Forced flu shot at work



  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    OK sorry I was going through all 14 pages, sorry that your child experienced this, it's just unfortunate.

    I have a girl on my Soccer team that has type 1 Diabeties, and has a pump and we monitor her closely when we have games.

    I understand your position and respect it.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    The first posted above is WRONG! The flu shot prevents you from getting that strain of the flu bug that the shot is aimed at. You can get other flu strains but the shot itself is the flu bug that the CDC predicts will be the "BIG" one for that year.

    The shot actually prevents three different flu strains.

    Wrong - it's four.

    The way they decide what strains to use is that they look at what is prevalent in Asia in the early spring and then predict what three top strains will be the ones that will hit the U.S. Problem is, it's a virus. So it mutates. By the time it gets to the U.S., it may be three entirely different strains. They may predict strains A, B, and C, but then the U.S. will get hit with strains A, S, and T. (Making those up, by the way.) That means that the only one you are protected against would be strain A. Never have the pharmaceuticals gotten all three of the major strains that hit the U.S. correct. Only a handful of times did they get two of them right. The past couple of years, they missed on all three. On top of this, it is not an exact science. It is more like a pot-shot in the dark.

    Oh, the fourth strain: All influenza vaccinations have H1N1. So there are now four strains covered in the vaccination.

    That's one of the major reasons I don't get a flu shot. I don't see the point of putting myself at risk of an adverse reaction when there is a strong possibility it will do me little to no good, anyway.

    More to the point, though, I still think it's ridiculous that any company would threaten to fire someone if they didn't get the flu shot, even a hospital. It's one thing to say they have to wear a mask or they have to stay home if they get the flu, but firing still seems way over the top to me, whether you're a fan of the flu shot or not.
  • Kelly50054
    There is a lot of bad science in this thread. Some of you should stop believing what you read on the internet and start reading peer-reviewed scientific studies. When you stop buying into conspiracies and start reading the science, you'll see the benefits of these vaccinations far outweigh the risks.

    And science is man made, as is all of the shots being talked about on this thread.
  • Kelly50054
    Awesome material here for all interested in educating yourself on shots!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    There is a lot of bad science in this thread. Some of you should stop believing what you read on the internet and start reading peer-reviewed scientific studies. When you stop buying into conspiracies and start reading the science, you'll see the benefits of these vaccinations far outweigh the risks.

    And science is man made, as is all of the shots being talked about on this thread.

    And a lot of the science surrounding medicine is done by the very people set to profit off the medicine. Yes, educate yourself, but don't forget to take your sources into account while doing so.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I think you should fight it. As a phlebotomist we are taught if a patient refuses adn we stick them anyway it is assault and we could be in serious trouble.

    Every place I have ever worked has offered the flu shot and if we did not want it we signed a waiver stating if we got the flu we understood the consequences. The flu is a virus, and it is a different strain of flu every year. The flu shot is at best a guess as to which strain will be going around this year.

    Good luck!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Get the shot unless there is a reason medically to not do it. I always get it and always feel great. I rarely get the flu and rarely even take a day off work sick.. don't remember the last sick day honestly!

    Wellness includes prevention.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • sgOkiozm
    I've had the flu shot three times, and wouldn't you know... those were the only three times I've gotten sick, all within a week of getting the shot. Some people don't react and some don't.

    The years I've skipped the shot, I never got sick. I have a lot of nurse friends who say it's the same thing for them. If the hospital's going to pay for me to be off work when I'm on my death-bed after getting the shot, then they can make it mandatory.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    You would have to fire (and murder) me before injecting a dangerous cocktail of experimental chemicals in me or my children. My mother works in a hospital, and said that a majority of the doctors there opt out of the flu shot.

    I believe vaccines (and other drugs) actually keep us sick. The sick care industry don't want us to be healthy, otherwise they wouldn't have any business.

    My youngest child is 5 and has never had a vaccination, and has only had one illness that couldn't be treated at home. My oldest child was vaccinated until she was 5 because I didn't know better and would get really sick every year. After we stopped vaccinating, she maybe gets one or two mild head colds a year.

