No More Excuses - Week 7



  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, did you see my other post about the exercise page???
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    The Christmas gifts I am giving myelf this week:

    01) six days of exercise - 3 days down, I am halfway to goal

    02) will eat no sweets, candy or sugar crap all week except a small serving on Christmas day - I ate some english toffee today

    03) I will treat my myself to a long bath with the door locked and earplugs on :happy: JK - this I have also did

    04) I will not get on the scale again this week until next Sunday and then I will know whether this week was an accomplishment by how I did, not what the darn scale says!!!! - have stayed off the scale, almost hopped on today as it is my one year anniversary of being on this site
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Tomorrow is going to be hard, dh has a disc-o-gram at the hospital so I will be there all day. I am hoping to be able to run the stairs or something while I am waiting. I am also hoping that I don't stress eat. I will get though this and so will my dh.
  • tigermom79
    Ann, did you see my other post about the exercise page???
    I don't think I did! Where do I find it?
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Ann, go to your exercise page, then when it says enter exercise, type in jogging. Scroll down to jogging in place and then click on it and enter the 12 minutes.
  • tigermom79
    Got IT!!!! Thanks Amanda!!! Dad gome I still have like 700 calories then to eat and I'm not hungry. Plus it is 9:30 at night!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    How many of those calories are from exercise? If you are truly are not hungry, I would just let them go. I don't think it is good to eat just to eat. Drink some chocolate milk or something if you want, but IMO I would just let them go, if are truly not hungry.
  • tigermom79
    How many of those calories are from exercise? If you are truly are not hungry, I would just let them go. I don't think it is good to eat just to eat. Drink some chocolate milk or something if you want, but IMO I would just let them go, if are truly not hungry.
    300 from curves, and about 200 from working out on the wii....jogging and step aerobics
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    My son is getting the Wii for Christmas and I would like to buy the fitness program for it. Can anybody tell me what I need to buy and about how much it is? They had a step combo at Sam's Club but I wasn't sure if you had to have the board thing as well. Thanks!
  • tigermom79
    My son is getting the Wii for Christmas and I would like to buy the fitness program for it. Can anybody tell me what I need to buy and about how much it is? They had a step combo at Sam's Club but I wasn't sure if you had to have the board thing as well. Thanks!

    You will LOVE the wii fit!!!! At least we do! Yes, it usually comes as a package deal...the program and the board. You do need the board for the program to work for most of the games and training! We also have a "nunchuck" thing that is used for the boxing. I think we got ours off either Amazon or ebay for around $80. GameStop has them too I believe. Hope you enjoy it like we do!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good evening from South Carolina...Hope everyone is doing well and ready for Christmas. I actually had to get out into the holiday traffic today to get some grocery items but it wasn't too bad. I've had a pretty good week so far but that is about to end. We are cooking dinner here tomorrow and then brunch at my dad's on Friday. I will try to eat smaller portions and get some exercise in but that is about all I'm shooting for.

    Ann...Thanks for the info on Wii Fit. I hope to get it after Christmas.

    Amanda...Hope your day goes well at the hospital.

    Amy...Hope you have a great Christmas at home with your family. Travel safely.

    Merry Christmas to all. I wish you a safe and happy time with your family.
  • littlebigbird
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been online for a couple of days. We spent today on the road driving north to my parents for Christmas, so now I'm writing this from Newcastle (near Scotland if that helps). I managed to stay almost within my calories today despite having to eat at a diner en route, but I didn't get the chance to exercise. Going to the local swimming pool with my mum in the morning though, so that should help.

    My scales told me yesterday that I'd lost the first of the 3 pounds I'm trying to shift in what's left of this year. Very happy about that - so now let's see if I can say goodbye to the other 2. Wish me luck!!

    Alison x
  • Angel1029
    Hello everyone!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I've been doing goon on my exercises and eating. Haven't had any junk food in about a month and believe it or not I don't even crave any at all. And I'm a big time junk food eater so I'm proud of myself.
    Hope everyone else is doing well. Keep up the good work ladies!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!!
  • tigermom79
    Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!!! Off to Family Mass and then home to Chili!!!!!!
  • littlebigbird
    Merry Christmas everyone. Only 20 minutes to go this side of the pond!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve to all. We had our dinner here today and I overate but I only had breakfast and a late lunch. Maybe it won't add too many pounds. We have to leave early in the morning to go to my parents' house for breakfast so I will wish everyone a Merry Christmas early. Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Merry Chistmas everyone!!!!

    Good news and bad news. Went to the Gym today, and weighed 212.8, that is down over 3.2 pounds already this week.

    Bad news..............Ate like a horse today, but it was SOOOOO Good. Had Hamburger for lunch and a ton of Smoked Turkey and Beef Brisket from my favorite BBQ place for Xmas Dinner. (plus I ate 2 Chocolate Chip cookies at church)

    400 calories over on the day, and that includes 460 bonus exercise calories. I was way over on Saturated Fat and sodium, so I bet I gained a pound back when its all said and done.

    Tomorrow we are having shrimp and crabcakes for lunch, and BBQ leftovers for dinner, so it will be hard to be good tomorrow.

    My Gym does not open until Monday, so I am going to have to do exercises around the house estimate use my scale for weigh in on Sunday. (No tenths on that scale) We are getting a ton of snow tonight, so maybe I can get some snow shoveling calories burned tomorrow.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I am feeling pretty proud right now. Went to my mom's, ate a lot and drank two cokes. I know my calories are over but I only two sweets and I realize I don't feel sick, over-full or miserable. My pants don't feel tight and I am extremely happy! I feel good and I am probably getting ready to pull an all-nighter. Santa has work to do. :wink:
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    mmmmmmmmmmm, Coke, I haven't had one for two months.

    Sadly, if I were to do it over again, I would have had one chocolate chip cookie and one Coke. Same amount of calories and less fat.