No More Excuses - Week 7



  • tigermom79
    Hey everyone

    Sorry I forgot to report in - i actually lost 2 kgs this week! which is 4.4 pounds. I only have 3 kgs (6.6pds) to go to get back into my healthy weight range yeah!

    I have been laid up sick all weekend unfortunately. I hate being sick and even more so in a foreign country. I am now on antibiotics which make me feel awful - lightheaded, dizzy and nausous. So I am not going to exercise this week unless I feel a lot better. right now I would probably fall off the treadmill if I tried. I am just going to focus on eating healthily and try and get better so I'll be in good shape when I get home - only 4 more days now!

    I hope your all having a great week :smile: sorry you are sick. That is yucky. Especially this week! Hope the antibiotics work fast for you! Get some rest.
  • tigermom79
    Good morning team! Well here we are at a New Monday morning!!! :) I am determined to stay after it this week. I haven't tried to make my log public yet, but am going to do so, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

    I actually ran for 5 min last night after the disgusting loss, at 4 mph. That is faster than I have been. I was happy. Did my crunches and side bends this morning! I think my goals this week .....maybe I already listed them. EGADS I can't remember anything today!! ;)

    *Write down everything that goes in my mouth

    *Curves Mon-Wed (they are closed Thurs & Fri)

    *Run 5 miles increasing every day by like 30 sec)

    *Crunches & Side Bends

    REWARD........Wii Fit Plus.

    Everyone have a great Monday!!!
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hey everyone. I am on Day 1 of my 14 day vacation. One of the perks of being a teacher :tongue:
    Had a lot going on lately. I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season.
    My goals:
    I plan to continue to walk and do the elliptical and light stretching/yoga five days per week.
    I plan to eat more protein (I stopped eating meat about 3 weeks ago and need to find other sources.)
    Movie night with my fiance and daughter
    You all are doing so well! I am proud of everyone...
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday ya'll...I have to type about 11 hours today since I didn't work this weekend so today will be a blur. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Amy...I don't blame you. You earned that weight loss, take it.


    Ann and Nisa...Very achievable goals. Good luck!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    The Christmas gifts I am giving myelf this week:

    01) six days of exercise - (already did 20 minutes on bike today)

    02) will eat no sweets, candy or sugar crap all week except a small serving on Christmas day

    03) I will treat my myself to a long bath with the door locked and earplugs on :happy: JK

    04) I will not get on the scale again this week until next Sunday and then I will know whether this week was an accomplishment by how I did, not what the darn scale says!!!!

    Who was the idiot that set these goal?. I am working 8 hours today, taking my grandma shopping after work and then have the family and farm chores. My legs are so sore I can hardly move, I am assuming from running yesterday. UGHHH! I don't want to exercise today.
  • tigermom79
    The Christmas gifts I am giving myelf this week:

    01) six days of exercise - (already did 20 minutes on bike today)

    02) will eat no sweets, candy or sugar crap all week except a small serving on Christmas day

    03) I will treat my myself to a long bath with the door locked and earplugs on :happy: JK

    04) I will not get on the scale again this week until next Sunday and then I will know whether this week was an accomplishment by how I did, not what the darn scale says!!!!

    Who was the idiot that set these goal?. I am working 8 hours today, taking my grandma shopping after work and then have the family and farm chores. My legs are so sore I can hardly move, I am assuming from running yesterday. UGHHH! I don't want to exercise today.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! I know you can. Try not to look at it as something you "have to do", but rather that you want too. Remember you said it was a "GIFT" you were giving yourself!!!!:wink: I know you will do it!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    The Christmas gifts I am giving myelf this week:

    01) six days of exercise - (already did 20 minutes on bike today)

    02) will eat no sweets, candy or sugar crap all week except a small serving on Christmas day

    03) I will treat my myself to a long bath with the door locked and earplugs on :happy: JK

    04) I will not get on the scale again this week until next Sunday and then I will know whether this week was an accomplishment by how I did, not what the darn scale says!!!!

    Who was the idiot that set these goal?. I am working 8 hours today, taking my grandma shopping after work and then have the family and farm chores. My legs are so sore I can hardly move, I am assuming from running yesterday. UGHHH! I don't want to exercise today.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! I know you can. Try not to look at it as something you "have to do", but rather that you want too. Remember you said it was a "GIFT" you were giving yourself!!!!:wink: I know you will do it!!!!

    Thanks Ann, I just decided I wasn't going to do it when I read your reply. I WILL DO IT!!!!
  • tigermom79
    The Christmas gifts I am giving myelf this week:

    01) six days of exercise - (already did 20 minutes on bike today)

    02) will eat no sweets, candy or sugar crap all week except a small serving on Christmas day

    03) I will treat my myself to a long bath with the door locked and earplugs on :happy: JK

    04) I will not get on the scale again this week until next Sunday and then I will know whether this week was an accomplishment by how I did, not what the darn scale says!!!!

