you wanted to know anyways.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I have a Beagle called Dexter - he's nearly 6 months old and he is mine and my partner's baby. He gives us proper cuddles, until he got a little too big and now we have to kneel down to give him his cuddles. Our life has felt complete since the addition of Dexter.

    We also have a hamster named Stewie and 7 goldfish.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    We have a fussy spoiled Brazilian Rainbow Boa named Habanero, a dumb pound cat named Peach, and an adorable mastermind ferret named Cobbler.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have 4 cats currently. I had two for over 11 years whom we lost in a fire 2 years ago. 2 years today actually. I still consider them my pets though.

    We have Jazzy, who was supposedly a female cat, named Jasmine.. he got his sister Belle pregnant in her first heat and they just had the babies 2 months ago. LOL. Kind of a funny story there. Weren't rushing to get them fixed since they were both female and indoor kittens, but oh wells. So they had 4 kittens, sadly, one passed away the day after they were born. My mom took one a week ago, his name's Skittles and he's driving her nutso. We kept the other two kittens, Angel and Boomer. Boomer's name came from Ash from Evil Dead and his "Boomstick." Angel, my daughters love angels. They're hellions. All 4 of them.
  • xXKatrinaXx
    An arabian mare

    2 mini la mancha goats (babies). Super annoying... but I got them to keep my mare company.

    a bengal cat...pisses me off because he is a huge hunter. hes brought home 2 birds in one day and attempted to eat them whole

    a cute perfect little pomeranian :)

    a fat chihuahua i rescued. used to be skinny but now so fat (i dont know how) she cant even jump on the bed. and when i take her on walks i have to practically drag her, when i take her to the dog park she sits at my feet, she just refuses exercise...and i dont over feed her...

    and a pit bull who is super sweet :)
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have a 12 year old tabby named Midas. He acts like a dog, very social kitty, he has drunk out of the toilet :noway: and is a garbage disposal for food. We got him when he was a mere 4 years old, and now he's just a big fat baby. Love him to pieces!
  • Lidenbrock
    2 canaries 10 years old. 5 zebra finches 6 years old ( brothers) 1 hamster 6 months old and a tank of fish - various ages.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have one cat and one dog.

    The Humane Society told me the kitten was a lilac-point siamese. She does have a bit of the coloring and blue eyes, but other than that, she's not at all siamese. She doesn't have the face shape, body build, or voice (I've had siamese before). I think she's a gray striped tabby with a bit of siamese in her for blue eyes. Either way, though, she's a bit of a special needs kitty. There are some people she absolutely adores (my boys, especially) and even follows around and cuddles up with. There are those she likes and will purr for and all, and there are those that she hates like crazy and gets all growly and hissy at the sight of them! Most people she tolerates, but you have to watch out; one wrong move and you could lose a finger. We named her Coconut, but usually call her Coco or (when she's being trying) Nutcase.

    My dog is a recent adoption from the county animal shelter. She is a Blue Heeler (a.k.a. Australian Cattle Dog) and we named her Yarra (aborigine word for river, also name of a lake in Australia). She is sweet and gentle and follows me around the house everywhere I go. She is patient and gentle with the baby and I can use her for a pillow or just give her big hugs. I've never been worried about a bite from this dog. Her only downfall is that she wants to be the alpha dog around any other dogs. She will lunge and pull on her leash when we are out running or even in the apartment complex. I can't let my boys walk her, she can pull them off their feet. We're training her, but it will take time. She also likes to herd the cat, but the cat usually just hides.
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    Luigi is 3. He's been blind since there was an accident at the vet when he was a kitten. He spent about a week in the ICU in an oxygen chamber, and then came home to me for some serious rehab (spoon feeding, drinking with a syringe..etc). But he's a very happy chubby kitty now.
    Deedee is 4,she's technically my boyfriends cat..but we're getting married so she's mine too! She's like the little queen of the house-sweet and aloof. She always sits in the window looking adorable when we come home.
    Roxanne and Elizabeth are kittens we adopted recently. They are the cuddliest cats we've ever had. Elizabeth follows Luigi around all day, and Roxanne lays on my chest at least 3-4 hours a day. Some days I can't get her to leave me alone...she's actually on me now. haha

    Dog: Sophie is 7. We adopted her this year from a family that was moving across the country. She's half rottweiler. She is THE best behaved dog I have ever met. Very protective, very lovey, VERY adorable.

    Hedgies: We have 2 hedgehogs who love to cuddle with each other (Isis and Aphia). If you know anything about hedgehogs you know how unusual it is for them to cuddle. Isis doesn't even hiss very much when you poke at her..and she likes to sleep in my hair.

