How many people have SUPPORTIVE partners?



  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    My husband is in the Air Force so he's pretty fit, but he has eaten every meal I've prepared, doesn't eat fast food when I'm around and tells me what a great job I'm doing. He's especially proud that I've started running and I actually enjoy it. Running comes naturally to him. He told me he'd do a 5k with me too.
  • FenderGuy
    FenderGuy Posts: 32 Member
    My wife is very supportive. We both started our diet plans together in Feb 2011. We each chose different plans, but ate more or less the same dinner every night. Shame on anyone's spouse that doesn't give them support when making a positive change in their life. I can understand the situations where someone makes a feeble attempt at a diet and always fails. After awhile, this would get pretty old for the spouse. But if you give it your best shot and follow through, your partner had better not get in the way.
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    My husband is my biggest fan, and I have inspired him to eat healthier (when he doesn't have me preparing his meals) and work out daily.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My husband does support me but this was not always the case. With him I've been through the "Why bother, you won't stick with it." then to the "Oh no she's really doing it, she's gonna leave me when she loses all her weight" now we are at the "Dang my wife is almost there and she is super hot! She's all mine!!" Sometimes I still think we are at the "She's gonna leave me" stage, because he sometimes acts like I have to reassure him that I didn't do this to find another man, that I did this for me, myself and I.

    As far as food goes, he'll eat whatever I cook but he'll also bring crap food in the house. Though I'm not really bothered by it. The only time I have a really hard time fighting the urges of junk food is during TOM, but if I slip up that's my problem, not his. I don't expect him and the kids always eat perfect. Heck I don't!

    My husband does have my back and he will sometimes during TOM when I need it most say to me "Baby want that back track you? Remember you use to ask yourself all the time what you want most and if that will get you closer or not." Most the time that keeps me on track and I end up thinking him later. BUT Sometimes he'll bring something home and say "You have been working so hard all week and I think you deserve a treat." while I have a hard time letting myself go over my calories or have a "Cheat" day, sometimes I end up feeling better when I do.

    So yeah he supports me now.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    Totally supportive and encouraging husband! He picks me up when I'm having a down day and is always handy with a compliment. He gives me motivation to keep going and look great for him :)
  • Purple_Night
    Purple_Night Posts: 16 Member
    We are both in this together. My partner knows how i struggle with weight and eating and i understand his relationship with food too. We work out together and shop and cook each other healthy meals. We motivate each other - and he discourages me when i want to reach for chocolate!
  • hydelaa
    hydelaa Posts: 184
    My boyfriend likes bigger girls so he's no help BUT he tells me I'm doing a good job and reminds me about logging in because he knows it's important to me :)
  • jntokun10
    I am getting discouraged with humankind seeing all this stuff about husband's/partners being unsupportive.

    My husband eats all the food I cook no complaints, he picks up fresh fruits and veggies, and anything healthy he can get his hands on at the grocery store, cheers me on, tells me I look hot, tells me to rest when I over do it, and says he's proud of me :heart:

    What does your spouse/partner do to support and encourage you?

    My husband is definitely my best friend, my partner, my everything and extremely supportive... this morning is a prime example.. he didn't have to go into work until 9 am and he was well wanting me to stay under the sheets with him shall we say... and when smiled and said sorry baby I promised myself no excuses for 90 days, I have to go get my workout in or the day will get ahead of me an it won't get done... instead of coaxing me to stay with him, he kissed me back and told me how proud he was of me and he'd catch me at lunch HA... any chance he can work out with me he's there and he sets the example on not munching etc... and not getting me munchies... I made him promise if I want them bad enough MAKE me get up and get them so I have to think about it..