Staying on track while partner eats whatever they want



  • szarlotka717
    szarlotka717 Posts: 85 Member
    Yup, being healthy around partners can be challenging. :) I gained about 30 pounds in 2-3 years largely because my husband and I had been splitting food pretty evenly (he's 6'5", I'm 5'7"), he doesn't pay as much attention to fat/sugar when he cooks (which is most of the time), and I started eating much more fast food (as a vegetarian, I hadn't really been going to McDonald's/Burger King/etc. much on day trips/getaways before we met due to their limited veggie options, but he does eat meat and doesn't like Subway).

    Especially since he does most of the cooking, it's helpful for both my husband and me to be on the same page about my goals. We're far from perfect, but here are some things that we have tried:
    *Splitting food so that it's 2/5 for me, 3/5 for him instead of half and half
    *Checking in about shared meals in advance so that I can plan out the rest of my meals and decide how much I want to exercise and when
    *If he really wants pizza/other unhealthy delivery, he mostly orders things that I actively dislike and something smaller/healthier for me to nibble on if I'm hungry
    *Me taking more ownership over what I decide to consume in the face of temptation since no one has been force-feeding me :P
    *Doing more active things together (ie kayaking, walking, bike riding, etc.)
    *Communicating frequently about progress and challenges