Low carb/high protein



  • blackbsm
    blackbsm Posts: 32 Member
    I will look into the gluten intolerance. They didn't say anything about that, just her cholesterol, triglycerides, thyroid...the basics.
  • Lattegurl
    Lattegurl Posts: 67 Member
  • blackbsm
    blackbsm Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks again everyone. I'm going to have a talk with her, make a list of foods she will eat, and try to reasearch and plan out some meals.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I love egg white omelets...with veggies, or meat. I love yogurt....but it's hard to find one low in sugar. I only use Stevia to sweeten things. Lunch I eat lean meat and veggies. For my snacks I usually eat apples, raw almonds, string cheese & grapes. Dinner I eat meat & veggies. Rarely do I eat bread, pasta, potatoes. I have lost my weight using this.

    Good luck
  • hoosieral
    Good fish like Halibut, Cod, Dophin, or other white, WILD CAUGHT fish is very high in protein, but very low in calories and carbs. I love to have it two ways.....lightly sauteed in flaked into fish tacos with chopped romaine, lite Daisy Sour Cream, cilantro, onion, salsa, and guacamole. Another great way to prepare such fish is to dredge in egg wash, and use Panko Bread Crumbs to coat, then bake at 350 degrees for enough time to turn the fish completely white. If you like it crisp, then cook at 350 until white, and turn it to broiler for one minute to crisp.
  • Dragonfaire
    Dragonfaire Posts: 2 Member
    Okay peeps, I need some advice. My 17 year old daughter went to the doctor today and they want her on a low carb high protein diet, and I need ideas. She doesn't like oatmeal, and is not a big red meat eater. So please give me your suggestions...
    Oatmeal is NOT carb friendly. You should look at http://yourlighterside.com for recipes that are carb friendl!
  • marce119
    I lost 45 lbs on the South Beach Diet. To me its not a diet but a lifestyle change. It will be difficult at best for a 17 y.o....but check it out. If you can just make her realize its all about a lifestyle change, maybe she can avoid yo=yo dieting the rest of her life like I did until my success with South Beach. Good luck.
  • Culley34
    If she has high triglycerides and LDL cholesterol -- it sounds like a dietary issue. She's a teenage girl, so she's under some type of social pressure. You may want to ask if she's closet eating. Is she stressed out with classes, colleges, friends etc...? As evidenced by these boards, (over)eating is usually a response to something deeper going on in one's life.

    Drop the 100 calorie packs, sodas, and juices-- they're junk and will detract from her athletic performance. Think of calories as gasoline for a car-- you can't put the cheap, unleaded stuff in a Ferrari. Tell her to look at fruits and veggies (sweet potatoes and bananas both have plenty of potassium to keep the muscles from cramping).

    FWIW, I have a family history of high cholesterol and I dropped it from 258 to 163 in six months by switching my diet.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Others have gave you some good suggestions... just wanted to offer that I am learning how to live on a low(er) carb diet to balance out blood sugar levels -- I do about 180 carbs a day and 1700-1900 calories a day. My diary is open if you want to look at it. The key for me has been to add in protein wherever I can -- lots of dairy, nuts, nut butters, and meat when I can (I don't really love eating meat though, so that is one reason for lots of dairy!). Also, someone had mentioned South Beach and I wanted to recommend a recipe blog I LOVE which is very South Beach/low-carb friendly: http://www.kalynskitchen.com .
  • Cuna77
    Cuna77 Posts: 75 Member
    Bump 4 later
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    feel free to add me as a friend and look at my diary from the last 2 weeks I have been on a lower carb diet, and I do not eat ANY red meat. Fish and chicken are great as they are high in protein and very low in carbs, also lots of green vege's (but not so many legumes - beans, peas etc) to work out the net carbs of a vege you minus the dietary fibre from the total carbs. I allow myself a relatively normal carb content for brekkie then the rest of the day I cut out 90-100% starchy white carbs, so no bread, pasta, wheat, grains, corn, potatoes. its working for me so far. I also try to do some exercise 4-5times a week, anything that gets my heart rate up a bit for at least 30mins.

    good luck, and ask your doctor what exactly he means by a low carb diet, what are the specific macro's he recommends for your daughter? until you get this information perhaps try logging what she currently eats on a typical day (including any secret eating, we've all done this at some point) and then cut that down by say 10-20% (assuming this doesn't put her on a very low carb diet, unless recommended by your gp i would not suggest going into induction phase atkins - ketogenic, that will be VERY low for an active, growing 17yr old girl) and see how she goes on that, google for healthy NET carbs for her age, height, weight, lifestyle etc)

    take care, and keep us posted :-)
  • ThinningDownChick
    Thanks everyone!!! I'm gonna do some more Internet research. She is 17, a 2 sport athlete but she has been gaining weight over the past two years, around 50 pounds. All of her blood work is great, she only drinks one regular soda per day, if she has that, the only snacks in the hoes are fruit and 100 calorie packs. I fix her breakfast and dinner, if lunch isn't at school, we pack it from the house. She has been really trying this whole summer, and she's gained 5 lbs. Nothing makes since. The doctor said her diet isn't balanced, too many sugar & carb calories (cereal for breakfast, the 100 calorie packs and juices for drinks). Again...thanks for all your suggestions. I have a feeling the next several weeks are going to be extremely difficult.

    She needs to cut out her soda, it's really not good for her. At her age and activity I would shy away from a "low carb" diet and gear more towards a balanced healthy diet consisting of a balance or protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat. make sure it's "real food" though. 100 calorie packs aren't "real food".
  • Dragonfaire
    Dragonfaire Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I'm gonna do some more Internet research. She is 17, a 2 sport athlete but she has been gaining weight over the past two years, around 50 pounds. All of her blood work is great, she only drinks one regular soda per day, if she has that, the only snacks in the hoes are fruit and 100 calorie packs. I fix her breakfast and dinner, if lunch isn't at school, we pack it from the house. She has been really trying this whole summer, and she's gained 5 lbs. Nothing makes since. The doctor said her diet isn't balanced, too many sugar & carb calories (cereal for breakfast, the 100 calorie packs and juices for drinks). Again...thanks for all your suggestions. I have a feeling the next several weeks are going to be extremely difficult.

    She needs to cut out her soda, it's really not good for her. At her age and activity I would shy away from a "low carb" diet and gear more towards a balanced healthy diet consisting of a balance or protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat. make sure it's "real food" though. 100 calorie packs aren't "real food".
    What you consider healthy and what actually is are 2 different things if you are saying not to do a low carb diet...