    Who was the idiot that set these goal?. I am working 8 hours today, taking my grandma shopping after work and then have the family and farm chores. My legs are so sore I can hardly move, I am assuming from running yesterday. UGHHH! I don't want to exercise today.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! I know you can. Try not to look at it as something you "have to do", but rather that you want too. Remember you said it was a "GIFT" you were giving yourself!!!!:wink: I know you will do it!!!!

    Thanks Ann, I just decided I wasn't going to do it when I read your reply. I WILL DO IT!!!!

    Let me know when you do so I can celebrate with you!!!!! A Tall glass of nice COLD WATER!!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Well, I worked late and had too much to eat for dinner but I did get on the treadmill for week 6 day 1 of C25K. Hopefully that will take care of some of it. I finished about 100 calories over for the day. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

    Amanda...Good job getting your exercise in tonight. I didn't feel like it either, but our group gave me the push I needed.

    Sleep well:yawn:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey Ann, get that glass of cold ice water because I did my exercise and stared down chocolate fudge. GO ME!!!!

    I stayed of the scale today, have exercised for two days and no sweets yet! I ROCK and I am obviously conceited! :laugh:
  • tigermom79
    Hey Ann, get that glass of cold ice water because I did my exercise and stared down chocolate fudge. GO ME!!!!

    I stayed of the scale today, have exercised for two days and no sweets yet! I ROCK and I am obviously conceited! :laugh:

    Excellent.....Here's to you girl:drinker:

    I didn't get my jogging in but did make it to curves and ate under my calories.I have ordered me a HRM. I hope it works. I just don't have a clue what I burn off at Curves so I haven't been adding that in. I am off to a great start this morning! I only have today and tomorrow then off until the 4th of January! YIPEE!!!!

    We have a huge storm coming in, so we will have snow on the ground for Christmas!! YEAH!!! I still like to wake up Christmas morning to the snow falling! There is like a 10% chance!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey Ann, get that glass of cold ice water because I did my exercise and stared down chocolate fudge. GO ME!!!!

    I stayed of the scale today, have exercised for two days and no sweets yet! I ROCK and I am obviously conceited! :laugh:

    Excellent.....Here's to you girl:drinker:

    I didn't get my jogging in but did make it to curves and ate under my calories.I have ordered me a HRM. I hope it works. I just don't have a clue what I burn off at Curves so I haven't been adding that in. I am off to a great start this morning! I only have today and tomorrow then off until the 4th of January! YIPEE!!!!

    We have a huge storm coming in, so we will have snow on the ground for Christmas!! YEAH!!! I still like to wake up Christmas morning to the snow falling! There is like a 10% chance!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

    I woke up this morning to a nice dusting of snow, it is absolutely beautiful!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Had a Salty Day, Chili for lunch + King Crab for dinner = 10,000 mg of Salt in one day.

    I wonder if I am going to retain 15 pounds worth of water.

    I had 4 King Crab legs which according to the sight is close to 6,0000 mg of Salt by itself. (only 520 calories)

    Why do all things that taste so good so bad for ya?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Jack...My dad says if it tastes good spit it out, if it tastes bad then it is probably good for you:laugh:
  • tigermom79
    What a day!!!! YEAH!!!! Tomorrow is my Frida! :)

    I think I ate pretty good today except for the shortbread cookies. But I still managed to stay under calories. I got to Curves. I hope the snow doesn't keep them from opening tomorrow. I will need it.

    Okay so I have a delima.......we have a WII Fit as I think I have said. I just did the "Island Run" on it. You basically run in place and the scene changes on the TV. You have to have the controller thing in your hand or your pocket or you don't move on the screen. IT is actually pretty cool. Amanda when you get yours you will see what I mean!!! Anyway. It took me 12 minutes to "jog" that. I felt great. I have no clue how fast I was going or how many calories I burned as I don't have my pedometer yet! BUT.....I jogged for 12 minutes in place and my knees survived. When I jog on my treadmill for 5 min I feel like my knees are going to break. I know people have said the impact on a treadmill can be hard on your knees. Maybe this is what they are talking about. I can walk on it forever, but the jogging kills me. I get to count jogging infront of the TV and really jogging? I just don't know how realistic that could be. Anyone that is more savy in this stuff than I please give me some insight!!!

    It is almost time for bed. Gotta go check my facebook account and then get ready for beddy bye!!!
  • tigermom79
    Had a Salty Day, Chili for lunch + King Crab for dinner = 10,000 mg of Salt in one day.

    I wonder if I am going to retain 15 pounds worth of water.

    I had 4 King Crab legs which according to the sight is close to 6,0000 mg of Salt by itself. (only 520 calories)

    Why do all things that taste so good so bad for ya?