    We want to get a turtle, some fish, and another dog...but that'll be when we move out of an apartment into a house..soon :)
    Obviously we love animals :)
  • Lakeswoman
    Lakeswoman Posts: 37 Member
    I just have a dog now,,a wee Westie named Darby MacD, aged 5 plus
    Used to have 2 cats, Alexander the Great, a charcoal and white tiger tabby and SammieCat a black long haired American,,who's mother was a Siamese Sealpoint show cat,,and got out one night! We got Alex at aged 6 months and a year later we got Sammie as a kitten. They lived about 18 years each. Sure do miss them.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    We have 5 cats that live in our apartment right now.

    Charger is a diffuse orange tabby and about 18 months old. My husband found him (under a Dodge Charger) in a parking lot just before Thanksgiving last year. Charger has the unfortunate tendency to scratch and bite while you pet him--it's something we're working on.

    L'Hopital (or Lope) is a Siamese-tabby mix (he has color points, with tabby markings) and is around 2, we adopted him from a rescue group because Charger needed someone to play with, and we love cats. I'm not sure what his story was before we got him, except that he came from a foster home in West Texas. When he lived there, he would let the children of the household dress him in doll clothes and push him around in a stroller. He gets bored very easily, which leads to him destroying things--he particularly loves shredding paper.

    Fluffy (we didn't name him) is about 2 and a Maine Coon mix. He lived outside for over a year while a kindly woman fed him (she couldn't adopt him because she had a territorial older cat). We met him when he finally came into the shelter where my husband and I volunteer. He's a big, shy boy, but super sweet once he gets to know you.

    Jack and Penny are 4 month old litter-mates, and are both gray tabbies. Their mother is a feral cat who lives in our complex. I trapped them about two months ago and have been socializing them. I hope to find them a home once they a ready.

    I also feed the about 7 stray and feral cats who live in our complex. I am also in the process of trapping, spaying/neutering, and returning them. Among these cats is a very friendly stray cat I call Anna, who once I trap her kittens (who are wild, but young) I will move inside and try to find a foster home for.
  • fatima147
    animals are so wonderfully weird creatures. i love all animals but cats and leopards are my fav. but unfortunately i cant have a cat coz my mum's allergic to hair
  • herbalkitty
    herbalkitty Posts: 185 Member
    I have 1 gorgeous little cat, got her from a rescue centre just over a year ago when she was about 14 weeks old. Called her Pebbles because of the many different colours she is and she makes me laugh every day :smile:
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    We are dog-people, who never really understood all the fuss about cats. Now we count ourselves as loyal subjects to two regal felines.

    First is Link. We think he's a Russian Blue. My daughter found him living under a ramp to the garage. He was starving, covered with ticks, and naturally a little suspicious of our motives in bringing him inside. That's four years ago, and he has totally won our hearts as a darling lap cat who I swear thinks he's Horton the Who.

    Second is Navi. Again, she was an outdoor stray of uncertain origins. She's a tortoiseshell, we think. It took my daughter a full three months to be able to get close enough to grab her. This happened well into November, when we worried the weather would make her outdoor existence dangerous for her. She's been an indoor cat for two years now, and just this month has decided we are deserving of some TLC. She will stand on our laps for a few minutes at a time now. Navi has played hard to get with us for so long that even small signs of affection are really gratifying.
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    One is a German short haired pointer hes about 2 now. We saved him, German Short haired pointers are hunting dogs, my sister just wanted one because she likes them, the owners were going to kill him because something was wrong with his hips and it looked funny. My sister bought him, and found out when she took him in to the vets that they were starving him. His name is Roscoe. Hes hyper, and loves attention, hes also a really good looking dog.The other One is a american springier spaniel. Her name is Haylie, shes so shy and gets scared around tall people, but she is super friendly when she gets to know you ! She is adorable ! The last one is my dog, her name is Hunny. We don't know what kind of dog she is, but im pretty sure she is part collie/ black lab. She was brought into the vet clinic with a broken leg, and was kept there for 2 months, no one wanted her.... i kept begging my mom to get her, and she finally gave in, when we fostered her. She is so adorable ! Shes protective, and likes to chew everything.

    3 cats, Maggie(a little *****, when she doesn't get what she wants she will bite your butt, she is super cute and likes to cuddle though and looks like Garfield!), Taylor(tiny, cuddle bug and super cute), Nelly( friendly, attacks when you walk by, shes super playful and cute)

    2 guinea pigs, Ruby( she has one eye, and is so friendly and cuddly) and Howard( likes food, and is always eating, doesn't always like to be held but when he does hes cuddly.)

    Yeah, i have alot but i also have a huge family !