People with sweet toothe. Please help me survive.



  • AbiJj
    AbiJj Posts: 26
    Ok, so 2 things, first give up Tasting anything sweet. Just say to yourself, no, not doing it. Trust and believe in yourself.
    Ok, not to preach, but I have 4 kids and potentially everything could sabotage my goal. So what I do is I get on the Internet and find Jillian Michaels cake recipes and make them up with my kids.
    (I also get my kids to choose something they like for dinner, but it has to be healthy, of a healthy version of what they'd like.)

    I tell my kids that the sugar turns me into grumpy mum, so if they see me eating rubbish, they have to take it away from me and stomp on it, or throw it away. This way I can't turn into a snouty mum. So I'm also more rational, more so than before...

    So now, they think that it's them that don't allow sweets in the house, lol... But I do the shopping anyway...

    Also I tell them it's important that I exercise, so they make me run in the park.

    What I don't want to tell you, is that now my kids, out at parties and gatherings, will stop me from enjoying any foods laid out, either with a slow, disapproving shake of the head, or a comment of "I don't think so mum" sorts...jeez...
  • erikatoth
    erikatoth Posts: 26 Member
    Sweet tooth can be cured, can be trained. I know because i was the opposite. Never too crazy about cakes and chocolate. Always eating savoury snacks - crisps, chips, pretzels, etc. A cupcake or a muffin did nothing to me for 25 years!

    Then, while on MFP, at one point i had a lion bar. and next day i wanted another. and another. then a cake. then icecream. and so on and so forth - i mostly stayed under my allowance, so it didnt blow my diet, but...) - sweet tooth is a habit! now, 2 months on, i am trying to get OFF this habit by deliberately cutting back on chocolate and sweets, hoping to get back to my old ways. you can train your taste buds!!!

    if you go cold turkey (if you can) for a month or so, then you wont crave it so much anymore. then, after you got to that point, you can carefully reintroduce the things you really love, in smaller but satisfying quantities.

    Another thing that helps me is looking through my diary every day and deciding which piece of food i ate that day gave me how much value for their calorific cost. like this:

    morning latte - ohh yes, i needed this, yum
    mid morning apple - this was delicious , definitely worth the 60 cals
    pre-lunch biscotto from starbucks - it was nice but i was already in savoury lunch-mood - this one wasn't worth the 160 cals. (*lesson for next time - think before taking a biscotto)
    tomato soup lunch - this was light and filled me up, definitely worth it
    bread with soup - ohhh yes, delicious
    pear, blue cheese and baby gem salad with lunch - i didnt like it that much, too sweet for a salad. note to self - this was a waste of 200 cals, dont buy it again
    bag of pretzels - i only ate this to try to deal with my dissatisfaction at the salad. didnt really enjoy, and wolfed it down in a hurry - note to self - bad choice and wasn't worth the 200 calorie cost.
    afternoon colleague leaving cake, half choc cake, 300 cals - ommmnomnomnom this was definitely worth it, immensely satisfying and made me not be hungry for dinner, excellent value for the 300 calories...

    and so on and so forth. Hope this helps ? :)
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I too. it's the taste of a sweet thing. It doesn't matter sugar or sugar free it's the taste. There is no have one put the rest away. The only thing that works for me is NOT to have it in the house. You family doesn't need it either. If they want something maybe they can go out get one and eat it on the way home. It'll only take a few weeks. How supportive are they?
    Family traditions are hard. Same thing though. When that food ends up in the house. It sounds like you're the only one eating it.
    You CAN throw it out. You have to take it to a garbage somewhere else, I've dropped things in Mall garbage cans. Or you have to destroy it so it's impossible to eat. Then eat fruits and vegetables. No one ever over ate those. It doesn't take long really for your tastes to change. Keeping food like that around is like asking an alcoholic to sit in a bar all day. Good Luck.
  • erikatoth
    erikatoth Posts: 26 Member
    Lol @ destroying food. I normally stay in business hotels a lot. First thing i do when entering my room, is destroying the complimentary biscuits so that they are unedible. If I dont do it as i enter, they will call out at me before bed.... this way all the temptation is gone!
  • vanessakay2002
    vanessakay2002 Posts: 1 Member
    I eat fruit when i have a sweet tooth and it ususally helps.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    i drink chocolate tea or eat fruit
  • Cookiedough9
    If I crave chocolate i just have an option's hot chocolate sachet :}

    I struggle to not eat cereal though v.v

    I crave bread a lot, and biscuits. Exercise seems to stop me from binging on sweets