    Drink lots and lots of water to flush out that salt!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    What a day!!!! YEAH!!!! Tomorrow is my Frida! :)

    I think I ate pretty good today except for the shortbread cookies. But I still managed to stay under calories. I got to Curves. I hope the snow doesn't keep them from opening tomorrow. I will need it.

    Okay so I have a delima.......we have a WII Fit as I think I have said. I just did the "Island Run" on it. You basically run in place and the scene changes on the TV. You have to have the controller thing in your hand or your pocket or you don't move on the screen. IT is actually pretty cool. Amanda when you get yours you will see what I mean!!! Anyway. It took me 12 minutes to "jog" that. I felt great. I have no clue how fast I was going or how many calories I burned as I don't have my pedometer yet! BUT.....I jogged for 12 minutes in place and my knees survived. When I jog on my treadmill for 5 min I feel like my knees are going to break. I know people have said the impact on a treadmill can be hard on your knees. Maybe this is what they are talking about. I can walk on it forever, but the jogging kills me. I get to count jogging infront of the TV and really jogging? I just don't know how realistic that could be. Anyone that is more savy in this stuff than I please give me some insight!!!

    It is almost time for bed. Gotta go check my facebook account and then get ready for beddy bye!!!

    Heck yeah, that is exercise. Does it tell you how far you went in distance. I would definitely log it. But then again I like to eat so I need exercise calories to get more food calories.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Had a Salty Day, Chili for lunch + King Crab for dinner = 10,000 mg of Salt in one day.

    I wonder if I am going to retain 15 pounds worth of water.

    I had 4 King Crab legs which according to the sight is close to 6,0000 mg of Salt by itself. (only 520 calories)

    Why do all things that taste so good so bad for ya?

    Drink lots and lots of water to flush out that salt!!!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    What a day!!!! YEAH!!!! Tomorrow is my Frida! :)

    I think I ate pretty good today except for the shortbread cookies. But I still managed to stay under calories. I got to Curves. I hope the snow doesn't keep them from opening tomorrow. I will need it.

    Okay so I have a delima.......we have a WII Fit as I think I have said. I just did the "Island Run" on it. You basically run in place and the scene changes on the TV. You have to have the controller thing in your hand or your pocket or you don't move on the screen. IT is actually pretty cool. Amanda when you get yours you will see what I mean!!! Anyway. It took me 12 minutes to "jog" that. I felt great. I have no clue how fast I was going or how many calories I burned as I don't have my pedometer yet! BUT.....I jogged for 12 minutes in place and my knees survived. When I jog on my treadmill for 5 min I feel like my knees are going to break. I know people have said the impact on a treadmill can be hard on your knees. Maybe this is what they are talking about. I can walk on it forever, but the jogging kills me. I get to count jogging infront of the TV and really jogging? I just don't know how realistic that could be. Anyone that is more savy in this stuff than I please give me some insight!!!

    It is almost time for bed. Gotta go check my facebook account and then get ready for beddy bye!!!

    Ann, if you go to the exercise page and type in jogging. There is a jogging in place. 12 minutes equals 116 (?) calories, I think. Hope that helps!!!
  • tigermom79
    What a day!!!! YEAH!!!! Tomorrow is my Frida! :)

    I think I ate pretty good today except for the shortbread cookies. But I still managed to stay under calories. I got to Curves. I hope the snow doesn't keep them from opening tomorrow. I will need it.

    Okay so I have a delima.......we have a WII Fit as I think I have said. I just did the "Island Run" on it. You basically run in place and the scene changes on the TV. You have to have the controller thing in your hand or your pocket or you don't move on the screen. IT is actually pretty cool. Amanda when you get yours you will see what I mean!!! Anyway. It took me 12 minutes to "jog" that. I felt great. I have no clue how fast I was going or how many calories I burned as I don't have my pedometer yet! BUT.....I jogged for 12 minutes in place and my knees survived. When I jog on my treadmill for 5 min I feel like my knees are going to break. I know people have said the impact on a treadmill can be hard on your knees. Maybe this is what they are talking about. I can walk on it forever, but the jogging kills me. I get to count jogging infront of the TV and really jogging? I just don't know how realistic that could be. Anyone that is more savy in this stuff than I please give me some insight!!!

    It is almost time for bed. Gotta go check my facebook account and then get ready for beddy bye!!!

    Heck yeah, that is exercise. Does it tell you how far you went in distance. I would definitely log it. But then again I like to eat so I need exercise calories to get more food calories.

    I definately like to eat too so I need the excercise. It doesn't tell you how far you have gone. I wish it did. I am anxious to get my pedometer that will help a little. I am just talking to my youngest and he has used the wii fit plus over at his grandmas with his older brother, and he is telling me that it has a calorie burn system on it. I am getting that after the first of the year.

    Thanks Amanda!!! I think I am off to get some water!