    They both have have religious waivers for school, didn't have any problems getting them either. You children do NOT have to be vaccinated to go to school.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I KNEW IT!!!!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Personally, i`d rather have a flu jab...Only ever had REAL Flu once in my life and it totally flattened me for 6 weeks...Took me over 10 weeks to get back to normal..
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    20 years in the Air Force, shot was mandatory every year. Now they give it to us for FREE in DOE and I am one of the first in line to get it. Better safe than sorry!!! Just my .02 :-)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Take the damn shot
  • jaritos
    Your kids have never been sick because you are relying on ALL the other children who DID get their MMRs and other vaccines not to infect them. As more people are taken in by fear mongering, anti-vaccine folderol, your children won't be protected by herd immunity - something they take advantage of, but contribute nothing to. And I say this as someone who *is* immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant and STILL gets their vaccines on schedule.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    Your kids have never been sick because you are relying on ALL the other children who DID get their MMRs and other vaccines not to infect them. As more people are taken in by fear mongering, anti-vaccine folderol, your children won't be protected by herd immunity - something they take advantage of, but contribute nothing to. And I say this as someone who *is* immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant and STILL gets their vaccines on schedule.

    No, I'm relying on building their immune systems and teaching the proper hygiene. Being vaccinated, YOU will be carrying that virus/disease and YOU can spread it to my child from simply having the vaccine. If vaccines are so wonderful then why do vaccinated children STILL get things they are vaccinated for? Sorry, until it's 100% proven that vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective at eliminating illness, me and my children won't get them. I'm not into being a guinea pig for the government and sick care system. That's just me though.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Your kids have never been sick because you are relying on ALL the other children who DID get their MMRs and other vaccines not to infect them. As more people are taken in by fear mongering, anti-vaccine folderol, your children won't be protected by herd immunity - something they take advantage of, but contribute nothing to. And I say this as someone who *is* immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant and STILL gets their vaccines on schedule.

    No, I'm relying on building their immune systems and teaching the proper hygiene. Being vaccinated, YOU will be carrying that virus/disease and YOU can spread it to my child from simply having the vaccine. If vaccines are so wonderful then why do vaccinated children STILL get things they are vaccinated for? Sorry, until it's 100% proven that vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective at eliminating illness, me and my children won't get them. I'm not into being a guinea pig for the government and sick care system. That's just me though.

    You really need to visit other countries where they do not have accessible immunization. Some of these diseases are very hard to treat, such as tetanus and there is a good chance your child will die if they get infected with a diseases like tetanus. I'm all for choices and taking a look at medications individually but thats just it, you have to look at it individually. Stating vaccines are bad is just being ignorant since you are lumping them all in a group without seeing what they are protecting you against. Its not just flus or diseases we are able to fight off if we are healthy, many of the immunizations are to protect your children from disease that are very hard to fight off and have a high mortality rate. Have you seen a child who has picked up tetanus? You would want your child to go through that or polio?
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    I did years of research on my own to come up with my conclusion. I looked at pros, cons, risks, and made my decision on what I felt was best for my family. I'm not telling anyone to or not to, that's their personal choice and what works best for them. I'm not going to sit here and justify my beliefs and actions just for the sake of arguing, because nothing is going to sway my stance. It's not worth the stress and hassle to me. lol
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I did years of research on my own to come up with my conclusion. I looked at pros, cons, risks, and made my decision on what I felt was best for my family. I'm not telling anyone to or not to, that's their personal choice and what works best for them. I'm not going to sit here and justify my beliefs and actions just for the sake of arguing, because nothing is going to sway my stance. It's not worth the stress and hassle to me. lol

    Please keep your children away from infants, pregnant women and the elderly even if they appear to be healthy. While it is your choice whether or not to immunize your children, by not doing so, you're putting these people at risk.
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    My hospital is demanding that everyone take the flu shot this year. You will be fired unless you have a Dr. Note or religous conviction. How would you feel about this at your work place?

    I'd be upset. I"ve never had a flu shot and I"m 33. But if you work in a place where it is forced upon me, and I needed that job to survive, I"d of course get it.